The collective run of the big guys makes the new world without more disturbances.

But also because of their collective running, the future world is less legendary.

After all.

For someone.

The joy of losing the joy of pushing the boss in reality is still very painful and tangled.

As a matter of fact.

Such results are not difficult to understand.

When you perceive, the existing multiverse system.

Like a bandit, he was pulled abruptly and tore a corner, turning it into the territory of the other party.

Any powerful individual will be jealous.

Uncle Swallow is the most TM excessive, he withdraws the main body of the concept himself, and even takes away the cosmic-level foodie cutie, Canata ...

Zou Jin also thought about how he would feel when he had the opportunity to feed this little cutie in the future.

Of course.

And even more excessive!

The Court of Life is the cleanest one for the pail!

Xu realized that in the new universe, there was no right for him to judge all living beings, and this goods went so neatly!

Stunned, the slightest concept is not left!

So much so, Zou 15jin perceives the entire universe, and there is no big guy or ancient history that has recorded the court of life!

In the process of world integration.

Metaphysical concepts, rule entities when they change.

The metaphysical dimension of reality is also undergoing drastic but silent changes.

In the ancient history and ruins of many civilizations, words and descriptions that once did not exist have appeared one after another.

Many star fields are empty wastelands.

Now it is also occupied by a new life planet, a new aerospace civilization.

The starry sky has more since ancient times.

The special passages left by the so-called ancients can supply space-level civilizations, and in specific star regions, through simple curvature engines, they can travel faster than the speed of light.


Around the similar channel, there is also a group of cosmic jackals: Star Thieves!


In the new civilization, the perception of the known universe.

With the original civilization, tend to synchronize, their ancient history.

The highest civilization that records the current universe is the angelic civilization of the whole race of angels, of course, it is also clear.

A demon that spreads free and degenerate ideas throughout the universe.

Knowing the Styx Domain, obsessed with death to send his civilization, spread death, and study death, Karl, the god of death.

A super-theological academy that knows that it is all over the universe, but has no reputation.

Children who know the problem of the blazing sun star also know his honorific name: the known universe, the greatest mobile natural disaster.


Odin is now bitterly admonishing his reckless son.

The Earth is purely nominally under Asgard's jurisdiction.

But to say what impact the Asa God Race can have on the earth, it is delusional, it is looking for death!

Odin mouthed.

More than a thousand years ago, he controlled the Sky Court.

The blazing sun Pan Zhen, who coerced the earth star, almost didn't scare Odin, stunned from beginning to end, and did not dare to show up.

After that.

Odin never came to Earth.

Plus Pan Zhen, who can make him feel mortal threatened, was actually given a hammer by a monkey in Donghuang to doubt his life.

He also watched the monkey with his own eyes, hammering the blazing sun, forcing the blazing sun army to retreat from the earth.

After returning to Donghuang, he took care of himself.

Odin completely thought about the earth, without the slightest thought...

But now.

This stupid son of his own family has almost not settled on the earth, and has been fooling around with his weak little girlfriend on the earth for the rest of his life!

Every time I think about it.

Odin was so angry that his lungs hurt!

Listening to these outrageous ancient histories, Thor began to doubt life.

That earth, which can be beaten to the point of collapse by the Chitari pirate group, is really so bullish!?

Good Nima outrageous!

Last time Loki made trouble in Niuyo, it was good to count his life if he was not killed on the spot...

But here's the problem!

"In that case, Father, why do you have to oppose my love with Jane?"

Odin's face darkened.

Duang! Duang! Duang! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Gunganir was paused on the ground several times by Odin in succession, emitting a huge roar.

Odin resisted the urge to be shot by his own son.

No good airway:

"What does the power of God have to do with mortals!? You can't use your brain! Earth Donghuang, and Earth Magnesium Country, are two civilization models at all! "

"Could it be that you still expect an earth mortal who can't get on the table to make friends with those great gods who can truly be famous in the universe!?"

"Listen, Thor! Your imaginary cosmic god King Odin doesn't exist! He can only nominally rule the Nine Realms! So much for! "

Thor was a little confused.

Are you sure?

Does Earth really have two civilization models?

I don't believe it!

No, find an opportunity, you have to see it yourself, you must confirm it in person.

Seeing this, how could Odin not understand what his son was thinking.

When groups of projections are imminent, they are manifested in the main hall of the Golden Palace.

On the screen.

It was a famous scene of the male soldier company forming a regiment and tearing up gluttony.

There is also a picture of the male soldier company leading to Niuyo to support the European continent.

Look at those super soldiers, elusive tactics.

Looking at the existence of individual of them, they can continue to fight like no one with the god-killing armor-piercing bullet.

Thor's whole god is not good!

"Father God, that's a god-piercing bullet! Also, how did the earth button be attacked by aliens again, eh, by the way, Father God, such a big thing happened, why didn't you notify me! "

That's right.

Thor truly regretted it.

It is impossible to personally go to the battlefield and wave a wave.

Odin's one-eyed gaze was full of oppression at Thor.

Until he saw that he timidly shrunk his neck 657, he said:

"Just because of the god-killing armor-piercing bullet in your mouth, it is a special weapon that can only be made by creating a god-level civilization!"

"I call myself the Asa God Race because of the convenience of passing through the Nine Realms World Tree..."

"Our ancestors obtained the rune system through the analysis of a long time..."

"The rune divine body constructed as a result belongs to the level of second-generation gods in the realm of god-making civilization!"

"But we don't have the corresponding god-making technology!"

"Once provoked by the gluttony supported by the Lord God of Civilization, Asgard will be shrouded in war!"

"The god-killing armor-piercing bullet in your mouth will also make you and I easily hate in the hands of some nobody!"

Thor was silent.

He is a reckless man and also likes to fight.

But he is not really humble, and he certainly does not want to expose Asgard to the hostile vision of the god-making civilization in order to support the earth!

"Go, Thor! I have no objection to you going to Earth, but only if you can make friends with gods who are truly worth befriending! "

Waving Thor to stand down.

Odin didn't say anything.

Because it is a rune god body, the Asa god race has the strongest combat power when it is in Asgard.

The farther away from the Nine Realms.

The more limited your strength is!

Also because of the rune divine body, it is a special divine body that exists based on the Nine Realms World Tree.

They obviously call themselves the Asa God Clan, but they can only have a lifespan of five thousand years!

And he . . .

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