Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 269 The Evolution Of Thunder God Of War

same moment.

Empty reserve The two queens with nearly a hundred Fixed Stars sighed together and stopped their work.

The treasure house of sacred knowledge and the space-based computing group have also resumed their daily calculation threads.

"Sure enough, the mystery of the Herrscher of the Last Yan once again exceeded my expectations... Even though I have overestimated its importance more than once."

Keisha rubbed the center of her brows, sat down on the sofa and whispered softly.

Shaking his slightly swollen head.

Pipixi sat slumped on the other side of the sofa, resting his little head full of silver hair on Kaisha's long johns, and said with a salty fish expression:

"It's been expected for a long time! It's a pity that the vast divinity has not been solved so far."

Kesha smiled and comforted:

"Although there are not many things obtained from this analysis, there are some good things. At least, Leng Heyan's genetic optimization has finally taken shape...

He Xi was still sighing:

"Hey, I just don't know, that brat, can Awakening some powers that are soaring, the genetic optimization on Xiao Zhixin's side has not been settled yet.

In fact.

Research on the Last Herrscher.

It is more of an enlightening, optimization research to improve the existing technical level. 800

If they really want to reproduce another Rhyscher of the Last Yan, Kaisha and Hexi will not be so ambitious, because they do that kind of thing.

Kesha once said:

"There is only one concept of finality, and the child also said that the law of finality is the only one in the heavens. It is true. In this way, future research should be more practical."

Based on such thinking and direction.

For a long time, the two queens have been studying how to use those strange powers.

Use Angel's super gene for special expression.

Fortunately, the two angel queens are both educated and rich.

After a long time of research, coupled with the divine enlightenment shown by Zou Jin last night, the two queens finally have the initial results!

Said it was Leng Yuyan's gene optimization.


It is from Zou Jin's just Awakening of heat and coldness, and the previous Awakening of electromagnetic control, drawing on the advantages, comprehensively improving the underlying genetic structure of Leng and Yan!

To put it more bluntly:

That is a super gene specially adapted for them.

Judging from the current results, when Yan and Leng complete the gene sublimation, they will be at least at the level of four generations of super genes!

Once they are truly adapted to the four generations of genes...

The genetic strength involved in the conceptual level is already enough to mount the sacred body, and Angel will instantly have two more gods of the fourth generation!

more than.

Since there is heat and coldness, it is impossible to say that the power of Awakening heat will rise in the future.

In this way, Jin is waiting to be the king of the universe.

Master of thermodynamic concepts!

Any molecular movement, in front of Zou Jin, will operate according to his will!


For Angel, the biggest gain is that the four-generation gene that is so hot has someone to refer to!

Therefore, Pipixi would have such a sigh, but it was actually an investigation reaction.

However, look at Pipixi's long sighs in the drama.


The clever Pipixi has long been based on Angel Leng's four-generation gene......

And Zou Jin's power of heat and cold, and started a reverse deduction...

In order to extract the concept of finality from it, another direction of thermodynamics...

in this way.

The three war gods of Angel civilization: Thunder, Flame, and Frost are truly worthy of their names!

"Wait, Yan and Leng's genes are still in the stage of potential expansion because of that child.

"I think that such expansion should have its limit."

"When their third-generation genes are really nowhere to go, then consider adapting them to the real fourth-generation genes.

Keisha's arrangement is undoubtedly based on the consideration of maximizing benefits.

Pipixi said with a smirk:

"It's so cold that I have to work hard, and now I'm still stupidly jealous of Yan Zhengfeng, heh, after all, it's a girl in the second year of middle school. The meat is still in someone else's pot, now (bbbd) being jealous has a use.

Shaking his head helplessly.

This is really a trouble, and I won't let myself be the queen.

Do ideological work for young people yourself.

What's more, she, Holy Keisha, has no experience herself...

Change topic:

"Hehe, speaking of it, I really have to thank Liang Bing, if it weren't for her, Zou Jin's child would still be a long way from divine Awakening.

He Xi frowned lightly.

As soon as Liangbing's name was mentioned, Hexi felt very uncomfortable.

But the appearance of cold ice has indeed accelerated the growth:

"It's rare for her to do a good deed, without her nonsense, that kid Zou Jin wouldn't think more about it, let alone the thinking that Awakening God should have..."

After a pause, Hexi became lazy again, but said firmly:

"However, that doesn't hinder my old lady. If I find a chance, I will definitely give her 10,000 yuan!"

In fact.

The grievances between Hexi and Liangbing have a long history.

In the past, Liang Bing, relying on his three-inch tongue to fool him, let the crane let him out.


That guy didn't help his sister at all. On the contrary, he gave Kesha a sword from behind...

Although Keisha has not blamed Hexi for making claims so far.

But the tone in Hexi's heart couldn't be relieved no matter what...

In the original book.

Hexi died in order to save Melo Tiancheng in the black hole.

At the end of the day, he gave Ruoning the fate of the star by "coincidence", which directly led to the future battle of Kunsa, and Liang Bing had to fill the black hole...

It can be said that the thinking of dying and not wanting to live in cold ice is enough to show how crazy women are when they hold grudges.



Zou Jin and Leng also failed to hit it off.

On the contrary, Yan, based on some kind of thinking, Leng dragged his orders to fight.


Something happened to Zou Jin's astonishment.

Angel Yan, who is known as the god of thunder, actually used his own thunder

A wave of thunder and lightning baptized Leng, and when the thundercloud dissipated, Angel Leng, who was covered in smoke, and her pair of eyes that had obviously lost focus were revealed.


Yan himself panicked, and hurriedly flew to Leng's side, and opened his eyes of insight to check carefully.

Zhi Xin also hastily put her small hands on Leng's back, and continuously passed on her the energy of Fixed Star, the divine healing code, and lavished it crazily without money.

"Sister Yan, you are too aggressive. Sister Leng's dark matter computer is all down, and even her thinking has entered a paralyzed state..."

"Don't talk nonsense, this is very wrong, I don't have the power to intensify electricity!"

"That's right, this is the first time I've seen the phenomenon of my mind being's just, it's just weird!"

Zhi Xin suddenly came back to his senses.

Something is really wrong!.

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