Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 393 King's Majesty

In fact.

Nick Fury's playing crazy, definitely not that he's actually being stupid.

Since being brought here forcibly by Angel.

Nick Fury clearly recognized it.

The current S.H.I.E.L.D, faced with such an enemy being instantly annihilated, is already regarded as Angel's value for his side.

But the greater possibility is to ignore it at all, and only let S.H.I.E.L.D act as a spectator and a tool.

That's right.

As the king of his agents.

When I landed, I saw the special treatment of the two elders of Donghuang, and now I saw the representatives of the major resistance forces belonging to the world.

Nick Fury knew that this meeting  …

It is likely to start with the division of the post-war order, and even the definition of powers in the new era!

after all.

Angel is gone.

There's no reason Earth's strife can't be settled yet!

The end of the chaos and strife on earth is a good thing, but...

The special preferential treatment received by Donghuang made Nick Furui very vigilant, and he clearly smelled a very bad situation!


He deliberately pretended to be gaffe.

Deliberately exaggerating the facts and distorting Angel's style.

Even if he knew that there might be no result in doing so, but...what if?

In case there is a fool who is willing to wave the flag for me, and if I continue to retreat as usual, wouldn't it be possible to get similar, or even the same, special treatment as Donghuang?

At least……

It can also make Angel less blatant and give Donghuang the right to special treatment.

But Nick Fury missed one thing!

"Sorry, Nick, you are just the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, not the president of Mei Lijian! In fact, in this present where even Mei Lijian has become a thing of the past, your title of SHIELD Director is not even that legitimate."

Carol was even more merciless in revealing his background.

She is fed up with the old country that is getting worse and worse and hopeless.

to this day.

Nick, who is one of the few sane regulars in Mei Lijian, still can't see the reality clearly.

Carol couldn't understand.

How did he have the nerve to ask Angel to make a request confidently and confidently, using diplomatic rhetoric in the halls of the earth?

These words couldn't be more straightforward.

It's no problem to get the corresponding respect, but the premise is that you have to be qualified!

Carol's merciless words made Nick Fury slightly stunned, wondering why this old comrade would stab him in the back.


The degenerate intuition of the agent king told him.

Carol has changed!

Or rather, Carol keeps changing!

It's just that I, who relied too much on Carol's combat power in the past, failed to discover it in time!


After confirming Carol's attitude, Nick Fury really panicked.

He is very clear.

Now this is the intelligence organization that controls the remaining resistance forces of Mei Lijian and concentrates on support.

How much is hated!

How many people are coveting the position under his ass.

Nick Fury firmly believes that once Carol falls out with him, those remaining forces who are unwilling to be lonely.

They will definitely kick themselves away first, and then, that group of people will definitely use every means to turn S.H.I.E.L.D into their own personal armed forces!


The end was predictably bleak...

While Nick Fury was frantically thinking about how to ease his relationship with Carol, he didn't notice.

Another group of people entered the room.

They are a group of mutants and Inhumans extraordinary individuals led by Zheng Xian of the Spear Bureau.

As well as a group of secret magicians led by Ancient One magician, a group of Donghuang blood descendants.

Immediately afterwards.

The extraordinary individuals from the Donghuang military searched from all corners of the world, headed by Scarlet Witch, were coldly led into the room by Angel.

at last.

In the seminary, a group of scientists and several beautiful faces also came here one after another.

Without exception.

These people have received special treatment.

Once led by Angel, I came here on a lovely spaceship.

But the group of people who just arrived were not led to sit down.

Angel looked around the crowd coldly, and said:

"My king sent me to find you here because some future matters on the earth need to be arranged. Please come with me, but...~..."

After a short pause, a gleam of cold light flashed across the cold eyes, and the aura of the sun was suddenly as vast as heaven and hell:

"God's majesty cannot be violated!"

"King of Angels, even more so!"

Say it.

Leng silently restrained his aura, and left the reception room on his own.

Give others time to adjust their mentality.

inside the house.

Everyone was captured by Leng Gang's aura, unconsciously, their backs were covered with cold sweat.

until then.

Only then did Nick Fury react.

The "dialogue" between the real high civilization and the low civilization is never called a dialogue!

But order!

Even Xiong Binglian and everyone are quite ambitious at the moment.

I have an intuition that the Zou Jin I will meet today may be very different from the one I remember!


Identity is no longer the same!

Today's Zou Jin, in addition to being a native of Donghuang on Earth.

He also carries the title of King of Angels on his shoulders, and in certain conversations, it naturally represents Angel's attitude!

Not long.

After adjusting their mentality, the group was led by Leng to the command hall of Tianren No. 7.

And above the throne.

That slightly lazy figure leaning against the throne, but actually mighty and majestic figure.

It also convinced the friends of the Xiongbing Company that the situation is indeed different, and there is still a friendly smile on his face.

But laugh like that.

Never give people a real sense of affinity.

On the contrary, it is an equalizing smile that treats all beings as equals!

Facing Zou Jin like this.

No matter who it is, (Dema's) no matter how high their status is or how powerful they are.

This is God, this is God!

It is even said that it is a sense of identity from the heart.

It is the strange resonance of one's own genes, mind, and even soul that will bow their heads!

When encountering an existence whose essence of life is far higher than itself, it will naturally self-protect itself gradually. It reminds its owner that in the face of such an existence...

Contradicting, slandering, or even talking too much are not the right options... Silence is!

Even the two elders of Donghuang feel the same way at this moment...

If it is necessary to give Donghuang a so-called god to lead the development of civilization, then...

The aura emanating from the person in front of them will make them feel from the bottom of their hearts...

Perhaps, He is the most suitable God!

Looking back.

As the elders of Donghuang Pavilion who have personally witnessed His gradual growth to this day, they suddenly have a feeling that time has passed and things are different!

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