As the dialogue between himself and himself continued, the more Zou Jin knew, the stronger his perception of God and Ming became.

It was an endless timeline, an infinite possibility of Zou Jin.

Its consciousness is the result of mutual integration!

It is also he who is rapidly evolving towards Him, the most intuitive change that leaps up!

In the materialist world, the universe does not have a concept of time.

That's just a unit that records the movement of matter.

But in the idealistic world, the concept of time can be easily perceived by extraordinary powerhouses.

The manipulation of the timeline also depends on how much the underlying logic of the universe and idealistic realm occupies by the individual.

Either way.

When the integration of the world begins to take place, when idealism and materialism begin to balance.

The perception and manipulation of the timeline has become the special "820" configuration of some bigwigs.

Because of the super-god plane of Merlot Heavenly Court, Zou Jin has been paralyzed on the Angel Throne due to the presence of a realistic anchor.

Zou Jin could faintly sense the passage of time.

Since the beginning of the metamorphosis, several days have passed, and even in the chaotic source without the concept of time, Zou Jin has such a perception.

With the perception of time, it is possible to synchronize the concept of finality along the existence of the concept of time.

And because of this.

Zou Jin began to gradually be in this state of divine understanding.

I really observed what kind of explosive mystery it is when the world merges.

Moreover, the more such perception becomes clearer.

I don't know what the reason is, the Marvel world that is integrated with the supergod is a little more damaged.

It's like some special settings have been artificially taken away.

Interestingly, following his intuition, Zou Jin knew.

The absence of part of this is dominated by the metaphysical conceptual body.

For example, in the Hulk setting, as long as the anger is endless, its strength will soar indefinitely!

In other words.

The possibility of such as the Green Hulk and the Demon Hulk, which are powerful enough to leapfrog between planets, do not exist!

For example: Tony Stark, the setting of the mortal cursed by knowledge!

Such things, which are more curses than blessings of the universe, are also removed from the clean.

The current Tony is very ordinary, he is still Iron Man, he is still smart, but it is foolish to rely on his cleverness to research the time machine!

Zou Jin even doubted that without the help of external forces, the current Tony could come up with a black technology suit with more than fifty Mark in his fifties.

For example, Scarlet Witch, Wanda, the master of chaos magic, has also completely cut off her potential to step into diversity.

The possibility that a single thought can shake the future multiverse will no longer be possessed.

Even this kind of thing is chaos magic, which has also been extracted from all essence, and can only be reduced to some kind of mental superpower!

There are many more individuals who have encountered such a conceptual withdrawal!

Supreme Mage Gu Yi, Odin of the Co-Lord of the Nine Realms, Thor, Strange, Deadpool Wade, Captain Marvel, Iron Fist Elder, Phoenix Power and more...

[Eh, it's a pity, without these interesting concepts, a lot of fun in the future will be gone! ] Who did it, really TM lacks morality! 】

God's enlightenment told Zou Jin.

The real mastermind behind the scenes is really the one he guessed.

[Marvel Supreme God OAA's hand! ] 】

[He's quite stingy...]

[The world merges, and the dominance is not Him, and He will of course reclaim those possessions that are unique to Him. 】

Zou Jin's face was dark.

The logic of behavior is understandable, but the heart cannot accept it!

So many interesting materials, just extracted from the concept of Jinghua, what can be studied by the shell left behind...

As Zou Jin observed, more and more things were wrong.

Discovered by Zou Jin. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

[No, how come many cosmic fetishism has also been weakened, or is it a ghost of OAA goods?] 】

"No, it has nothing to do with Him! Those weakenings are caused by conflicts of destiny weights and rules. 】

For example: the heart of the universe, the controller of the single universe in the setting of that thing, is very tall, but now, it is like a void engine within three kilometers of effect.

It's crotch-pulling!

For example: infinite rough stones, which are often such and such concepts, the source in the universe or the reality manifestation of the forced frame, have also been cut!

In terms of true utility, even if the six rough stones are reunited.

Let Thanos snap his fingers vigorously, and it will affect a living planet when it reaches the sky!

For example: the ultimate eraser, known as the single universe, the strongest weapon of this thing, has also been cut!

The current ultimate eraser, even the background setting, has become a legacy of an ancient civilization, which can erase all mortal life in a certain star system!

But when you encounter a god with a divine body, or a three-generation super soldier with an explosion of genetic strength, the thing has to stop!

Others such as: Book of Darkness, Myrnir, Gunganir, Ice Box, Reality Controller, Rune Tomahawk, God Killer Sword, Black Vortex, Twilight Sword, etc.

They have all been slashed, or their power is no longer there, or the effect is limited, or they are simply reduced to mortals!

This can also be seen from this.

Relying on foreign objects to become stronger is quite unreliable.

As long as the concept of the rules of the universe changes, it will have to be knocked into the dust at every turn.

[Heh, it's still wrong, why are the five great creation gods weak into this!? I can sense that they still hold the power before, why are they so weak that they can't even shake the single universe!? Shhh, lying groove, there are so many such strong people! 】

【Wow! OAA goods are really not fastidious, Lao Tzu finally made up his mind, in the future, push this group of big guys as BOSS, the result is this!? As a result, you told me that their concept was also withdrawn!? 】

After sensing that the strength of the strongest in the merging universe is completely different from the previous setting of 4.5.

Zou Jin began to talk wildly.

And the first time, dumped the black pot to an innocent OAA...


[No, not by OAA!] 】

[Those conceptual entities, all with the power to dabble in diversity, chose to leave when they realized that the new universe could no longer give them sufficient weight of power. 】

[But out of curiosity about the new universe and out of curiosity about the final lawyer, they all left their own conceptual differentiation, but they all disappeared, and had no intention of directly participating in the affairs of the new universe. 】

Zou Jin: "..."

So, what did the future me do!

In order to cause so many multi-level bigwigs, all tacit understanding of the bucket to run...

It's outrageous!.

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