Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 320 The Collapsing Magnesium Western Civilization

where the earth is.

For a while after Zou Jin left.

It is dominated by the western boundary of Magnesia, including two population gathering places in North Africa and South Africa.

The devil's gene virus has begun to expand unscrupulously.

A large number of civilians and evil-armed forces.

There will always be a series of noise and arrogance from the bottom of the gene, from the heart, and gradually lead to create countless bad karma!

The previous verbal disputes will often quickly develop into armed fights now!

In the past, between neighbors and gangs, usually only physical conflicts were needed to settle the conflicts.

Now it has become a crime of frequent shootings or brutal killings.

more than this.

When the former oppressed.

Gain power due to the strengthening of the Demon Gene Virus.

Conversely, after killing the former oppressor, the first time is definitely not to help other oppressed.

Instead, he himself became the high-ranking patriarch who oppressed!

Furthermore, they will pour all their malice on their fellow oppressed in the past.

With the more noisy and frequent shootings, incidents such as QJ killings have been constantly increasing.

Social security issues in the above-mentioned areas.

quickly fell to the bottom.

Because the local order maintainers are the first group of people who fell into the bottomless chaos...

Their evil deeds have spawned more evil...

When the balance of good and evil in such areas is completely out of balance, the former goodness is the most conspicuous target...

Chaos spreads rapidly!

Order is rapidly collapsing and out of order.

As a result, every time an individual's evil is magnified to the extreme.

The moment the devil gene in the body is completely stimulated enough to generate a second evil personality, a large number of people in the western world begin to lose their human appearance!

Their appearance quickly deformed, while developing strong musculoskeletal.

Scales, horns, and batwings that shouldn't have appeared on Kamikawa's body also began to grow.


They were mortals who were useless before...

It has evolved into a demon with fangs and claws that can easily trigger extraordinary effects!

And the price...

It was his rationality that was burned out....

In its place, an extremely depraved thought called evil...

And they gradually became them!

Here and there, the demon kingdoms on the earth spread in broad daylight...

When faced with them who are infinitely approaching a generation of super soldiers...

The technological weapons of normal society tend to decay rapidly in effectiveness, with the birth and expansion of these lowest-level demons.

The living space of normal mortals is rapidly shrinking or even disappearing.

The global population is also decreasing rapidly like an avalanche at an earth-shattering speed.


The entire African continent has fallen into the hell of war and crime.

That strong depraved and evil extreme breath.

It even triggered the realm of idealism and the boiling of related extraordinary elements...

Layer upon layer of black smoke rolls over the converging points of each Trask, and spreads to the whole of Africa as the chaotic army of Trask advances.


Such a destructive massacre.

It attracted Wakanda in Africa to take the initiative to send troops to counter the rebellion and clean up.

The Wakanda side holds Vibranium technology as the mainstay, and a large amount of black technology equipment, although the development direction is somewhat biased.

But at least.

It can also compete with Trask, and they can be regarded as stalemate with each other.

Reason is very normal.

In terms of individual combat power, Trask undoubtedly has an absolute advantage.

Even if the genetic strength is only limited to the level of infinitely approaching one generation, Trasks can also have the standard means of mobilizing dark energy and attacking with energy balls.

its power.

Approximate mortar blasts at close range!

As a result, the Black Panther transformed by the heart-shaped grass, without the blessing of the Vibranium battle suit, would never be able to win one-on-one!

But the advantage is that the Trask group is an extremely degenerate, extremely egoistic, and extremely free individual.

Such a legion has no habit of unified scheduling and unity and cooperation.

Plus Trask's brain is not good enough.

Not to mention the ability to build their own civilization, and definitely cannot develop their own war equipment.

We can only fight against Wakanda's regular army and black technology weapons with flesh and blood. It is understandable that the two sides are so stalemate.

But anyone can see that...

Wakanda's defeat.....

It's almost a foregone conclusion!

There are too many Trask groups, and they spread all over Africa!

When they ravage the whole of Africa and kill all mortals who can let them vent their malice, the only Wakanda will become the target of all Trasks!

0 looking for flowers...‥

By then!

The last pure land in Africa will also fall.

This is the case in Africa.

Magnesium Lijian and Oulu are not much better

Perhaps it is the ancient Celestial Group and the Cree people, who have a preference and preference for white people...

Among the human beings who were transformed back then, hundreds of them were the most!

so that.

Under the baptism of Morgana's demon virus.

The remaining dominant or latent Mutants and Inhumans are more likely to be infected and deformed because of conflicting genes in terms of resistance to mutations.

It is also because of the existence of this group of mutant demons who are the first to deform and often the most powerful.

On the surface, Magnesium West can barely maintain a seemingly normal society.


The reason is that the upper echelons of the West, where capital thinking is prevalent, have long made a plan to raise normal human beings in captivity!

Only harvest a wave of leeks to become stronger.

How could it be more comfortable and pleasant than harvesting the leek fields constantly and paving the way to the strong with the bones of countless human beings.


Magnesium Western society has not collapsed.

On the surface, it is still bright and beautiful in the past.

But secretly, individuals who are labeled as garbage populations are often silently and logically disappeared from the social level.


Magnesium Westworld.

On the surface, the frequent outbreak of shootings is also a matter of course.

If you really complied with that sentence, capital will not disappear, but will only squeeze and dominate the world in another posture.

Even when this doomsday-like interstellar invasion is approaching!

after all.

They have heard of it.

The invading gluttonous behind-the-scenes god is allied with Queen Morgana.

Now they take the initiative to turn the western land into Queen Morgana's demon kingdom on the ground. They can't let those gluttons dare to attack wildly, right?


These self-proclaimed smart capital consortiums don't know.

For Queen Morgana, they are just consumables, the sinful soil for the birth of truly outstanding demons!

Known as the demon queen who has been fighting all her life.

What is needed is not a group of capital who steal, rape and play tricks, but a group of warriors who can accompany her to conquer the universe and become respected in the universe!

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