Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 334: Sandbag-Like Demon Atuo

Who is coming?

It's the devil Atuo!

At this moment, he is already genuine, possessing three generations of super genes and high-end combat power with the same divine body.

But the price is A Tuo's whole body, in the divine perspective of Jin.

The entanglement of resentment that diffused to the sky, and the faintly audible echo of the mournful cry and curse from the black smoke column, like the deathless soul.


Today's demon Ato, with his own slaughter.

Forged the unparalleled prestige, but also because of this, it has been recognized by the universe and the recognition of living beings.

His cruelty, his cold blood, his slaughter.

A divine pattern was formed between his brows.

Zou Jin was the first to distinguish that the meaning of the divine pattern was: Slaughter!


Actually that's what happened...

Today's demon Atuo has the potential to become a god in the realm of idealism.

The direction of his priesthood is most likely to be the God of Slaughter or the God of Slaughter, but that is only potential, and potential means that it has not yet become a reality!

At least.

The recognition A Tuo received was not enough for him to obtain God's Domain.

In fact, Yan and Zhi Xin are roughly at the same stage.

The difference is that they have their own help, and they have gone a long way on the road to God.

Yan's Thunder Temple and the heart-burning place of blazing judgment have all faintly manifested in their private dark planes.

Atto is different.

This guy probably doesn't know how to mobilize the power of the idealism field......

This point can be seen when he was pressed down by Zhi Xin with one hand during the surprise attack with the heavy sword in his hand.


The ground exploded a straight gully that was a hundred meters long and penetrated behind the three of them.

But all three of them were able to fly, and this move was considered perfect to be cracked with one hand.

Atuo looked at Zhi Xin in shock, and instinctively fanned the demon Batwing to take him away from the scene, and simultaneously made a guard gesture.

In his mouth, he asked incredulously:

"Impossible! The three generations of gods never have the power of yours! What's more, you are still a scientific research Angel who is not good at fighting!"

Zhi Xin snorted coldly.

With a flick of one hand, his body was slightly lowered, making a gesture of about to charge forward.

At the same time, Zhi Xin's right palm has already pulled out the flame sword from the weapon arsenal!

The figure flashes......

The speed soared to nearly the speed of light in an instant [Suddenly pulled out a (cdcb) pen-heavy light band...

When she stopped, she was already standing fifty meters behind Atuo, and the blood remaining on the Raging Flame Sword in her hand was also flicked by Zhi Xin casually, drawing a line of blood on the ground.

at the same time.......

Zhixin's declaration before making a move came here:

"You don't know what is possible!"

The voice just fell.

Atuo stood stiffly on the spot with both hands holding the sword in a parrying posture.

Only then did a gap break through the entire shoulder, and the blood was shooting more than ten meters into the sky in an extremely exaggerated shape!

At this moment, A Tuo's eyes are truly expressing what is pupil earthquake...

The same genetic level, the same divine body strength, but the commander of his demon army was cut ten swords in the first fight by the 500-year-old right-wing guard under Kaisha's command

can't believe it...

The demon Atuo, whose world view was almost collapsed, almost murmured the words "this is not scientific".

Could it be that Angel took advantage of the demon's decline period, Mei Mimi evolved a wave...



His sharp and murderous eyes instantly locked on to the target of this trip—Zou Jin!

It was Zou Jin who responded to A Tuo's gaze, shrugging his shoulders and spreading his hands in boredom, and sneered at the three consecutive output with a crooked mouth. His expression was clearly filled with the words "you're a chicken", and the blood spattered on A Tuo's shoulders. , speeding up a little again...

Zhi Xin turned around and looked at A Tuo.

The long sword in the palm was quickly caressed all the way by the other slender hand, and accompanied by the heart-warming caress, a flame that was clearly not as hot as the sky gave Atuo Jinping a fatal threat!

"Fortunately for you, the attack just now was able to block most of the power..."

Lie Yan Zhi slightly adjusted the sword posture.

Accompanied by the trajectory of the long sword, a black gap was scorched into the space...

This bizarre and unreasonable scene made Atuo feel horrified. He couldn't understand what kind of moves Zhi Xin was using, and what kind of black technology was contained in it.

But Atuo's body cells, and tens of thousands of years of fighting instinct told him that if he was hit by that dangerous long sword...

It's really the rhythm of being seriously injured and dying...

If you are a little careless, it is not impossible to be seconds!

Think here.

Atuo's divine body began to be activated urgently, and the preset repair program started automatically.

In the shoulder wound, the special program that is analyzing and dissociating its own genes is completely cleared.

In an instant.

Without the trouble of this program.

The essence of the three generations of gods can quickly heal the wound, A Tuo must make comprehensive preparations to deal with Zhixin's next attack...

But the next moment.

What greeted him was not the thrust of the flaming sword of the heart.

It's Zou Jin, it's Zou Jin who has no sense of warrior glory at all, baptized by thunder and lightning...

It turns out.

Even if it is the third generation of gods, when they should be shocked until the ribs develop, they will do the same

"You dare to bark your teeth at me and show your back, you really don't take me seriously..."

"Did the lightning strike just now wake up some memories you don't want to recall......"

"Back when I was beaten by the three generations of super soldiers, you couldn't take care of yourself. You wouldn't think that you could stand up just after a wave of upgrades!"

The nasty smile on the corners of Zou Jin's lips is rising......

He can faintly perceive...

A person who is very important to me is meeting her established destiny trajectory that she has contributed to...

But she has her own will.....

No matter how much Zou Jin wants to make trouble, he really can't go against Keisha's wishes.

But that doesn't mean that Jin's heart is really getting angry!


A good beanbag is right in front of you.

Zou Jin is really shameless, so what if he bullies the small with the big, this anger does not vent... …

Zou Jin was really aggrieved.

Looking at Atuo, who was twitching on the spot, and the electric arcs on his body were crackling and moving, and also looked at his eyes that were almost crazy to the point of rage, but unable to get rid of the paralyzing effect

Zou Jin grinned:

"Don't worry, that move just now won't really hurt you. Believe me, I'd rather beat you to death than to kill you in seconds with one move!"

Looking past Atuo, he looked fifty meters away behind him, and now he is a little at a loss when he puts on a posture:

"Little Zhixin, come back!"

"This piece of material is a toy that my brother-in-law ordered! I can't give it to you...".

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