Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 392 Do You Understand The Special Treatment?


Guys headed by reckless men like Xin Zhao and Liu Chuang took the lead, and Xiong Bing and others also began to get acquainted with Thor.

No matter how dull Zhengzhi's sense of smell is.

The members of the Xiongbing Company with keen five senses also sensed that Wanger was thinking about Donghuang intentionally.

Based on the simple idea of ​​multiple friends and multiple ways out, Xiongbing Company definitely has no objection to deepening friendship with Thor, not to mention, with Thor's reckless temperament, not to mention, he really gets along well with the male compatriots of Xiongbing Company.

together with.

Qilin, He Weilan, Su Xiaoli and others also exchanged a few words kindly with Carol who was obviously traveling with Thor.

However, after perceiving Carol's obvious depression and seeming hostility towards his own side, the ladies of the Xiongbing Company simply ignored Carol.

Instead, they discuss their recent experiences on their own.

Talk about the good old days when you were training.

Discuss the application experience of those esoteric and difficult knowledge.

Discuss whether 06 will support and when to support other theaters of the earth in the future.


As a woman...  

They also forgot to discuss cosmetics, nice clothes, etc., which are obviously inappropriate topics.

Listen to this.

Carol's heart sank even lower.

So much so that Carol even had the urge to continue to exile herself and wander in the sea of ​​stars.

But also right at the moment.

The digital Angel headed by Leng led many people one after another into the reception room and waited.

Among them are Donghuang's military cabinet elders, foreign affairs cabinet elders, and their guards and recording personnel.

It also includes a group of African people who dress very uniquely.

There is also a group of white and black groups with black faces, but dare not speak out.

The first two happened to be sitting on the left and right sides of the Xiongbing Company.

The two elders of Donghuang also took the opportunity to chat with the members of the Xiongbing Company. After being a little restrained at the beginning, the friends of the Xiongbing Company quickly adapted.

They communicated with each other on topics they could think of during the war, such as suggestions for improving armaments, deepening and transforming tactics, and even future strategic layouts.

Princess Su Rui and Prince T'Challa from Wakanda in Africa feel a little bit waxy at the moment.

Recently, in the process of facing the invasion of Trask and Taotie at the same time, they are already at a critical moment of losing ground.

A large area of ​​land was invaded and a large number of people were slaughtered.

The army also suffered heavy casualties in the war!

If it is not relying on the barrier of Vibranium technology to barely hold the capital, the entire Wakhan metropolis will be reduced to chaos.

But it is also at this time.

An Angel swoops by.

With the pillar of flames sweeping across the earth, Wakhan was easily rescued.

Without giving them a chance to thank them, Angel told them bluntly, saying that the King of Angels has come to Earth, and the remaining resistance forces on the current Earth need to go to the North Star to hold talks on the future of the Earth...


There is nothing wrong with Wakanda.

But holding the back collar, as if carrying a chick cub and leading them to the North Star, isn't it too tough!?

It travels through the world at a high speed like the speed of light and has no time to react, and the high mobility that arrives in an instant.

Let Princess Su Rui's three views burst.

Made T'Challa have no courage to feel angry at all.

And after seeing Angel's Sky Blade No. 7, they didn't dare to have unnecessary opinions.

Even after sitting here for a long time, the two leaders of Wakanda still haven't come back to their senses.

The last group is more special and interesting.

Leng also placed it beside Carol.

"Carol, do you know what's going on!?"

Nick Fury asked in a low voice.

Unsurprisingly, the people who came were the only few high-level executives left in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Carol sighed, looked at Nick Fury with a complicated expression, and said:

"As you can see, advanced civilizations came to Earth, and they call themselves Angel civilizations... Unfortunately, they are not governed by God!"

The corners of his eyes twitched, and the vigilance on Nick Fury's face could no longer be concealed...

No wonder.

He is discussing with Phil Coulson and others.

How to find the remnants of the group of consortium forces, when asking for more resources and manpower.

An Angel barged in without saying a word.

Attacking gun bullets is like treating massage.

Strongly resisting the baptism of barrage, he grabbed him and Phil Coulson by the shoulders and brought them here.

Anyone who encounters this kind of behavior that can never be called friendly will not have a good face.

The key is.

When they were forced to enter Tianren Seventh.

When I saw the two old elders of Donghuang who were riding on a cute spaceship, there were a group of people following them.

Nick Fury's inner hysteria is almost overflowing!

Does the distinction need to be so obvious?

Taking a deep breath, Nick Fury deliberately raised his volume and asked:

"So, Angel, who claims to be righteous, is also here to conquer the earth!?"

In response to Nick Fury's.

It was the eyes of the crowd looking foolish.

The two elders of Donghuang looked at each other silently and expressed their regret.

The corners of T'Challa and Su Rui's eyes twitched, do you want to listen to what you are talking about! As far as the virtue of the earth is concerned, it takes people to work hard to conquer it? What is the picture!

On the other hand, the friends of the Xiongbing Company, after a few seconds of silence, laughed instantly!

Fuck! It's so ridiculous!"

"Made, Brother Jin knows how to liven up the atmosphere. He asked Ms. Angel to bring this product up to 073. It must be used as an atmosphere group!"

"Hey! Watch out for international influence, you idiots are laughing too loudly!"

"Don't worry, Qilin, she is so professional and funny, isn't it appropriate not to give a response? Haha, I laughed so hard."

The sarcasm filled his ears.

Made Nick Fury almost crack on the spot.

As the shield of the earth, I, Old Hei, tried my best to warn you idiots, but in the end you didn't appreciate it, but you still mocked!?

Nick Fury, with blue veins on his forehead, reached out to touch his waist, and was about to draw his gun to demonstrate.

But Carol pressed his shoulders forcefully:

"Enough, Nick!"

"Stop your futile temptations!"

"Let me tell you why they laughed at your temptation. The so-called conquest must be based on the premise of profit!"

"Gao Tie is here to kill, what about Angel? Don't tell me it's because of the hundred tons of gold you hid!"

See here.

The anger on Nick Fury's face subsided instantly.

Immediately afterwards, he spread his hands helplessly and said:

"Then I don't understand, why, I was brought here so rudely?"

"Frankly, such an invitation . . .

"A generous gift is like kidnapping! I don't feel the respect I deserve!".

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