Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 321 Come Out And Mess Around! The Fight Is The Backstage

Zou Jin is definitely aware of everything that happens on Earth.

He knew that Tony mustache was attacked by the devil and fled everywhere, and he also knew that this guy fled to Donghuang with his family.

He also knew that in the anger of being sniped, Hulk was easily hammered by Morgana and dragged back for genetic modification.

He even saw the snipers under Morgana with his own eyes when he was promoted.

It's easy to smash the superhero of Western Magnesium into pieces...

But that doesn't matter.

Even Zou Jin is happy to see.

Why in the Marvel world, the opponent is replaced by the Magnesium team, who can play 50-50 for anyone, and Black Widow and Hawkeye, who can quickly escape from the difficult situation.

But in front of the devil, so vulnerable!?

The reason is simple.

A certain inappropriate Marvel creator, aware of the concept of finality, took the initiative to start doing things after the interference of someone's subconscious "September 13" consciousness.

So I chose to run away with buckets, and by the way, I also abstracted away many concepts and special elements of Marvel.


The Marvel world is a higher world than the Super God plane.

But first, its creator took the Marvel main universe and many parallel universes away, and the ones left behind are considered dilapidated.

There is no way to resist the unequal world integrate under the intervention of Zou Jin.

Furthermore, everything in Marvel has been turned into the nourishment of the super god plane...


Magnesium team, Black widow, Hawkeye and their ilk.

Extraordinary individuals who were originally favored by the luck of the world, without the preferential treatment of the world, would definitely die in the new world.

no one can stop...

In the same way...

Obviously, in the Marvel universe, timelines are reversed at every turn, energy is controlled, space is manipulated, and the dimension of matter is controlled by Mephista...

Without the support of world concepts woven by Marvel creators.

It originally has not evolved an extraordinary system that is sufficient to support its own evolution to the current stage. Definitely, the Mephistas of the dimension with unstable foundations have suffered bad luck.

Not falling asleep and adapting to the rules of the new world.

For example: Mephisto!

It is being oppressed by the current world rules to the point where the sanity is almost zero, and there is a feeling of returning to the Chaos state and the will of the universe.

Example: Nightmare!

The former is due to the soul and negative energy of the new world, which has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The hell dimension based on this has inevitably entered a period of self-regulation.

As Mephisto, who is bound to the dimension of hell, must definitely sleep and accept the transformation of the new world.

The latter is more tragic.

As the dimension Mephista that can control the dream dimension.

The power of Nightmare is unquestionable, but after the world was integrated, this guy hastily came into contact with the space Kiran in the consciousness of the universe!


When analyzing this consultation from the final crystal nucleus, Jin was a little confused.

Don't look at Space Kiran as just a super god, a scholar-type character who doesn't even count as a Level Single Universe combat power.

But when he abandons his emotions and integrates his will into the big universe.

Then, after being assimilated by the will of the mechanical universe, Zieran's actual combat ability and even his life state have undergone a leap forward!

In prehistoric terms...

Today's Kieran can even be regarded as the spokesperson of the Way of Heaven...

After the integration of the two worlds, while the background of the world has greatly increased, Kieran has also gained a lot of benefits.

The rash move of the nightmare is the instinctive counterattack of the humanoid cosmic mind with a considerable amount of knowledge if it is directly in contact with the will of the universe.

The immediate result is that...

The dream dimension still exists today...

After easily adapting to the current world rules, the nightmare of the dimension master is almost obliterated, and then turned into a will aggregate similar to the will of the dream dimension.

Such a nightmare will be like Kieran...

There is no good and no evil.

Without me and without him.

As long as the dream dimension is not endangered, the nightmare will not be active in the known universe again.

It can be seen from this.

How dangerous is the integration of the world.

Definitely, the danger is to life within the world.

At the same time, it also shows that without a sufficiently reliable Transcendental System, even if one obtains Transcendental power by chance, it will not last long.

A small and cute sightseeing ship, sailing at high speed in the galaxy universe.


Zou Jin has also seen a lot of space-level civilizations from the Marvel universe that have integrated into the super god plane.

Every time they encounter such a civilization, Yan and Zhixin will explain the potential of this civilization to Zou Jin out of the thinking of increasing his knowledge for Zou Jin.

Zou Jin is not surprised why Angel knows so many things.

very simple.

They are the strongest civilization in the known universe.

Stargate systems distributed throughout the universe, and Caesar's Angel monitoring at the Cosmic Guest.

It would have allowed Angel to understand the current situation of the universe without leaving home.

After the world integrates.

The status of the Angel civilization has not changed.

The equipment technology function has not changed, and definitely will get the consultation that should have been collected......

Even Angel and Zou Jin understand that those information are the result of being passively recorded in the treasure house of knowledge after the world integrates.

when talking about this topic.

Zhi Xin suddenly remembered something, and asked curiously:

"Brother-in-law, I have a problem!"

"You said that our Angel can perceive the truth of the universe's integration, and know which things are already owned by the known universe, and which exist after the integration.

"So... what about Morgana and Karl? What about Lieyang? They should also notice these changes."

Leaving aside differences in force field and concepts, both are god-level civilizations.

What Angel can perceive, other civilizations at the same level should also perceive.

But this will also cause another problem.

Both are god-level civilizations, Yan and Zhixin are very clear.

When faced with the unknown, what kind of curiosity arises in the heart of creating a god-level civilization.

Karl's obsession with the void and the space with the cold ice is a typical example.

If it continues to develop...

I'm afraid I won't wait for the so-called void crisis to come... 3.2...

Those god-making civilizations with strong curiosity can smash the entire known universe into a pot of porridge.

Zou Jin saw Yan and Zhixin's worries.

He didn't quite understand, but he shook his head and sighed:

"It's not that simple. You Angels can perceive the changes before and after the world integrate because you have a significant causal relationship with me."

"Therefore, when the world integrates with me as the anchor point, it autonomously avoids cognitive interference with Angel."

"Other god-making civilizations do not have such privileges."

After a pause, Zou Jin added:

"Definitely, because of the celestial supercomputer, the god-level civilization can detect some insignificant disharmony through the data changes of the dark plane."

"But it is far from discovering the truth. I estimate that they will have to study for at least tens of millions of years to do it."

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