Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 427 He Xi: I'd Better Die

【Eh! Your Majesty!?】

"it's me."

【No, what are you doing here!?】

Vaguely, Zou Jin seemed to be able to see that He Zheng was hugging his delicate body with a blushing face.

Angrily staring at himself with big watery eyes

Not to mention.

Zou Jin was quite embarrassed.

To some extent, this move is like breaking into the goddess' bathroom...

The key is such a deep transformation of the god body, no matter how strong the god is, it is impossible to wear clothes!


Already Zou Jin's current high-dimensional perspective.

When He Xihe was soaking in the hot spring, there was no difference.


strictly speaking.

Now Zou Jin sees who he sees in a three-dimensional way, and for other Angels, there is no secret or privacy in Zou Jin's eyes.

The only difference is whether he really wants to see


It does not matter.

"Hexi, if I say that your plan to ascend to the gods is flawed, would you believe me!?"

The sacred atom cloud formed by Hexi continues to integrate with the void particles, and at the same time separates and surrounds Zou Jin. 11

Put it like a curious baby, poke here, poke there.

【Your Majesty, your divine body transformation is complete!? So fast...

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

If the timing wasn't right, Pi Pixi would have to be arrested and beaten.

Who is faster...

"My side has completed the transformation, so I discovered the problem!"

"Have you ever thought about how to define yourself at the moment of being sublimated into a quantum state of life!?"

"You don't want to be like this either..."


Zou Jin's side.

The information is aggregated autonomously, and it evolves into the appearance of Yogbubble with this pile of bloody wings......

Visible to the naked eye, the cloud of sacred atoms surrounding Zou Jin froze.

After a while, Hexi seemed to think of what he had become, and even stopped the progress of integrating void particles.

【No, not at all!】

【I also ordered the little Angels below to recite the prayers of ascension to God when the time comes!】

【To be on the safe side, I also uploaded my past experiences to the treasure house of knowledge, so I shouldn’t end up in such a ghostly state!?】

I can hear it.

Now Hexi is panicked to death.

For Angel, who loves beauty and pursues perfection, if he really wants to become that ghostly, even if he can gain the power to run across the universe and even flatten the void.

Angels would rather die than die!

"The problem is, Angel can be an observer, and others who know your Hexi's existence can also be observers!"

"You know what I mean, in the eyes of some civilizations, not only you, but also the image of other Angels, are so... You know, they even rumored that your Angels like cannibalism!"


"Trust me, when your wholeness quantifies the moment."

"The observer effect of the definition that the known universe has had on you will make you neither human nor ghost."

"Unfortunately... the image just now is already a possibility that I got more pleasing to the eye after observing millions of timelines! Otherwise, it will only be more curious!"

Zou Jin didn't lie.

He never gets too entangled in such insignificant matters.

The fact is that in some timelines, Hexi will even be distorted into a nebula-like crawling blanket of flesh and blood due to the flooding and non-uniform effect of observers.

When reality does not match the imagined more perfect self, Hexi in that timeline goes crazy.

Not only did Melo Tiancheng be destroyed immediately.

If he was completely dragged into the blanket of flesh and blood, even the entire universe would suffer together. Hexi, who was completely depraved, was even distorted into a bloody mass of evil gods.

Zou Jin himself did a lot of tricks to guide the most corrupted timeline to an irresistible end, preventing its negative impact from spreading to other parallel realities, and even reversely penetrating into the main timeline. Hexi.


A virtual projection constructed by dark energy.

Constructed with the swiftness of wind and thunder, Hexi manifested in front of Zou Jin in the form of a projection.

Without saying a word, he just stared at himself pitifully with his big watery eyes, looking like he was about to cry:

【嘤嘤嘤, Your Majesty, your Hexi doesn't want to turn into that ghostly look, save the baby!】



Although Hexi who turned into a weird person, he really has a special flavor.


Pretending too much, dear!

Reluctantly, he stretched out his hand, straddling the illusion of reality and quantum, and lightly touched Hexi's head which does not exist at the moment.

The projection that provoked Hexi was stunned in place, with an expression of bursting three views.

"Anxin, isn't your majesty here in person..."

"With me as the first observer throughout the whole process, I will definitely be able to suppress the unrealistic reflection of the effects of other observers, and it is still possible to barely keep you from losing your true self.

【Min, barely!?】

He Xi was stunned, can this thing just be kept alive!?

The momentary sluggishness made Hexi even forget to care about the unreasonable tactile transmission just now, and looked at Jin in disbelief.

But Zou Jin himself was helpless.

"No way, you are not a concept agent. You who are fighting with Kieran's remnant soul and Karl cannot get the protection of the concept of truth!"

"Once you are quantized as a whole, your thinking will definitely go offline for a short time, and you will re-adapt to the new god and enter a deep sleep."

"In this way, 953, you in the quantum state, the influence factor of the observer effect is bound to increase dramatically!"

【With you as the first observer!?】


"My high-sequence observations can only anchor your essence as an Angel and your normal appearance."

"But with the addition of other observer effects, maybe, Hexi, you will have some meaningless redundant organs in your body..."

【for example?】

Hexi stared at Zou Jin with a frightened expression.

In the hope of getting a passable answer, the redundant organs are nothing more than a minor operation after a thorough promotion, right?

Zou Jin shook his head slightly:

"For example, the tip of the tongue becomes a snake letter, such as the tip of the hair grows fangs and sharp teeth, such as the fleshy whiskers in the eyes, and a human face grows in the chest cavity..."

"But you know, the Five Dynasties Divine Physique is a leap in the conceptual level."

"It is the ultimate achievement that can evolve together with your genetic essence. Any changes during the period will be engraved into the self-concept of life logic!"

Hak Hee:

【My old lady might as well die!】

Zou Jin is embarrassed.

So, here's the problem.

Once the transformation of the divine body is carried out, it can be terminated, but the divine body that has been initially quantized must be discarded!

This too is an artificial depletion of the self-concept!.

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