Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 451: Hypocritical Madman

It's okay to be curious.

It's okay to say it's boring.

Zou Jin is really curious about Thanos' strange thinking and why he is so persistent.

Even such a question does not require Thanos to answer it face to face.

If you really want the answer, looking at the parallel reality of hundreds of millions, you can easily bypass the person involved.

But that would be boring.

For Zou Jin now, exploring originally is also a pleasure.

Especially when you are already in the single universe, and you are omniscient in a certain sense, the process of exploring the unknown is more interesting.

And Thanos, Zou Jin definitely knows.

His wonderful thinking between population and resources, between population and the universe, the act of killing half and keeping the other half.

The source lies in the home planet of Thanos. Due to population expansion, resources were scarce, and then it completely died out in the civil war.

But Zou Jin's curious "Eight Zero Three" was not the source of Thanos' idea.

It's Thanos, the root of such obsession.

Listen to Zou Jin's question.

Looking at the Infinity Stone that was instantly transformed, Thanos was silent for a long time.

Then he sighed:

"I understand what His Majesty means..."

"After randomly wiping out half of the universe's population, I will choose to destroy the Infinity Stone...

"Then I went back to my deserted home and watched the long river of stars pass by the doctor quietly.

Zou Jin was silent.

Instead, someone else said so.

Zou Jin will immediately search other timelines and use what happened in other parallel realities to slap each other in the face.

But a person like Thanos can indeed do such a thing!

In fact, the original plot line, Thanos is like this!

"Okay, let's continue the deduction, you're retired... Where's the universe?

Thanos: . . . "

Not normal, this Angel King is not normal.

There is no such thing as curiosity before a fight!

"Half of the life in the universe was randomly killed by you, then what!?"

"Then, the universe will not have such a heavy population burden, and the remaining resources are enough for other civilizations to continue to develop. But those, I don't want to continue to pay attention... I am just a person who asks questions and solves them. "

Zou Jin shrugged and said bluntly:

"But if you implement it according to what you want, the peace in the world you imagined will not happen!"

Thanos sighed.

I thought I met a god with a high level of thinking.

It's a pity that at present, the other party is no different from other vulgar people.

Zou Jin laughed and said:

"Confused, isn't it?"

"But I think, that's because you ignored the instinct of intelligent creatures to reproduce!"

"I have paid attention to the living planets you once slaughtered, for twenty years! Even in less than twenty years, they have returned to their original population size!"

"Even because of the fear of your second slaughter by Thanos, they have entered the stage of retaliatory reproduction. Even if you return to continue killing again, you can still leave more civilized species.


"The same principle applies to the entire universe! So, I don't understand why you have to do those meaningless human interventions where the self-regulation of the universe and the self-regulation mechanism of civilization are there."

Zou Jin's words were flat.

To convince Thanos, Shin also pitched some current status quo in setting up civilization.

In fact, the civilization of the planet that was invaded and slaughtered by Thanos has been in shock for a while! It is no exaggeration to say that the civilization is on the verge of death!

Look at the morale and cohesion of those civilizations that have been completely destroyed since the disaster.

Let's look at the current situation of the new generation after the birth, followed by the previous generation who squandered resources excessively, but have no intention or ability to develop civilization and technology.

This is not man-made surgery on civilization!

This is a lunatic's act of massacre in the name of rationality and salvation, forcibly using superficially reasonable reasons, that's all...

Hear this.

Thanos was already stunned.

Fists clenched, veins twitching, even suspected that Zou Jin was lying on purpose!

It was a kind of idea that I pursued all my life, and I was confused and furious after being ruthlessly exposed my hypocritical appearance. Simply put, my mentality exploded!

But Zou Jin still doesn’t intend to let Thanos go. He recognizes his wisdom, but despises his actions, and even more despises his self-deception for his meaningless atrocities in the name of justice!

In a sense, Thanos Thanos...

How similar is it to the Anza Group that Earth once had...

They keep saying they want 'democracy, freedom, equality, and peace', but they actually plunder the world by force and stir up wars everywhere!

The most outrageous thing is that Thanos, like Magnesia under the rule of the Anza Capital Group, shouted a lot of slogans, and had to force others to agree...even the perpetrators themselves gradually became very sure of their own That set is the so-called truth!

In fact.

The same words, the same debate, Thanos has heard more than once in front of the victim before!

But that is considered the cowardly self-deception of the weak!

But now, the person who said these words is the king of the Angel civilization, a great individual who is in charge of the god-making civilization and has tens of thousands of subordinate civilizations!

The eyes of Thanos changed in an instant, becoming more fierce, and more inclined to his essential repressed and tyrannical self!


The heavy double-sided war blade was carried out!

In front of Thanos:

"You are strong, and the civilization behind you is stronger, but don't expect me to believe you! Come on, let's use battle to speak!"

Zou Jin sneered.

This purple sweet potato essence is also very interesting.

He told so many lies that even he himself believed it. What's more interesting is that this guy actually tried to do it in such a way.

Alluding to Zou Jin relying on the strong to bully the weak, suppressing the truth he believes in!

"You have wisdom, but also firm will and executive power"

"But it's a pity that you don't have the habit of reviewing and summarizing..."

"In this respect, the major god-making civilizations are much stronger than you, but you are not self-reliant, and you don't think that the existence of god-making civilizations hinders your noble 4.3 actions to save the world!

"Frankly, I despise you!"

The voice just fell.

Zou Jin waved his hand lightly, and the wind of zeroing because of his name swept past.

The five obsidian generals under Thanos died at the same time!

The divine body has been eroded and turned into dissipating black ash, its genes have been obliterated, and it no longer has any supernatural powers, and its dark plane and related dark data are also collapsing, and even deeper, it is recorded in the big clock. The relevant information at the root of the universe is also moving towards the end at the same time!

"Come on! Let me teach you what it is like to talk to God...

The next moment.

Thanos roared with red eyes and grabbed at the void. The meteorite that had just passed by this desolate star was violently pulled down.

It hit Zou Jin with blazing heat and surging kinetic energy. .

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