
There is an old saying that goes.

Life, on its own, will always find its way out ...


I don't know which one of the great wisdom in the field shouted to the throne:

"For the Crown Prince! It's not a pity to die! "

A little silence.

The recruit angels could no longer suppress the stupidity in their hearts.

Shout in unison:

"For the Crown Prince! It's not a pity to die! "

Outside the palace, listen to the shouts of the recruit angels.

Slightly older, or older angels look at each other, but the corners of their lips unconsciously set off a good-looking arc.

The spirit cat rolled its eyes and shouted:

"For the Crown Prince! It's not a pity to die! "

In the next moment, amid a burst of giggling laughter, the same shout resounded all around again!

Then came the angels, laughing and ridiculing like silver bells.



Under the throne of the Hall of the Angels.

A large number of angels are gathering, including all the recruit angels, sharp soldier angels, and angels of the older generation who are not yet willing to retire.

Of course.

Over time.

More and more retired old angels are living in seclusion on some remote planets in the universe.

is also responding to Zou Jin's call and began to rush to the Angel Nebula.

They can't wait to see their comrades who died tragically in front of them return.

Can't wait to see, the crown prince of the angels.

650 and participate in the ceremony of divine baptism, genetic promotion of the crown prince...

To this.

Zou Jin sensed something.

Don't see that he is moving towards him at this moment, and the great leap in life form has also brought all the events around him under control.

It is precisely because of the perception that one's own advancement may lead to the phenomenon of divine spillover.

After becoming the crown prince, Zou Jincai simultaneously issued the order to recall all angels, so Zou Jin still has a relatively basic understanding of the outside world.

But what really makes Zou Jin care is his current state...

With the overflow of divinity.

The new power can be unblocked in the first place!

- The Sixth Lawyer!

The sixth lawyer, which symbolizes the death of silence, is the law of death...

Although the name of the Law of Death is terrifying.

But in fact, its power also covers the two opposing fields of life and death!

Power: Creation withers!

The power of the Law of Death was unsealed only for an instant.

The next moment it was unsealed, a new change unfolded...

Zou Jin's gene tree map is unprecedentedly clear and unambiguous...

The dark golden divine light infected it, like a high-dimensional world falling into the low-dimensional realm!

The Death Law's Creation Power is passively activated.

Since the feedback process of Honkai energy, Honkai energy has been transformed into immeasurable vitality, and then poured into Zou Jin's Origin Divine Body!

A god that supplies other angel genes to advance.

It is the immeasurable vitality that spills out!

It is the credit of the power of creation.

And Zou Jin, whose origin divine body, is not only absorbing the power of creation, but also anchoring its own self-healing and recovery ability based on the gene tree map, which is similar to the conceptual progression.

More important!

The other side of the power of the Law of Death: the concept of withering, is also anchored on Zou Jin's divine body!

It's just that the integration of the concept of withering is slightly different.

It is like using the concept of death to get rid of the concept of death given by the big universe.

And then completely distort it into your own appearance.

When the creation and withering were inscribed like runes, Zou Jin instantly became clear!

Now he is.

He has truly transformed into Him!

The rotation of life and death will rotate endlessly on the Origin Divine Body!

Any unilateral lethal attack cannot truly kill Zou Jin as part of the rotation.

For Zou Jin, death will be reversed into creation in the next moment... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Today's Zou Jin.

Wait if you wear a resurrection armor without cooling!

Zou Jin pondered secretly.

If you want to kill yourself like this.

At least from the conceptual level, he must completely return his life logic to the state before he became him!

But with that kind of means, Zou Jin couldn't think of how to achieve it!

The reality is the power of the Law of Death.

Already at the conceptual level, it has been completely anchored with Zou Jin's gene treemap!

Their fusion, (beeh) is so deep-rooted, except across the timeline, directly targeting the weak self a way, Zou Jin really can't think of any other way to kill himself.

The good news brought by the unsealing of the Law of Death is more than that...

Zou Jin always feels.

An extremely special weapon.

It is brewing!

Zou Jin could already vaguely see that it was a strange riding gun hanging in his own gene tree map and acting as a hanging ornament!

"Wouldn't it be... Black Abyss White Flowers! "

When I think about it, it doesn't feel right.

The black abyss white flower in the collapse is forged by the core of the lawyer of a generation of dead lawyers.

The problem is that Zou Jin does not feel his power as a law of death.

What riding gun was stripped off to cast ...


Wait a minute!

It seems that it is more than just black abyss white flowers...

On top of the own gene tree...

It seems that there are many more decorations hanging on the treemap!

It's just that those creations are particularly illusory and unreal, and they are still in the gestation stage like the black abyss white flowers.


Zou Jin lost the mind to continue to pay attention to these things.

Even the outside world, the angel ladies and sisters shouted feverishly, Zou Jin was not in the mood to continue listening.

Only because with his Origin Divine Body, he was optimized and promoted again.

Four and a half generations of super genes based on the gene tree map are leaping towards the real five generations of super genes at an abnormal speed!

Due to the advancement of the Origin Divine Body.

The resulting feeling of vanity begins to dissipate as the strength of the gene jumps...

In a trance.

Zou Jin seems to be condescending.

Standing in the immeasurable empty space, the periphery is a special empty space that is not clear and unclear, and even has no distinction between front and back, left and right, and the flow of time and shade...

What is that!?

The question that just arose in my heart was answered in the next moment: Chaos Source!

No wonder......

No wonder it feels so mysterious here!

No top, no bottom, no left or right, no front and no back!

No yin and no yang, no form, no quality, no name and no shape!

Or rather.

It is not that there is no up and down, nor is it without time and space, nor is it without yin and yang shapes, but these metaphysical concepts.

It's all in a state of conformation...


Zou Jin hung his hands slightly in the air, as if he was holding something...

The amazing thing is that this kind of behavior, in essence, did not happen...

What is even more bizarre is that in this chaotic place, He himself is also in a form that is mixed with everything!

How can you hold it with both hands, how can you hold it? What to hold?

Zou Jin didn't know any of the above.

But the throbbing of his heart told him that he had to do that...


Zou Jin began to understand.

Why do I need to do that, just because...

In his hands, he is holding a world that is merging....

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