Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 766: Pingbai hurt my brother's relationship

Chapter 766 Pingbai hurt my brother's feelings

"Lord Chen Lang!"

At this moment, hesitated slightly, Broken Lord spoke, and he solemnly said, "To be honest, my value in your eyes is not as good as an ordinary earth person, which annoys me.

However, comparing heart to heart, after all, I am an outsider in your eyes, and if the words of the earth people are no longer useful, that is your tribe.

So I can understand.

And your guardian way, let me admire.

It is extremely difficult for a civilization to survive in the universe, and the failure of a leader's cooperation often determines the direction of this civilization.

Although you do n’t think you are a qualified leader in this choice, there is no doubt that when you are a leader, the people of your earth civilization must be happy.

I can give you and the earth a guarantee.

I won't choose someone who has self-awareness. I will try to negotiate, pay some price, and choose an unborn baby.


You also know that I have no mother civilization. Although they call me Lord, in fact I am a wanderer.

Since I choose to regenerate on the earth, the future earth civilization will also be my hometown. Although my mother civilization, although I have no intention of the world, I can promise that whenever the earth is in danger, I will go all out.

At the same time, His Excellency Chen Lang needs it. As long as it is reasonable and reasonable, I will never quit. "


The nearby Qing Gang were in a hurry.

Looking at Chen Lang, he was speechless.

This is a super-nine with nine ranks, and the next life will inevitably step into the super ranks of the great ranks.

People are already so low, what else are you dissatisfied with?


Chen Lang shook his head and said, "Some things are principles, rules, and rather Ning Weigang just breaks through, not for music. Every civilization has its own spirit.

And the spirit of a civilization often comes from the attitude and way of doing things.

This is a race will that has accumulated over the years.

I hope that our planet can keep this spirit of energy.

During the period of feudal civilization in our earth, there was a country that was not close, uncompensated, uncut, not tribute, the emperor guarding the country, and the king died. I think this is also the future of our earth's civilization.

If we don't guard ourselves, who will guard us? By the so-called deities? Or do you rely on so-called leaders who can bring benefits to civilization?

We lack benefits, but we can earn slowly, tap slowly, and develop slowly.

The spiritual will is different.

This is the root. The root is broken. What is the use of more benefits? "


At this moment, the Broken Lord could not help but sigh, but instead of being embarrassed by Chen Lang's rejection, he could not help but think back to the past and his mother civilization.

Even think of hundreds of ethnic civilizations in this ruined land.

All losers!

The original mother civilization was not without resistance to the meteorite. Although it was a spiritual civilization, but there were so many strong people in the world, why did they choose to protect themselves rather than intercept them together?

Even, the world's first master chose to escape from his mother star.

If you think about it, the death of the mother star is really not wrong.

Look at the civilizations and forces in this ruined land.

Among them, apart from the few higher civilizations, which other civilizations came from the entire ethnic group? No.

Similar to the Lai Mo tribe, there are too many.

Either the civilization after the failure was fragmented and separated.

Either the forces that have seceded from the mother civilization and dreamed of building a new civilization and country.

Or else, it was just sneaking over and not telling her mother civilization about this opportunity.

The people of Wuhe!

Just these things, still want to re-establish the rise of civilization?

All daydreaming!

Thinking about it this way, the eyes of Broken Lord looking at Chen Lang are suddenly different. If he had only deliberately placed Chen Lang at the same level as himself, now he is really treating Chen Lang as a character at the same level Already.

Such a person, without having to look at his strength, his spirit and will, his thoughts and attitude, is worthy of the admiration of the broken Lord.

However, admiration was admired, but the broken Lord's heart became more bitter.

Obviously found a solution, but met a stumbling block such as Chen Lang, he couldn't do anything, he couldn't beat when he moved a small crystal.

Without doing anything, he persuaded Chen Lang.

Really fell into an endless loop.

"No need to replace it!"

At this time, standing next to watching the lively little crystal for a long time finally spoke, and she said helplessly: "It has to start from a young age, how long will it take? So don't think about winning, and go back and die from some war Extracted the gene source from the warriors, combined with the gene source of the broken Lord, can it be cloned to create a new body?

After combining the gene source of the Broken Lord, it is equivalent to half of his body, so that there will be no rejection, which is a better method than looting.

What time is it?

In the age of science and technology, don't think about the ruins of the ancient spiritual era.

Science has already proven that losing a house is risky, and it is not perfect and perfect. Only the combination of scientific clone manufacturing is the most suitable. "

That's a word.

Qing Gang and Broken Lord were stunned.

And Chen Lang couldn't help dying, and didn't hold his face anymore. He said angrily: "Don't you say it earlier! Didn't this hurt our brother's feelings in vain?"


Broken Lord is glaring at the dog again ~ ~ Who is with you?

So ruthless that you refused, but now you say we are brothers? What are you doing!

"This isn't it, can't do anything for the time being!"

Xiao Jing glanced at Chen Lang silently, saying, "God genes are not transferable if you want to transfer them. You have to go through the actual incubation process, so this clone is not as simple as you think.

This cloning requires a lot of energy, and it needs a process similar to 'ripening'.

all in all.

The energy consumed by this clone is absolutely immense, because in the process, the **** gene must be kept active, so that it can be perfectly fused with a new gene source, and then slowly become a baby from the initial state during the cloning process. , And then become a teenager, a youth, until reaching the peak state, locked God genes will not leak out.

I let the system do some calculations. During this process, at least one whole original version of the S-level energy core is consumed, and other resources are not calculated.

After the complete incubation is completed, the newly born body will probably enter the ninth stage, and then he will be able to withstand his soul full of broken laws and true meaning. After all, this is not a complete reincarnation, but a new body. . "

Then, Xiao Jing looked at the Broken Sovereign and said with a smile: "You should understand how much resources a Nine Tier needs to consume? So, if you can make it, you still have to see what you have gained in the Broken God Realm."

The Broken Lord immediately became excited.

He felt that the state of mind that had been cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years could not suppress the excitement.

But while excited, he felt something was wrong.

How do you feel that this time the team that you organized to break the heavens of God has become a work for the earth?

(End of this chapter)

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