Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 734: Tier 9, Shaw Crystal, Living Star

"But after all, it's a dozen or five. Even if there is remote assistance from the Star Cannon, can it really win?"

Liu still has some concerns in his own hands.

"Can't win?"

浪 Chen Lang heard a mournful laugh and then seemed to think of something again, and said, "Let's go, there should be a guy you should meet and get to know each other formally."

I said.

In the confused expression of everyone, Chen Lang patted his palm and said, "Little crystal, don't peep, come here!"

谁 "Who peeped? It was awful to speak."

Xiao Xiaojing's figure appeared instantly, and everyone didn't even react.

The weakest of them is also the sixth-order peak. At this time, looking at the small crystal, there is no feeling at all. This is a very strange thing.

Gene warrior systems are gaining popularity today.

Naturally, some people study hard, so that the gene warrior system has gradually formed its own framework.

some of.

I have some abilities that need to be similar to practice or repeated learning experiments, such as the sixth sense.

The sixth sense of the evolutionist is completely different from the past humans.

This is real.

Even after the sixth order, the excavation of the sixth sense is still very limited, but it can still have some amazing abilities.

For example, perceive opponents.

For example, enhance combat instinct.

Etc., etc.

Among them, there is the perception of others.

Generally speaking, as the sixth-order peak, they feel a sense of crisis when they perceive the seventh-order Linbei, but this sense of crisis is very weak, just because Linbei is the seventh-order and has the power to crush them .

一旦 Once Lin Bei had a heart attack, or they were assassinated by other seventh-order, as long as they were seventh-order, they would have a sharp sense of crisis.

I face Chen Lang differently.

For Chen Lang, their perception is very limited.

No matter how you perceive it, it is a kind of vain feeling, very similar to Lin Bei, but obviously more elusive than when facing Lin Bei.

陈 When Chen Lang was angry, they could feel the sense of crisis soaring rapidly.

When Chen Lang was happy, they could feel like a spring breeze.

This is all brought by the sixth sense.

Gene warriors call this sixth sense the battle intuition.

Is a kind of ability that is different from superpowers, which everyone has, but different development and different effects, but they really exist.

I can now.

Everyone faced the little crystal, but they didn't feel anything at all, just like the girl in front of them was an ordinary person, they could not feel anything at all.

It surprised them a little.

after all.

I said that this girl is really an ordinary person, it is obviously impossible, she appeared instantly, even if they did not see the slightest.

Is like teleportation.

I can say that this girl is very powerful, they are a little unbelieving.

Liu Yishou and others have already recognized who the girl in front of them is.

肖 crystalline!

Xiao Xiao Ai's sister suddenly emerged.

she was?

Isn't she the young daughter who was lost and abducted by Mother Xiao? How could the boss remember to introduce her to everyone?


It looks like she has some unique abilities. After all, this normal teleportation speed is definitely not something ordinary people can have.

Is she really not an ordinary person?

Liu was the first to doubt life.

Because he lives nearby, he often sees Xiao Jing and Xiao Xiao Ai walking together, and has asked about Xiao Jing, and even observed it silently.

But the only conclusion he got at that time was that she was an ordinary person, and she was also a severe Internet addiction patient, playing games every day.

The magic world is so addictive that she let Xiao Xiaoai recharge her a lot of money.

Liu Liu always felt helpless in Xiao Ai's sudden extra sister.

的 The bitterness of the past is finally getting better now, but there is another hindrance. Can this be helpless?

But today, it seems that I have thought too much.

This girl seems a little unusual.

I looked at the small crystal, Liu muttered secretly.

Everyone else was watching Xiao Jing silently.

浪 Chen Lang beckoned everyone to enter the Earth Skynet control room on the top of Yuehua City Federal Building, and signaled everyone to sit down.

Then began the introduction.

With a smile, he reached out and pointed at Xiao Jing, saying, "My wife's sister, Xiao Jing, Xiao Ai is not mainly responsible for the work of the Federation now, but is more responsible for the communication between some federations and Super God Technology , But you can see her occasionally, have you ever seen Xiao Jingjing? "

Everyone didn't know why, but nodded.

"She's Nine Tier!"

浪 Chen Lang faintly spoke four words.


In a flash, everyone couldn't sit still, and all stood up in shock, looking at Chen Lang and Xiaojing in disbelief.

"Nineth order?"

Liu stunned with one hand.


Yuli couldn't help taking a deep breath, and was a little excited, saying, "Langer, is she the ninth step?"


Chen Lang nodded and smiled: "Like the 9th-order fake replacement, a living star! She is the reason why I dare let Li Assassination and Kazlon take the lead. As long as Li Assassination dared to succumb to the sun or surrender, etc Yes, there is naturally Xiao Jing to pack them.

It just so happens that I lack higher biological energy.

I said something in my heart, I also wish they dared to run. "

"Nine steps, this is the case, this is the case!"

They were shocked for a long time, and then they started talking with excitement and excitement.

I am an evolutionary.

He is in power.

Naturally, they will consciously study some knowledge and information in the universe, of which, of course, they also need tentative things.

For example, the universal strongest general order.

Under the gods, the first to ninth order, the first order is the weakest, and the ninth order is the strongest.

Tier VIII has the combat power to destroy the planet and starburst force. For most civilizations, it can already be called a god. After all, there are only eight divine civilizations in the universe. It is also countable.

算 Even if higher civilizations are not worth mentioning in the universe, on average it is calculated that ~ ~ has not discovered one in a large galaxy.

As long as it does not provoke higher civilizations and above, the eighth-order strongman can do whatever he wants in the universe.

They are gods in the hearts of mortals.

But in the eyes of the strong are not worthy.

Wu Ke is much more powerful than Tier 7 and there is a clear gap.

Therefore, the eighth level is called the demigod level.

The ninth order above the eighth order is even more horrible. The ninth order powerhouse, called a pseudo-god, can become a **** powerhouse in one step.

I realized some laws of the universe. Although I did n’t control the divine power, I also spent a lot of energy to do things similar to the gods.

For example, the physical body shuttles space, breaks the space of the universe, is almost immortal, and so on.

The ninth-order strong is also called a living star.

With this evaluation, between the ninth-tier and eighth-tier powerhouses is a huge watershed, and a big difference.

With a nine rank, civilization can be promoted and so on.

From this we can see how terrible the Nine Tier Powers are.

With Xiao Jingjing, what is mechanical civilization? What about Assassins and Kazlon?

Don't say five eighth steps, even if there are fifty or five hundred, is it not a slap to death?


This time it is really stable! !!

General Manager and Morgan and others couldn't help showing a relieved smile.

Compared with the caution and nervousness just now, they now think more about how to plunder mechanical civilization and grow the earth!

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