Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 452 Supermodel's Archon's Spear

Zou Jin knew it at a glance.

That is a power gem transformed into a void-like engine, amplifying and driving the kinetic energy of the meteorite, controlling the kinetic energy attack of the meteorite falling at a speed exceeding one-tenth of the speed of light!

Why is it called a void engine?

very simple.

Now that the Infinity Stone has been knocked out of its authority, the Void Engine modified based on it still has the powerful rule distortion ability of the Void Engine, but it only manifests the rule distortion in a certain rule direction. Simply put, the breadth of the attack is extremely narrow.


Thanos obviously didn't learn how to behave...

"I said it..... Pure brute force is useless against a true technology god!"

The voice just fell.

Zou Jin stretched out his palm, and caught the meteorite calmly.

The kinetic energy and heat energy attached to the meteorite, which was amplified a hundred times, was instantly transferred to the desolate star below by Zou Jin using himself as a transit.

It directly caused super large-scale cracks and collapses on the surface of the surrounding ten kilometers, and a sharp knife light swept across the smoke and dust.

Intent to dominate!

But Zou Jin casually raised a 15 index finger.


A crisp sound!

Thanos' offensive was instantly suppressed.


Tap your fingertips to lock the double-sided war blade!

The other hand came out with lightning, hitting Thanos' chest like a whip or a hammer.


Not even the slightest reaction.

Thanos was blasted dozens of kilometers away!

The broken rocks along the way plowed out ravines on the deserted star like water floats

Thanos, who was more than 30 kilometers away, staggered and pushed away the rocks that fell on him.

Looking at Zou Jin's eyes, there is more imperceptible sense of fear, the gap...

That was the most obvious gap. With only two attacks, the suffocating oppressive feeling mixed with the opponent's insurmountable height makes people desperate!

Just at the moment, Zou Jin's words entered Thanos' eardrum like a shadow:

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't attack you just now! I just used your power to give it back to you! Come on, let's have something more innovative!"


Thanos was in a trance as if seeing...

On the other side of the horizon of the desolate star, there is a huge giant god that fills the universe and the galaxy, gradually emerging!

He stands upright!

He is supremely great!

He is neither wanton nor arrogant!

He just understates his greatness like facing an ant!


It landed without a sound.

Appeared without a sound.

But Thanos had a faint feeling that it wasn't Zou Jin who suddenly flashed in front of him just now, who was moving by himself! It was the result of the planet's perception of that existence's idea, and the autonomous cooperation!

And the other party just raised his feet and took a step, that's all!

Take a deep breath.

Suppress your inner fear.

Thanos stretched out his hand to grab hold of the planet's gravity...

The power gem distorts the intensity of gravitational force, causing it to multiply tens of millions of times, and in an instant it turns into a giant sword capable of tearing the sky apart.


Still useless!

Zou Jin just raised his hand indifferently and shook it.

Invisible's gravitational long knife is firmly held in the palm, information is given, and concepts are attached.

In the blink of an eye!

The gravitational long knife is realized and materialized!

Thanos sees it clearly!

It turned out to be an artifact that was reconstructed from the dust and matter everywhere in the sky and here, using the gravity of the planet and my own help as the material!

Taking materials on the spot in a blink of an eye, he created a divine weapon that is not weaker than his own double-edged sword.............

There is no doubt that such great power has gone beyond the scope of comprehension!

That is the strength that Karl has never shown before!


"It's still brute force..."

That's right.

Gravitational tearing is just as brute force!

For gods like Zou Jin, the inability to act uniformly and synchronously in the Quantum Realm, unification is classed as a case of brute force!

Just because such an attack is for Him who transcends the boundaries of the universe...

Waiting for mortals to face the autumn wind under the warm sun......

No threat at all!

It's clearly a declarative sentence, but Thanos was horrified when he heard it...

No more hesitation, Thanos instantly lit up the Soul Gem on the glove, a mighty power boost mixed with the original power stone, dyed the orange-red soul halo with a hint of purple.

But that doesn't matter.

The important thing is...

Zou Jin once again caught this beam impact with a soul strike effect...

In a blink of an eye, it was materialized again, and it was materialized into a spear of light that was bright enough to annihilate the soul!


Unspeakable despair!

That is the despair that no matter how hard you try, you can't get a glimpse of the whole picture!

At this moment, Thanos is very much like facing gluttony, exhausting all means but finding that it is useless, and he is at a loss for Western countries.

What made Thanos even more desperate was that Zou Jin reversed the direction of the spear of light. He was upright and unpretentious in throwing the javelin!

"Unfortunately, I am tired of your meager means! Well, let you experience for yourself, what is God's war!"

Thanos can't move!

It seems that more than Zou Jin, the Angel King, wants to kill him!

Even with it, the entire planet, the entire galaxy of the universe wants to kill him, and even all living beings want to kill him!

The space is actively crowding and squeezing him out, freezing him and making him unable to move!

Countless dead men had distorted and cursed faces, locked him with resentment, and connected him with revenge!

The surrounding space trembled faintly, and there seemed to be a skeleton-shaped space structure, trying to take it away from the dangerous place again.


Carl is unwilling to lose such an excellent shit-stirring stick, and is about to end up trying to find someone.


At the last moment, Karl wisely chose to give up...

It's just because under the calculation of the big clock, I can't calculate any feasibility to save Thanos!

Thanos looked up with a wry smile, looking up at Cangtao!

Faint murmuring in the mouth: 107


That's right!

It's not just a shot of reality lore.

It is the fate-anchored final kill!

Aware of the fact that he was bound to fall, Thanos calmed down instead, looked at Zou and asked:

"What's this move called?"

"Spear of the Archons!"

The next moment.

Dark gold entangled with the spear of light, projected by Zou Jin.

Thanos' body was pierced!

It was actually synchronized with Zou Jin's actions, and he himself was also subjected to a very real trauma at the same time, and the middle process? Sorry, there is no such thing!

But Thanos doesn't have time for the little things...

The moment when he was hit by a high-dimensional attack and was about to fall...

It seems that Thanos' own dimension has also been passively elevated, and he has seen scenery that he has never heard of before!

He saw countless parallel realities derived from the real timeline!


He in all parallel realities...

They were all pierced by the so-called Archon Spear at the same moment...

No matter what he is doing in that parallel reality, the fatal attack will definitely come as scheduled...

With a wry smile...

At the moment when his body and everything about him were about to be erased by the universe, Thanos lamented:

"It's a lie... You obviously... attacked me too..."

The voice did not fall.

Thanos is gone!.

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