What an experience it is for the world to dance in the palm of your hand.

Change to someone else.

Most likely, they will think that it is self-satisfaction and boasting that based on their own huge influence, they can easily shake the trajectory of others' fate.

But Zou Jin is not, at least this ~ not at this moment!

Although you can't see.

Although you can't hear it.

Although it is not named.

Although the smell is shapeless.

But the throbbing of the soul and some kind of divine state tell him that he is now holding up a universe in the palm of his hand!

[Why hold such a thing as the world?] 】

Doubts have just arisen.

Instantly be solved by the clear heart of God!

【——Because of the integration of the world, it needs conceptual protection to prevent the world from collapsing! Sink! Return to the ruins! 】

Zou Jin began to understand.

No wonder I have been talking about it before.

The reason why the world merges with other worlds is rooted in itself.

Its significance is not only because of the existence of Zou Jin, but also the inevitable trend of the integration of the two worlds.

Moreover, with Zou Jin's protection, world integration has the possibility of success!

[For the first time, I knew that I could still have such a big influence...]

It's just an emotional self-ridicule.

In the next moment, it was interrupted by the same divine understanding!

[Don't get me wrong, it's not just you who are integrating in the shelter world! ] You are only the medium, and the important thing is the final concept, using you as a springboard to dominate and maintain the integration of the world! 】

Zou Jin's expression stiffened...

If there really is such a thing as the current Him...

[Who are you! The end...]

[Nope! I'm sorry to tell you the fact that there is never such a thing as a final one! 】

Zou Jin was stunned...


If He can do it now.

Of course, Zou Jin knows that the end here does not mean the end at the conceptual level...

It refers to the final crystal nucleus that previously grew up with Zou Jin and gave him guidance in the process! Or in other words, the final intelligence in the crystal nucleus!

In fact.

Zou Jin had thought of more than a hundred ways to find an opportunity to annihilate the final will.

There is no such thing as good and evil.

That's just out of God, a paranoid self-preservation of the self!

Please believe that the stronger the individual, the more unbearable the individual is to have a thing in his own body that is not under his control!

Being able to play with your own goldfinger intelligence and play like a family, that kind of thing can only exist in novels!

What's more.

The present state of divine clarity is the manifestation of one's own spiritual activity.

The previous question was only an act of dismantling the platform when the other party was angry and confused.

But I didn't expect it, but I finally got such an answer!

Zou Jin believes 100% in his soul!

Since He says there is no end, then it really does not exist!

Here's the problem...

Since there is never an end, who has always guided their growth!

[It's you! 】

Zou Jin: [...]

[It's always only you, the past, present, future, all timelines, all possibilities!] 】


I'm guiding myself to grow!?

Good TM awkward!

Wow! What kind of weird hell joke is this!?

[What about the final crystal nucleus, what is that thing?] 】

[This is the embodiment of the concept of the end!] 】

[Why me?] 】

[All the heavens and all worlds, only you, are the most suitable for the concept of the end! ] 】

[Why are you looking for me...]

[Concepts exist in all worlds, concepts need to be refined and grown, this is instinctive, not to be violated! ] 】

As this self-to-self dialogue unfolds.


Zou Jin began to understand a lot.

In a nutshell.

That divine understanding.

It's not that Zou Jin is really smart enough to be able to synchronize the results instantly, at least not now.

The reason why he can let Zou Jin understand himself.

On the one hand.

It's because I have that strength.

On the other hand.

The past, present, and future selves are all driven by the concept of finality, moving closer to the path of the most perfect and most conceptual transformation.


Zou Jin of the past, present, and future.

Unconsciously, he took the initiative to restrain part of his thoughts.

Let it inject the so-called intelligence called the terminal Yan from the future timeline to the final crystal nucleus of the past timeline!

But in essence, there is never a final intelligence.

There has always only been a final lawyer named Zou Jin, who is integrating all possibilities of his past, present, and future, and then giving his past body the necessary guidance and help!

So much for. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Well, such divine guidance.

When did it start?

Since Zou Jin was selected by the final crystal nucleus, he was led by him and began to travel through Marvel...

The whole process.

It's like a vegetative person looking for a breakthrough.

Taking the initiative in the ten thousand worlds, he found a spiritual body that best suited his own concept...

So the vegetative man instinctively kidnapped the man.

Giving it the concept of endlessness, maintaining the existence of that fragile spiritual body...

Cultivate slowly and help it really grow to.

Being able to control the body of this vegetative person can truly achieve the point of conceptual breakthrough!

And this vegetative man looking for a breakthrough ...

It is the so-called "final concept"...

Listen to these.

Zou Jin's thoughts are very complicated.

Previously, I often ridiculed myself: In my life, I have grown to this point, all relying on my own efforts.

In a way, it is the truth that you dare to believe...

Learned these secrets.

Some of the confusion of the past has now been answered.

Why did he not be expelled or found by Gu Yi at the first time after crossing Marvel.

Because once Zou Jin's crossing is achieved, that future version of Zou Jin in the future timeline is not a dead person!

For the purpose of self-preservation.

Of course, it will cross the timeline and provide shelter to the growing self of the current past body!

Why did Zou Jin do so many things in Marvel.

But it is still not targeted by the so-called Time and Space Authority under the pretext of disrupting the sacred timeline.

Same reason!

With Zou Jin's timeline of breaking existence, I am afraid that it is the real sacred timeline.

Of course.

Not for powerful individuals!

Why is it that during the integration of the world, the rules are turbulent, but the dimensional demon gods who are keen to make trouble are quiet like good babies.

Same reason.

For Zou Jin, who is itself the so-called sacred timeline.

All individuals who dare to disturb their past bodies are cults and heretics! It's the kind that must be burned at the stake!

Here's the problem...

[How did I stand in the future and help me erase hidden dangers now?] 】

[The concept of the end, all over any time and space! ] 】

Got it!

In a nutshell.

Even if there is a big guy who closes the timeline, forbids someone to open a full number, and crushes everything in the past!

One can also take advantage of the universality of the concept of finality.

Arbitrarily project great power into the past, future, any time and space, any corner!

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