Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 792: No one is allowed to leave

Chapter 792: No One Is Allowed To Leave (For Subscription)

"The emperor is about to return, all the haze will eventually dissipate, the emperor will become a god, and the dynasty will be revived. There is an order to control. Anyone who breaks my God's dynasty will immediately surrender and never blame. When the emperor returns, you can spend the last days with ease Robbery! "

The old man Lingdu Void, sounded loudly throughout the broken **** continent.

Judging from the vastness and boundlessness of the shattered continent, the old man is undoubtedly the ninth realm, because only the strongest of the ninth realm can use the power of the law to make his voice clear throughout the world.

Broken God Realm.

Countless strong men looked up at the sky, and those eighth-order demigods who dominated a city, controlled a city, or occupied an area and claimed to be kings looked at the old man with a single gaze.

Across hundreds of millions of miles, their eyes locked on the old man.

They are hesitating and meditating.

At this moment, should we continue to walk alone, or obey the words of the old man, and surrender to the broken gods.

The monarch's name is better than anyone else.

Except for a few strong men who have achieved eighth-order demigods in the last few hundreds of thousands of years, most of the demigods have come from the era when the emperor ruled. At that time, the emperor suppressed the whole world.


Regardless of the demigods of the eighth realm or the ancestors of the ninth realm, no one dare to disobey the will of the emperor.

The monarch is too scary.

Even after hundreds of thousands of years have passed, the emperor's name is still deeply impressed in their hearts.

In fact, most of these so-called overlords have never been seen before by the emperor.

The emperor is about to become a god?

The dynasty is about to revive?

Immediate surrender, no blame?

Calmly through the doomsday?

For a time.

Because of the words of the old man, the overlords and strong men of the entire Broken God Realm hesitated and hesitated.

This is almost the best choice in this age of skyrocketing.

No one doubts whether the old man's words in the sky are true or false.

Because no doubt is needed.

The old man, named Zhengyang, was a peerless powerhouse who presided over the divine dynasty and entered the ninth realm behind him. He was also the new leader of the era of the broken dynasty.

The so-called **** is both under the emperor and over billions.

In the era when the emperor was not born, **** is the day of the broken gods. Moreover, the identity of the dominator is enough to let the old man speak the words recognized by the emperor, because for the emperor, the **** is his prime minister. The words are his words, Jun Wu jokes!

"The times have changed. Maybe newspaper heating is the way we should go next!"

"Foreign invasion, the end is coming. This is an opportunity. It is an unprecedented opportunity. I don't believe that emperors will become gods. I also don't believe that aliens who can invade us will be so weak. So watch for changes."

"Go back. The emperor has been missing for hundreds of thousands of years. Now that he is coming back, we continue to do so, and the future must be a dead end."

"Although the old thief of Zhengyang is insidious, he will never talk about such things."

"The alien invasion can only be resisted by the clique."

"If the world really is going to be destroyed, then I would like to take my brothers out to see the outside world."


For a while, countless thoughts collided in the void, which contained too much exchange of ideas.

The eighth-order powerhouses in the entire world are mobilized by the words of the old man. They either want to surrender to the broken dynasty, or fear the name of the emperor, or they are unscrupulous.

However, unscrupulous people are in the minority after all.

For various reasons, after a collision and exchange of thoughts, the majority of people's choices are to obey the broken dynasty.

In the void.

The old man Zhengyang's face gradually smiled.

The collision of the eighth-order minds is naturally easily felt by him. After learning that most people choose, even at this critical moment, he still couldn't help but feel happy.

How many years?

Ever since he was in the ninth realm, and since he became the rule of the broken dynasty, he is the happiest today.

Without him.

In the history of the Broken God, which one is not the one to dominate the world? Only himself, when he took control, the broken dynasty had already fallen, and the emperor had often retreated.

Now, finally, the shattered dynasty is gradually returning to the prosperous period from the state of 'brokenness'.

And oneself, will truly become a person with more than 10,000 people, and still exist in this earth-shattering era.

The emperor can't tell.

The end is near.

Alien invasion.

All of these will be opportunities to control the whole world, and even opportunities to eventually become the savior of the entire civilization.

People live for nothing but fame and fortune.

Domination, **** of the emperor, and **** of sentient beings, this is the real domination, not the shattered dynasty prime minister in existence.

"You are a hero!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the ear, the old man Zhengyang suddenly changed his face, turned his head to look, in the void, saw four people.

One is surrounded by a golden thunderbolt, and even a broken sage with a strong and broken atmosphere.

Another is the burning flame of energy, like the blue steel of the giant of light.

Then there is the small crystal quietly standing in the void.

In the end, Chen Lang stretched out his fists and looked at him with a smile.

The person who spoke was Chen Lang.

Ninth state, ninth state, ninth state, ninth state!

Four ninth realms!

The old man's face changed dramatically, and he looked at several people in Chen Lang in horror, especially Chen Lang. At this time, Chen Lang's posture at any time was really frightening the old man.

If only Chen Lang is good ~ ~ But there are three people beside Chen Lang.

How to fight the four ninth realms?

"Well, you're scared, let's all disperse, hunt down Tier 9 as planned!"

Chen Lang said lightly, although his tone was flat, but it was full of Mori Han's coldness, which made the old man feel cold.

Tier 9 hunting?

Is the so-called ninth order the ninth state?

Are they alien?

No, except for the ninth realm of the robot, the other three are very similar to the human race of God. How could an alien race grow up like this?

For a while the old man was anxious and anxious.

at the same time.

The whole Broken God Realm seemed to be quiet at this moment, and the thoughts of countless eighth-order demigods had not yet disappeared, and they felt here blankly and looked at it.

"Then we take a step first."

The Broken Lord smiled, ignoring the eighth-order peeping, and the old man's expression. The figure turned into a thunder and disappeared into the void.

Qing Gang and Xiao Jing looked at each other, and then disappeared.

Only Chen Lang was left at the scene.

At this time, in the body of Chen Lang, the power of the five elements and the concerted efforts to pull the borrowed three ninth-order forces were all gathered in one body. The strongest formula was activated by the full power of the system, and all the forces were integrated into Chen Lang's body. The physique changed dramatically in an instant.

"You, you, who are you?" The old man felt the threat from Chen Lang, and he couldn't help asking.


Chen Lang grinned and said, "We are aliens and invaders. Are you one of the strongest in the world? Come on, today, either you will kill me, or I will kill you. Otherwise, we two No one is allowed to leave! "

(End of this chapter)

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