Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 335 Zero Rated Power: Heiyuan White Flower

Zou Jin keeps his word, at least after growing up...

Leng took the initiative to take it back, the thunder and lightning that was entangled with A Tuo at that time, if Zou Jin didn't want this thing, he could even keep entangled with him until Zou Jin fell or the end of the universe came.

Electromagnetic control at the concept level is so domineering!

After personally experiencing the experience of being enveloped by dense electric arcs, the paralyzing effect that no means will work, but the inescapable effect has always tormented him, Atuo finally regained consciousness...


My current self.....

Really can't do this big guy in front of me!

But the next moment.......

The fiery killing intent and boiling desire to slaughter in his heart ∼ once again surged.

It easily overwhelmed - Atuo's original intention.

A gleam of disappointment flashed in Zou Jin's eyes. In comparison, the original demon Atuo, who can control himself, may not be so strong, but at least...

that is a worthy opponent

In front of him, this half-god demon Atuo, who has made achievements in the field of idealistic slaughter, and even initially involved in the field of ascension to gods, disappointed Zou Jin...

"Frankly speaking, I don't dislike you for slaughtering all living beings. It's understandable for you to advance and become stronger..."

"It's a pity, you who obeyed the queen's order to slaughter all living beings..."

"Unexpectedly unable to control the essence of slaughter, not only lost his heart, but even...willing to sink


Zhi Xin has returned to Yan's side.

Seeing this scene, the two women were stunned for a while, and then Xin asked tentatively:

"This is what my brother-in-law said, the fate of Dao Xin being lost... How do I feel that A Tuo is no longer the same him as before!?"

Yan sighed and said:

"In the past few thousand years, I have fought with him countless times!"

"I'm pretty sure that the demon warrior who was once worthy of respect is now probably reduced to a monster driven by the concept of slaughter..."

The conversation between the two women has just ended.

Ato over there.

But with red eyes, he smiled crazily like a night owl:

"What about monsters!"

"As long as I can remove your group of obstacles for the queen, even if you become a monster! I have no regrets!"


Both Yan and Zhi Xin are confirmed.

This is the true portrayal of being completely deluded by the will of the Tao.

Strictly speaking, whether it is the concept of massacre or the concept of finality, the conceptual existence of this kind of basic structure of the universe does not originally have any subjective will.

They all only want instinctive desires that fit their own conceptual characteristics...

Like the last longing, all things die.

And the concept of thunder is naturally endowed with the instinct of convicting and judging...

The burning desire of the flame concept is also its characteristic.

the same way.

The desire to slaughter is to slaughter all living beings and spirits...

Does Atuo know the gap between him and the Herrscher? Definitely knows...

So does he want to kill Zou Jin?


It's because he has seen more than once, the scene where his own queen was teased by Zou Jin so that she couldn't get off the stage.


Restricted by the queen's orders, and her own powerlessness.

A Tuo's inner killing intent was deeply hidden.


Through Frazer's sacrifice of more than 300 million people and active slaughter rituals.

A Tuo has indeed grown, and he can indeed be called a powerhouse in the first sequence below the king level.

But at the same time, he has also been favored and recognized by the concept of slaughter...


A Tuo suppressed the killing intent in his heart.

The first time I saw Zou Jin, I couldn't bear it anymore!

Under the influence of the divine pattern of slaughter, the killing intent erupted like a landslide and tsunami!

The iconic jittery laughter came out of Atuo's mouth.

"What a pity, the queen is wrong, when she saw you for the first time, the queen should have killed you at all costs!"

"So... I turned into a monster!"

"So... I must right the Queen for her mistakes!"

In the scarlet eyes.

The light called reason can no longer be maintained.

Filled and infected by fanatical killing intent and soaring evil thoughts...

See here.

Yan and Zhi Xin know.

It is useless to say more.

Between Zou Jin and A Tuo, it is bound to be a life-and-death relationship today...  

Zou Jin sighed slightly.

The aura of life and death in black and white is spreading like lightning

But that's not thunder.

It is birth and decay, the manifestation of the power of the lawmaker of death...  

It is also the embodiment of a divine weapon with its power as the core...

【The zeroth rated power... start!】

...asking for flowers...

【I am the black from the abyss, I am the white from the sky!】

【Born before creation, exists after annihilation

【Give the water of the fountain of life to him who is thirsty. 】

[God's Key·Heiyuan White Flower, the zeroth rated power, liberate—————————————————————Centenarian Lan of the Holy Spear!】

It was a hymn like all things sang together...

From the rocks, from the flowers, from the dust, from the air, from the clamor of the stars!

From the dark plane, from the depths of the soul, from the infinite time and space, the ensemble resonates and overflows!


Accompanied by hymn-like singing, it gradually becomes passionate

A holy knight spear was summoned by Zou Jin from the infinite nothingness.

The shock in Yan and Zhixin's heart is infinite...

It was a scene that almost subverted the three views, it was an almost sacred and sublime painting!


It was a holy knight spear.

The sharp tip of the spear shines with an edge that almost embodies the beauty and vitality of all spirits!

But the close connection with Zou Jin made them almost instinctively know that this weapon is by no means as harmless as it appears on the surface... …

Zou Jin swayed his spear slightly sideways.

Facing the momentum of Atuo's frenzied charge, the indifferent forward thrust hedges...

In his mouth, he reminded in a neither salty nor light way:

"Be careful, although this thing can't kill people, but... if it is hit, it will be quite painful."

The next moment.

Atuo's epee carried some kind of realized conceptual killing intent.

With Zou Jin's analysis ability, he got the information of the corresponding effect in an instant.

That's real damage! It's a conceptual attack that will definitely cause damage if touched...

did not expect.

At the moment when his mind was completely sank, A Tuo unexpectedly mastered this method of attack without a teacher.

But pity!

no use......

At the moment when Atuo's epee has not yet touched himself...

A stream of holy white light was condensed and fired from the tip of Heiyuan Baihua spear, like an enlarged version of Heiyuan Baihua's light cannon sweeping across the earth.

While passing Ato's body, it also shot from the horizon to the deep space of the universe in an instant.

The thick cavalry light cannon is so big that almost half of the mortals on the planet Frazer can easily see it. They knelt down and kowtowed, praying for the mercy of the gods, so that disasters will not continue to come to the world.

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