"Idiot! Flee..."

In Morgana's heart-rending roar, nearly a hundred demons who had attacked in front were slightly stunned.

But he still instinctively raised his weapon and aimed it at Kesha...

The next instant.

The silver wing, which came straight to Morgana's face, disintegrated in an instant...

It is scattered into atomic-scale discreteness that is slightly smaller than a molecule and is invisible to the naked eye.

But with Kesha's one-handed downward pressure.

The phantom of the silver wing.

Like two pairs of metal wings that spread the heavens and the earth, they spread unscrupulously to the end of this battlefield...

Everybody can tell it's a projection.

Everyone knows that this thing is not lethal.

But with the gentle fanning of the silver wings, the silver storm swept through, and the entire heaven and earth were filled with omniscient killing intent in an instant!

Within a full ten kilometers ...

All the demons froze in mid-air...

Just because every molecule in his body was transported into his body out of thin air, and then the silver wing blade that burst out like a thorn cut in half!


A technologically oriented demon trembled:

"God, Divine Realm! It's the divine realm! "

Another main battle demon was already shocked by the pupil earthquake, and crushed the three views:

"This, this can't be! The scope of the divine realm, which clearly does not correspond to the record! Even the form of expression has changed dramatically! "

The battlefield fell silent in an instant.

Friend or foe.

They all used a three-view explosive expression, watching the shocking scene made by Kesha...

That virtual silver storm swept ten kilometers around.

But he was stunned to let the elite of the hundreds of demon elites in it end with all the atoms in the body being cut open by the silver wings at the same moment...

Let the demons almost collapse like a sand castle, completely fall!

Even more bizarre.

Keisha obviously didn't make any unnecessary moves.

Can be darkened.

The dark data belonging to these demons was also irreparably cut in half at the same moment, like its original figure!

This is the most immediate and complete death...

Morgana was angry and heartbroken, and her soldiers died worthlessly.

More frightened.

Kesha's outrageous black technology now!

It is said that the good dark silver weapon cannot kill the gods, but can only cut the divine body?

According to Kesha's killing mode just now, based on the destruction of atomic progression, the four generations of divine bodies will wither like a sand castle!

And the black technology that simultaneously projects real damage to the dark data of the dark plane is even more unreasonable.

Who is not the mode of purging, shuffling, and blocking dark data...

Just you Keisha is outrageous...

Stunned is to open up a new path, called: Cut!


Can dark data also be sliced open like a physical object!?

Or is physics dead!?

Morgana murmured suspiciously:

"You, what the hell are you technology... `...."

When I saw my sister, I was overly surprised and shocked.

Even the silenced words of the iconic mantra are gone, the smile at the corner of Kesha's eyebrows is more obvious, and at the same time, a pair of abstract wing-like divine patterns standing up at Kesha's eyebrows also quietly emerge, which should be in line with Kesha's now comfortable heart.


Femdom my sister or something, it's the coolest.

Keisha is now thinking that it might be fun to postpone her retirement plans and continue this fun game...

Of course.

Faced with Leng Bing's question, Keisha also chose to inform:

"It's a bit too much to say that ghost technology, how, through the concept of reality strikes, affect the existence of the same concept... You seem... Very shocked! "

"It's okay, compared to such a shock a few more times, you will get used to it..."

A wave of the hand with an understatement.

Each of the two silver wings held a demon claw, pushed it away, and cast a seal so complex that it exploded.

The two silver wings that have just completed the strike of the Divine Realm.

Also back behind Kesha, like the holy wing unfolded, the momentum and pressure were quite in place.

"Cold, the universe is changing quickly, but apparently... You are left behind! "

"Recently, I studied some interesting techniques with Hexi, which can be regarded as an eye-opener for you..."

With Kesha's words. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Pillars of light descending from heaven to earth...

Morgana's pupils quake for the second time...

The surface of that thing looks like a pillar of light, but in fact, it is a microwormhole cloud that is almost boiling and fission-like spatial effect!

A half-body dark silver archangel through the sky.

Holding a giant flaming sword large enough to penetrate the planets, it quietly emerged from space.

Keisha grabbed it with a palm.

In tandem with it.

The Dark Silver Archangel also reached out to Morgana!

For Morgana, it was an unbearable pressure, as if any of the four fundamental forces of the universe were repelling and squeezing themselves, blocking themselves.

Even the microwormhole that he knows well on weekdays.

Now it is also a prison cage.

Completely seal Morgana in mid-air...

Demon One counted the smoke, and it seemed that it could not stop this heavy pressure of heaven and earth from toppling.

Thoughts begin to be chaotic, horizons gradually blur ...

Morgana, who was desperate, only had time to curse: Bichi...

It was held in the palm of the Dark Silver Archangel and viciously smashed to the ground...

Bang! ——

In a dull impact.

Morgana's body bounced more than ten meters high in place.

And the Dark Silver Archangel had already turned the Flaming Sword, like the fall of the Heavenly Gate, pointing directly at Morgana, who fell for the second time...


A dark shadow burst out.

With all the strength of his body, he knocked Morgana out before she was about to fall to the ground.

And the black shadow itself...

But it was easily struck by the mountain-like flaming sword...

Cut into powder in an instant and dissipate...

Along with it, dark data is also affected...

The previous scene reappeared, that is, the collapse of dark data like a heaven-crash, the same is so complete that it can no longer be completely destroyed.

Well, very loyal warrior..."

A flash of appreciation flashed under Kesha's eyes.

No matter how rebellious her sister is, her ability to control her subordinates is known to the universe.

Morgana, who was knocked a hundred meters away, rolled over.

The successive irreversible deaths of her men made Morgana roar at Keisha in a furious manner:


Keisha sighed slightly, but was too lazy to speak.

But the Dark Silver Archangel honestly expressed Kesha's anger from her sister...

Once again, the inevitable capture blockade.

The difference is.

This time.

Morgana's body was blocked by the silver data stream to the point of complete inmobility.

He was also darkened with a silver archangel.

The second humiliating smash on the ground...

The mountainous sword of flame turned...

The blade, which was so sharp that even the conceptual existence would be affected, pointed straight at Morgana, and fell vertically in an instant!

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