Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 268 You Are So Upright

The attitude of Yan and Zhixin was within Zou Jin's expectations.

A treasure trove of sacred knowledge, a complete opening to Zou Jin...  

Yes, Zou Jin can witness with his own eyes the development of more than tens of thousands of affiliated civilizations under the rule of justice.


Zou Jin treats those ancient histories that happened to other civilizations as historical readings for entertainment.

Those tragic, passionate, humiliating, or grand ancient historical records that happened to other civilizations often allow Zou Jin to steal half a day of leisure in the boring study of theoretical knowledge.

With the intake of knowledge more and more profound.

The ancient history I have seen is more and more extensive.

Zou Jin himself is also unconsciously growing up quietly...

When tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of civilizations, their ancient history, like a long river of time and space, is displayed in front of themselves.

After a long time, anyone will be touched

That's why.

Zou Jin learned to stand on the high ground of history to evaluate the actions of certain civilizations at a certain stage.

He began to gradually learn how to use the current decision-making to integrate what happened in the past, and then deduce the possibility of what will happen in the future.

Going one step further.......

When Zou Jin recorded his insights into the void.

Compared with the self-deduction of Void and Ten Thousand Zang, one's own deficiencies are discovered, and those more subjective assumptions are reminded.


When Zou Jin's thinking gradually converges with the calculation results of Xukong Wanzang

Zou Jin began to be interested in science, technology, life, race, civilization, and the world......

With a new and solips cognition!


Be it life or civilization...

In the eyes of Zou Jin, it is no longer mysterious, nor sacred.

In Zou Jin's eyes, they are gradually degraded to them, and are indifferently regarded as some existences that can be manipulated and connected at will.


A god-to-god dialogue between Zou Jin and Morgana, or rather, with Liang Bing.

Zou Jin begins to realize that the world may be that simple.

What is not simple, or complex, is a deconstruction that is artificially endowed and in line with one's own interests and positions!

Like the line of Cinderella:

The world is neither black nor white, but a delicate gray......


Civilization and life, from them to their changes, are re-recognized by Zou Jin again!

Turned into what they regarded as normal, or they...

The so-called civilization and life, in the current Zou Jin's view.

Neither holy nor mean, but a delicate and balanced fragility.....

Look at Angels and Demons in this light.

Zou Jin suddenly lost his plan to destroy Demon One and throw Liang Bing and her demon cubs close to the black hole in the center of the galaxy.

In a sense...

It is not an exaggeration to say that the devil is a derivative civilization of Angel...

The Demon Queen is Angel's former Apocalypse King, and Demon One is an Apocalypse starship, which has been refitted several times.

Devil's resurrection technology.

From Angel's unused dark data backup and recovery technology.....

Demonic means of subconscious intervention.

It also comes from Angel's research results on the mind, will, and soul.

Even the devil's best time and space warfare.

That is also the result of the former cold ice, the foundation accumulated in the Angel civilization, and the result of gestation.


Zou Jin would even think about it.

After all, Liang Bing's defection was Kaisha's ignorant connivance.

In front of the entire known universe, it was the two sisters who staged this tearing drama that spanned thousands of years in an extremely tacit understanding.

Not so rigorously speaking, there were four Nebula-level wars between Angels and demons, although both sides suffered countless losses.

But also because of the four nebula-level wars.

A lot of new technology has been harvested.

Justice and order also spread throughout the universe at an abnormal speed during this time...

It is precisely because of seeing through these sophistication.

Zou Cai can forget about his emotional fluctuations and choose the life and death of the Yizhiming branch at will.


these thoughts.

It doesn't affect Zou Jin's performance at night.

It doesn't affect Zou Jin's affection for her guardian Angel, Re...

Reunion after four days.

Fishes and dragons dance all night, until the sky soars!

When Zou Jin woke up again, it was already noon the next day, when the sun was high.

After going downstairs.

I happened to see Yan and Leng topping the cow.

And Xiao Zhixin was at the side, quietly fiddling with a few pages of the light curtain like a normal person.

Obviously he was studying something, Zhi Xin was not only accustomed to the confrontation between Yan and Leng.

Even Zou Jin himself is immune.

Zou Jin will express his shock only if these two can reconcile one day......

"God, what did you say to the two queens yesterday?"

See Zou Jin going downstairs.

Angel couldn't wait to ask for proof.

Zou Jin looked confused and asked:

"I didn't say much, what's wrong?"

The conversation between the two caught Yan and Zhi Xin's attention.

After thinking about it for a while, I felt cold to no avail, and muttered 'That's not right' before explaining:

"...when I went to see the queen this morning, I happened to see a bizarre one or two

"The queen and the Tianji king are using the treasure house of sacred knowledge and coordinating with the space-based computing group, as if they are deducing something weird and weird."

Yan rolled his eyes, and Zhi Xin hesitated to speak.

After a long while, I carefully reminded:

"Sister Leng, the two queens, recently often use celestial supercomputers to calculate some cutting-edge technologies and unknown concepts!"

Leng slightly shook his head:

"I definitely know this, the problem is, the two queens are already smoking above their heads!"


That's really rare...

With the power of the sacred knowledge treasure house and the space-based computing group.

The combination of the two is completely comparable to the combination of the Cal plus clock......

It's really hard to imagine what could make the two queens feel so anxious...

"Sister Leng, what are the king and the master doing?"

Angel Leng Su turned his hand and pointed at Zou Jin. …

(Good Zhao's) paused, then frowned and said:

"It looks very similar to Zou Jin, but after careful investigation, it seems that it doesn't look like it... Tsk, I'm about to be confused myself."

Yan and Zhi Xin looked at each other.

Zou Jin shrugged and said:

"You know, it's probably because my Ability is fully involved in the concept field, and it's normal for the two queens to act out of curiosity.

"Besides, it's cold, if you're okay recently."

"Why don't you practice with me one more time, how is it?"

With a soft snort, he raised his snow-white neck coldly, like a proud swan.

"A true warrior will never refuse an invitation to fight... But, the last time you were able to defeat me, couldn't you? My duty has been fulfilled, why don't you find Yan and Zhixin?"

"Learning is endless, big sister! If you don't look for Yan and Zhixin, you're afraid of breaking them!"

Angel is cold: ".....

You are so straightforward, old iron!

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