Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 793: Ten times the sum of the forces of the earth

Chapter 793 Ten Thousand Times the Power of the Earth's Sum (For Subscription)

What a arrogance!

At this moment, all the eighth-order demigods who perceive the place, the overlords are all shocked, showing an incredible expression.


Equivalent to the ninth invader?

Moreover, if it is so arrogant, does it really hold any cards, and really has the confidence not to put this world in its eyes?

For a time.

All the powerful men who had a decision in their minds are all changing their minds and have many new ideas.

at least.

They are not ready to help the old man at this time. They want to wait and see if the old man can solve it, to see how the intruder's strength is, and to know how to go next.

And the scene.

The old man was suffocated by Chen Lang's arrogant words first, and then became angry and angry.

"Externals, invaders? I have the Emperor and the Emperor in the Heavenly Realm, and there are endless backbones. How dare you be so arrogant?"


Chen Lang continued to stretch his hands and feet, and said indifferently: "Am I arrogant? I don't think at all, you are a hero, I just said, after all, all who can stand up at this time are heroes, and I I like people like you very much, so I will give you a decent way to die.

Either you call out the emperor who ruled the heavens and earth and I let you go, or you call out all your so-called backbones. I admire you guys, how about it?

May I give you more time? "

Chen Lang's words became more arrogant.

While the old man resentfully hated, he became more cautious.

no way.

In everyone's perception, the more arrogant people are, the stronger it is. This is a universal truth.

How can a stubborn person get arrogant?

Therefore, the more arrogant Chen Lang becomes, the more fearful he becomes.

But what is Chen Lang doing at this time?

Still merging the power of the body.

The 'strongest formula' is theoretically the strongest physical training method in the universe, and it is also a pure to extreme physical combat method. If it operates according to the strongest formula, all the power in Chen Lang ’s body, including the ability to borrow from the universe, The power taken will be integrated into the flesh and become part of the flesh.

This is pure physical power.

Not involved in any other means.

For example, the true energy of practice, such as the blood of refining, the biological dark energy of genetic warriors, and so on.

All energies and means are non-existent. They are integrated into the body and become part of the strongest body.

This is to do everything to specialize together.

For everything, in exchange for the strongest body, the fastest speed, the heaviest fist.

The near-infinite power merged into Chen Lang's body, and was calculated, operated, and fused by the strongest formula, which finally caused Chen Lang's physical body at this time to emit bright light.

And the light is getting brighter and brighter.

At this time, Chen Lang was even more dazzling than the sun.

You can see the figure of Chen Lang, or the light emitted by Chen Lang, throughout the vast vast broken world.

It's like an extra sun out of thin air.

Too dazzling.

Too bright.

Chen Lang's arrogance is to delay a little time for the strongest formula to enter the most perfect combat state.

And at this time.

This state is already open.

It seems that the inexhaustible pure power boils in Chen Lang's body. It is the power from the flesh, the power of the eight **** genes, the power of the five elements, and the power of the three ninth steps.

All the forces are reduced to the purest and purest brute force.

This gives Chen Lang a punch and a sense of broken space.

In the universe, there is not much power of cattle and not much power of dragons. All calculation standards are stars, because stars are the mainstream of the universe.

A planet capable of giving birth to first-order creatures is the standard star.

The standard star is several times larger than the earth, and at the same time, various forces are also several times stronger. This standard star is the standard for measuring the strength of the refiner.

Each of the eighth-order demigods has the power to destroy the stars.

That is, the star power of the population.

And according to the system of practice, what they are good at is different. Among them, the measure of the eighth-order demigods is the power of one star.

Unlike the other systems that use the means to explode stars, the eighth-order demigod of the refining system has its own brute force equivalent to the fusion of all the power of a standard star.

It is for this reason that she has the sheer brute force of a blow to the planet.

At this time, Chen Lang, combined with various reasons, the brute force has reached a level that makes the nine-tier strong feel incredible.

The first is the eight **** genes, which have evolved seven times and have seven times the power of ordinary people. This is the power of the seven stars.

Then there is the fusion of the powers of the five elements. Five superpowers are integrated into themselves. These five abilities are different from other practitioners. They are derived from the **** gene, which is a top-level and system-high attribute power.

For example, when Chen Lang's pure gold element could kill the eighth-order demigod beast, with the borrowed power as a support, one attribute can add the power of five stars to Chen Lang again. Arise, this is the power of the twenty-five stars.

In addition to the power of these thirty-two stars by Chen Lang himself.

The borrowed power of the three major ninth steps has been greatly enhanced.

The simple ninth-order powerhouse is far more than ordinary eighth-order demigods, and any ninth-level powerhouse is a horrible existence that can survive in the star ~ ~ their own power is already in the hundred to Between the power of a thousand stars.

More than a thousand, that is Dazun.

Da Zun also has strong and weak, thousands of weak, tens of thousands of strong.

And Chen Lang's three major nine-level sources of power, because of the **** gene, because of the reason of the gods civilization in the avenger Chen Lang, his heritage is also extremely deep, directly the power of 840 stars.

Then there is the power of 660 stars after the energy body swallowed up.

Then there is the power of 640 stars accumulated in the mountains and seas, which was accumulated after the ninth order.

Chen Lang at this time.

The strength of the whole body has already reached the power of 2,172 stars without being merged.

After the full-power operation and fusion of the strongest formula, all of them are integrated into Chen Lang's only brute force. At this time, Chen Lang's brute force has reached a force close to 3,000 stars.

What is this concept?

Several times the size of the earth is the standard star.

At this time, Chen Lang's strength was tens of thousands of times the sum of the forces of the earth.

One punch hits the sky.

Even if he can't compare with the top great respect, and even because of brute force and no rules to play various superpositions or other effects, Chen Lang is not as good as a bad great respect.

But even so, pure brute force of three thousand stars is enough to break the void.

at this time.

Chen Lang, who had reached the peak of his whole body, looked like the flame from the jet of light. When he looked at the old man, Zheng Yang, the old man even felt burning and stinging.

This has come from the crushing of pure power levels.

"Come, fight, let me see how strong you are, the pinnacle of the broken heavens!"

Chen Lang lifted his fingers and said in a flat tone.

(End of this chapter)

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