“, weasel, our Donghuang realm is not under God’s control! Besides, are you sure I still need to take the college entrance examination? With a pen, or with a gun !? You are not afraid that I will be arrested by the police and go back to the small black house.” ”

The ridicule of the weasel made Zou Jin, who had not communicated with the world for a long time, feel very familiar.

When it seems to activate some kind of complaining gene, it is unceremoniously turned back.


The weasel was happy, and did not care, but was pleased:

“Very good, it seems that one night in the past, there were no alien creatures with teeth and claws, climbing your face.”

I’m sorry.

That thing is called a face-hugging worm, and the scientific name is alien larvae!

Don’t say that there is no such thing in the world, even if there is, Zou Jin dares to show his top predator genes in the bones of the big foodie empire.

“What about Wade? Don’t tell me, he went to find the Alien Queen to have a baby! ”

“Oh, don’t mention it, that bastard seems to have activated some amazing genes recently, he hasn’t come to take the task for a long time!”

22“Emmm… If he doesn’t take the task, what does he take to feed Vanessa? Don’t worry about his goddess, run to some little white face to look for eyebrows! ”

The weasel picked up the towel and continued to wipe the cup in his hand.

He didn’t pay attention to Zou Jin’s small action of opening the refrigerator and taking out a carton of milk from it.

“Then I don’t have to blame you, just because you relayed to him the words of a famous person in Donghuang, Wade was completely deviated!”

Zou Jin’s expression was slightly embarrassed.

There are so many people in Donghuang, how can he not remember that he has said it to Wade.

“Mr. Lu Xun said that the most profitable way is written in some small books! That’s definitely what you said! Don’t think about denying it! ”

“Wade has recently bought a lot of law books, read during the day, and practiced in the evening!”

“Believe me, what he committed, taken together, is too little to shoot for an hour!”

“Fortunately, Wade didn’t lose his heart to find me, even the recent night in Hell’s Kitchen was quite noisy.”

Slightly embarrassed.

It seems that he really said this to Wade.

But isn’t you weasel at fault at all… Well, it’s not.

Anyway, Zou Jin doesn’t want to put on a hat that guides Mag Lijian to juvenile delinquency.

Immediately changed the topic and said:

“Weasel, I want to live in a different place, is there any place to recommend?”


“If I have to say anything, I’m fed up with the garbage heap outside the window, and I’m fed up with the dog man and woman next door howling for less than five minutes a day! Thank you, Weasel, for making me truly realize how right it is to be cheap and not good. ”

The weasel’s face darkened.

Do you want to hear what you’re saying!

The safe house that you are optimistic about, has you ever charged your kid a magnesium rent!?

“Try Queens, the security environment is okay, the hygiene is not as bad as in Brooklyn, the point is, the gangs there are very safe!”

No, no, no!

That last one doesn’t have to be.

However, although you can find Xiao Hei’s regret without going out.

But as the weasel said, for him now, clean and tidy streets are more important than anything else.

In fact.

It’s not a day or two that Zou Jin wants to move.

Although he knew that the weasel was on an oolong mission because of a certain oolong mission, based on compensation and taking care of Zou Jin, the little brother that Wade valued very much, he rented a safe house for himself for free.

But the habit in the bones of Donghuang people.

Wherever you go, where you wave, there is no real estate with clear property rights, and you can’t find the slightest sense of security after all.

Now there is money, there is demand…

Just do what you say.

The next day.

Zou Jin helped find an intermediary friend through the weasel. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the queen district of Newyo, I found a red neck who was eager to sell his house and return blood to replenish the wallet that had been harvested by big capital in the financial storm.

After a fierce exchange of words.

Zou Jin moved into a new home as he wished, and the price of 800,000 knives, I have to say, barely made a small profit on the land price in Queens.

It is the habit of magnesium Lijian people to dominate acquaintances, which makes Zou Jin very entangled.

That’s a lot of intermediary fees!

Maglijian’s new home is a low-rise building, much larger than a weasel’s safe house, with two floors in total.

It is closely connected to the garage with only one floor next to it, and the decoration style of the house is also passable.

At least you can’t find the steel bars that protrude from the walls, and there are no poor hygiene problems.

What made Zou Jin most satisfied was that there was a small courtyard in front of the house, and Zou Jin was very decisive in the first time to plant small onions and garlic seedlings.

Day 3.

Zou Jin completed the move after the official transfer of the property.

Officially moved into a new home.

In fact, it was a move, and he didn’t salute himself.

It’s just that the furniture left by the previous owner is reconstructed materially and turned into Donghuang-style mahogany furniture.

He at the moment.

He was happily crouching in the garage and sniping at a Barrett sniper.

One moment to transform it into an electromagnetic propulsion version of the super sci-fi sniper, and the next to paint it in various paints that you like.

Styles such as SpongeBob SquarePants, Hello Kitty, Angry Birds, Plants vs Zombies, etc.

By the way.

Zou Jin also equipped this super big sniper with a box of standing God Killing Bullets!

He believes that this cheap god killing martial arts specially developed for super genes is enough for him to eat a pot even if he meets Thor’s stupid big 700.

Do it all.

Zou Jin opened the garage door and was about to experience the specialties of Queens.

It didn’t happen.

As soon as I went out, I heard a noise next door.

Transferred to the front yard, the purpose is a man and a woman pulling each other together.

The woman is a young woman with a still charm, and the man is a small black who can be seen everywhere, and at this moment, the two are holding a package at the same time, and no one wants to let go.

Behind the young woman.

A panicked Shota was holding the young woman’s thigh at a loss.

The panicked little expression said that he saw King Kong or Godzilla who committed murder on the street, and Zou Jindu believed.

“, this is obviously my courier! It has my name on it! And my address, are you TM blind! ”

“Fak! It’s my stuff, I told you to let go, hear no! ”

The black man noticed Zou Jin’s arrival, and his tone became more and more anxious.

The movements in his hands were neither light nor heavy, grabbing the express package and flicking it around like a gorilla.

A young woman who lives alone and carries a tow oil bottle.

Where did the strength come from to fight against a strong Xiao Hei, and he was immediately thrown to the ground.

“Aunt May! Woo hoo…”

Xiao Zhengtai sobbed softly, trying to pull the young woman’s arm, as if to pull his Aunt Mei up.

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