Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 319 Abducted And Surrendered

It is absolutely impossible for Tony's sniping to stop completely just because of one failure.

The order given to the devil's snipers was to wipe out all the marked individuals on the list.

But why...

The nano-sized dark iron battle suit is really too strong.

God-killing armor-piercing projectiles have been endowed with more powerful kinetic energy again and again, and it is nothing more than making Tony's Flight posture roll dozens of somersaults in the air.

And because of the extraordinary shock-absorbing technology of the dark iron nano-battle suit, Tony is not only a little dizzy, but he can also have fun in the bitterness, and have a few jokes with his own artificial intelligence J.A.R.V.I.S...

"Damn it, prawn!"

"Why don't you ask the Queen for instructions, dark iron is not something that can be refined in the pre-nuclear era! I'm worried..."

"Old Tie, frankly speaking, I am also worried! Either the Super Seminary recognized this mustache, or that person secretly benefited from it!"

"Yeah, if this mustache is really shot to death from the air, I'm worried that the guy who will raid Devil One again, if he leaves behind something like a damned bomb when he leaves, then...

Inside Devil One.

The two snipers who were attacking Tony stopped their attack.

After complaining to each other, they got the queen's approval and gave up the behavior of continuing to attack.

Turning to those up-and-coming Mutant, Inhuman individuals.

In fact. 097

Morgana at the same time period was also very surprised.

The sniping plan against the extraordinary individuals on the earth is not absolutely smooth.

Tony, a mortal middle-aged uncle, survived beyond expectations, and Morgana didn't pay too much attention to him.

No matter how clever he is, he is just a mortal...

But Morgana, who is being sniped right now, is tempted!

A scientist named Hulk was hit by a god-killing armor-piercing projectile at the moment.

There is a wave of brutal transformations at the clothing level......

God Killer's bullet failed to pierce through that miserable green skin......

Looking at the other party in the busy city, wrapped in rage and rampant appearance, Morgana's eyes lit up and said:

"Three generations of genetic strength, although it has only just reached the standard, but to be honest... a gamma ray experiment can create such a monster, why can't I believe it so much!?

"No, my dear mother wants it!"

"Behind him, there must be some big secret!"

"Even if not, a warrior with three generations of genes plus one generation of divine body can temporarily strengthen the strength of the demon army."

"Ato, what do you think!?"

The demon Atuo stepped forward, looked at it silently for a few seconds, and then said:

"Queen, he is indeed a good fighter, seems, too brainless..."

Morgana was helpless.

Hulk is indeed very brainless, just like the Hulk who demolished the house, don’t blame the other demons for feeling disgusted, what if this guy joins the demon army and dismantles the demon number one?

After thinking about it, Morgana waved her hand angrily:

"It doesn't matter, I will teach you a lesson myself, and even the most thorny fighters will have to kneel!"


A Hulk in some innocent neighborhood was leveled by Rage's just because he was being sniped.

Just so at a loss, he was engulfed by a cloud of micro-wormholes and landed on Mars.

Not long.

A call from the Queen comes.

In a daze, he beat Hulk of Rage until he screamed.

Even the surface of Mars caused a super sandstorm due to this unilateral beating.

Wait for Morgana to return victorious.

Holding the half-naked Banner in a coma, he randomly threw it into the devil's genetic modification cabin.

The anticipation in Morgana's eyes was still flickering in Brin Brin.

"After the genetic modification, the genetic strength of this big man can be stabilized in the third generation state, and my mother has also spent a lot of money in terms of divine body... A third-generation god who is a melee reckless type can hold back a right guard!"

After a pause, Morgana couldn't help having a headache again.

Super soldiers, even gods.

It’s not enough to just transform it, but also to adapt it to armor and weapons!

It is even targeted to develop some combat moves for it.


A white board three-generation god "may also be in front of a fully armed caaj!

Morgana has seen Qilin's extraordinary lethality before.

She didn't want to spend so many resources, but in the end she was killed by a small god-killing bullet that was transported into her body out of thin air.

But preparing weapons and armor, originally is also a one-day resource consuming item. …

It is really difficult for today's demons to come up with this resource.


Morgana could only focus on a certain dog.

Right At the moment...

Atuo's request interrupted Morgana's thoughts:

"Queen, I beg you to start the killing process to strengthen my divine body. Now I can't be harassed by Angel Yan for the hostess."

Morgana was slightly stunned when she heard the words, and then a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes:

"In that case, you'd really be a devil!"

"For the Queen, Ah Gan is willing to become a demon!"

Monarchs, ministers, masters and servants looked at each other for a while, Morgana sighed:

"As you go, I will put you in Frazier, where the kingdom of the next Queen Angel is located!"

"I don't need you to actually raid Anisid, but I want you to cause enough carnage and chaos!"

"If the plan is successful, Angel Yan will most likely be lured away..."

A Tuo solemnly nodded and took the order to go.

Under Morgana's management, Devil One quickly consumed a large amount of stored energy, spreading the devil Ato and a batch of genetic viruses to Ferre in the feudal era.



Holy Keisha came down to earth.

The celestial phenomena are changing one after another, and on the earth, the breath of the storm is getting stronger and stronger.

Tony, who fled to Donghuang because of the devil's abandonment, did not choose to return to Meilijian, but simply transported his driver Hapi back through Donghuang's secret channel.

He didn't intend to leave Donghuang, the continuous sniping and the list of superheroes who were silently killed all made Tony physically and mentally exhausted and even felt extremely secure...

He is very clear.

Once the mysterious force's suppression of high-end individual forces on the earth is over.

The real interstellar war is about to start.

At that time.

Except for Donghuang, you can't even be on Earth.

Find a second decent safe area.


For whatever reason...

After a round of political review, Tony successfully joined Donghuang Super Seminary as a scientific researcher.

In the academy research institute where a bunch of Donghuang faces gather together......

Tony is one of the few western faces. Thanks to his huge amounts of fame and smart brain, soon, the task of researching and developing the special version of Chengying Fighter Mech for each arm of Donghuang was handed over to Tony. .

What makes Tony happy is that here, there is actually a child from the same country that he is very optimistic about——Peter Parker!

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