Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 765: Who is born to be replaced?

Chapter 765 Who is born to be replaced? (For subscription)

"Did you mean, let me transfer to the cultivation method of earth civilization?"

The Broken Lord is a little hesitant. Although he can be convinced that the so-called strongest method of the universe in the earth is the top-level method of the universe, he still does not believe in the strongest theory of the universe.

The universe is too big, and the gods dare not say that they are the strongest.

Not to mention a new civilization?

From the point of view of the broken sage, if the small crystal agrees with the strongest, he even thinks that it is entirely because the earth civilization is a new civilization, has little knowledge of the universe, and has great arrogance.

This kind of thing is too common in the universe.

"You constitution ..."

Xiao Jing stared at the Broken Lord carefully, then shook his head, and said, "The strongest is the strongest because it does not make a person with a shallow background into a supreme power. This is unrealistic, also It is absolutely impossible to violate the rules of the universe.

The reason why it is the strongest is the excavation of the constitution. The deeper the constitution, the stronger the excavation. For those who have gone this way, what is to be done is not what kind of practice and cultivation. What to do is Look for something that makes up for itself.

Whether it is resources, blood, genes, or even knowledge, etc.

This is the strongest way to combine all kinds of things, so it can be called the strongest.

in short.

Mortal practice will inevitably be the strongest among mortals, and spiritual practice will inevitably be the strongest among the gods. With the same level and same physique, this method of spiritual practice can be excavated to the limit.

Although your physique has gone through hundreds of thousands of years of polishing, it has evolved from an obscure low-level life form to the present level, but to say the bottom line, you are too shallow.

The body and potential of your body have already been tapped by you. In this case, even if it is fully developed and fully tapped, at most, it will allow you to double or triple your physique without continuing to practice. Then, in your current situation, you can live for tens of millions of years without dying.

But are you willing? "

Then, Xiao Jing looked at the Broken Lord.

How could Broken Lord be willing?

He is the world's first strongest in the mother star. Later, with the death of the mother star stepping into the starry sky, the martial arts heart has remained unchanged. Today, his biggest pursuit is not immortality, but becoming god.

He wants to step higher, to see the wider landscape, and to pursue stronger martial arts.

Such people.

How could it be willing to stop and live?

Entering the ninth stage in 100,000 years, because of physical reasons, he has never practiced, but even so, he has reached the level of half-step great respect, which shows his genius.

And this is the genius.

You let him choose to live for millions of years, is this possible?


The Broken Lord looked ugly, shook his head almost without any hesitation.

Just when he was about to give up, Little Crystal spoke again.

"However, although your constitution cannot directly practice, you can choose to take a new path and start again!"


The shattered lord's eyes brightened.

"You should also be able to see the extraordinaryness of the earth people?" Xiao Jing smiled and said, "Everyone looks like a god, as long as they are not fools, have some doubts in their hearts?"


The Broken Lord nodded and said solemnly, "So, I will take the initiative to let the earth's civilization benefit, and other major civilizations will actively associate with the earth's civilization. This is a big reason.

However, according to my silent observation and induction over the years, your earth civilization seems to have nothing to do with the gods. At least on your earth, there is no breath of gods or artifacts. "

"The earth is a descendant of the Protoss!"

Xiao Jing didn't answer the word of Broken Lord, and said coldly, "The specific information is inconvenient to disclose, but the earth is indeed a descendant of the Protoss. In the human body of the earth, there is a gene of the gods. I That being said, you should understand? "

The shattered lord's eyes brightened.

As a Lord of the Ninth Order who has lived for so many years, there is no need to elaborate on many things.

He understood the meaning of Little Crystal.

"God's genes contain infinite heritage and potential. Therefore, the earth's people can have the strongest body when they practice the 'strongest method'? Da Zun, do you mean, let me respawn on the earth and regenerate? "

All in all, the eyes of the Broken Lord are getting brighter.

As a celestial wizard, after he had understood his own situation, he had never thought of losing his house and being born again, but it had no practical significance.

Because the law is something that is integrated into the soul.

As long as the soul is his, as long as he is still conscious, the result of the re-entry is not different from the present one, and it is even possible that he will die in a re-enter without growing up.

This is the way he once gave up.

But now listening to Xiao Jing's words, he suddenly realized that this was really a good idea.

The Earthman is different from other civilizations. The body of the Earthman contains the **** gene ~ ~. It is a descendant of the Protoss, and with the ‘strongest method of refining’, one ’s physical strength is definitely extremely powerful.

This can not only solve the problem of the broken rule, but also increase the strength and strength of one's body, without any weakness, and directly enter the level of great respect.


Broken Lord is already a little excited.


At this moment, Chen Lang frowned and stood up and said, "As human leaders, what we need to do is to protect and protect all human beings. How can we do this kind of thing?

The so-called takeover is to destroy a consciousness and replace it.

Who killed it?

Who is born to be replaced?

Moreover, this precedent cannot be set. Once it has been set, if the outside world knows to come and win, then what will our earth look like?

We humans, or humans?

This doesn't work, change it. "

Chen Lang's tone this time was extremely decisive and cold, full of unquestionable feelings, even the small crystal couldn't help but stay in place.

The same is true of Qinggang and Broken Lord.

For a moment, they didn't know what to say.

In terms of interests, the Broken Sovereign is the next generation to be the earth man. In addition, Broken Sovereign's mother civilization has long since perished, Broken Sovereign is a natural wizard, and the future is doomed to rise.

This is definitely the best opportunity for the earth to pull a top-tier combat force.

Even though the Broken Lord could not melt into the earth, he would then be a human being with a new parent and family, and he would never sit idly by when the earth was in danger.

In this case, Chen Lang refused?


Is it because of the so-called guardianship? Isn't a ninth-level or even a great respect worth less than an ordinary person on earth in Chen Lang's mind?

(End of this chapter)

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