Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 80 The Unavoidable Ideological Controversy

"Wade, don't tell me you killed Francis without my consent?"

Wade's face twitched.

Not to mention, if it wasn't for Vanessa's timely reminder, the last bullet would have hit Francis between the eyebrows.

Recalling someone's chattering narration just now, those ~imaginations that make people's feet go limp.

Wade's firm rebuttal:

"Don't talk nonsense, Master Bandit isn't breathing."

Zou Jin sighed.

He definitely saw that Francis was still hanging, but it was just-just hanging.

Sigh, luckily Wade stopped in time and didn't really kill Francis.

Otherwise, Zou Jin will lose a lot of Honkai energy.

Just a trick.

A small chain that snaked forward automatically appeared, passing through the bullet hole left by Wade's shooting, hoisting Francis up, and then hanging out of the ferry unceremoniously.

blowing with the wind...

In order to prevent Francis from belching, Zou Jin also intimately realized the same type of blood bag and injected it into Francis' body at all times.


And other things like epinephrine, drugs that stimulate the heart rate, etc...

After doing all this, Zou Jin looked at Wade:

"Well, are you done with your business?"

Hearing this question, Wade burst out instantly:

"Fack! That smashing can't restore my face! Fark!"

As if cursing and swearing were not enough, Wade picked up his submachine gun and directed at Francis, who had just improved, to vent his anger with a set of stroke marks!

Zou Jin stepped forward, patted Wade on the shoulder lightly, and comforted:

"Think about it. Although you are ugly now, at least your cancer will not kill you. Unlike me, I am not ugly and I don't have cancer troubles. I really don't have any troubles."



Would you like to hear what you are saying!?

Who is so comforting!

Vanessa looked at Wade with a weird look, she couldn't say a word, and she stopped talking...

I always feel that being able to mix with my own man is really not a normal person's feeling!


Francis died quite creatively.

At the very least, after discussing with Wade, the two agreed that before killing Francis, he had to undergo a minor operation.

Wade cut open the skull himself, and Zou Jin poured a large amount of toilet cleaner into it himself.

That's right!

It's Ajax brand toilet cleaner!

As a result, when Francis died, his mouth, nostrils, and ear canals were all spraying bubbles...

It's a spectacle!

at last.

Wade happily took action himself, hanging Francis' weird body on the signboard of the scrap yard, vowing to let the salty sea breeze blow it into a lump of old bacon.

Do it all.

Wade called Brother India, took his wife Vanessa into the car, and went home.

The young couple have been separated for so long, and so many things have happened during the period...

You don't even need to guess about that impatient little expression, you know what you plan to do when you go home.

Zou Jin herself.

Then continue to stay on the abandoned ferry.

As a Mutant, Gina has the same Ability as a super soldier, and the source of Ability comes from genes.

To some extent, it is no different from Zou Jin's ability of Herrscher the Ultimate.

The only difference is the depth at the conceptual level corresponding to Ability.


Zou Jin is very interested in Gina's body.

Do not misunderstand.

Zou Jin has no interest in Sangsang's necrophilia.

He is purely curious about Gina's unreasonable defensive ability!

He has just been promoted to the third generation of super fighters, and with the analysis power he just unlocked, he crouched in front of Gina's corpse and fiddled with it.


It's like a perverted murderer returning to the scene after committing a crime.

Well, it's really not that serious.

Zou Jin analyzed it in just ten minutes, then crossed the black hole of space and returned to the safe house in Brooklyn.

The analysis results show that.

Gina's mutant gene does have traces of artificial modification.

It can be seen that in Marvel's settings, the statement that Mutant was born from the experiment of the Tenjin Group has a high probability of being established.

In terms of functionality.

Gina's mutant genes are really good.

In terms of defensive ability alone, it is at least at the peak level of the second-generation super fighter...

When fighting against point-to-point attacks, integrate your own defenses and use the overall defense to fight against point-to-face attacks. The technical thinking is a bit like the shadow of the three generations of super fighters.

………seeking flowers… 0

Can... that's all!

Such mutant genes have great defects.

At the very least, Zou Jin can think of a hundred ways to kill Gina easily if he calls again.

Gina's genes still maintain the peak level of mortals in terms of toxins, corrosion, suffocation, high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, radiation resistance, etc.

It is the strength and physique that are slightly out of the ordinary, and that is because the defense ability cannot be raised without strengthening the strength and physique...

It can be seen from this.

The Celestial Group that came to earth in ancient times is really not humble at all, they are really here to conduct experiments!

For the Celestial Group, the Earthlings are the test subjects.

Just like the relationship between Zou Jin and Francis, there is no gift, let alone gratitude.

A similar group, and the Kree Empire and their test subjects: the Inhumans!

"Tsk...the advanced civilization in the Marvel universe is not kind..."

"Compared with this, why did I suddenly discover that the Kamigawa civilization really looks like a good man!"


Shenhe civilization layout Shenhe star network.

In essence, it is not to help lower civilizations develop their god-making technology.

Instead, they use the intelligent life of lower civilizations, the genes that have not been polluted by technology, to hatch their own super soldiers.

It’s just that with the demise of the Kamigawa civilization, the Super Seminary also changed its purpose. While guiding the super fighters of the backward civilization, it also instilled the concept of the Kamigawa civilization. In this way, the Kamigawa civilization can continue in an alternative way. .

Compare and treat.

The advanced civilization of the Marvel universe is full of gangster logic that spreads civilization, and the concept of self-righteousness is almost engraved on the forehead.

The Shenhe Civilization is relatively milder, a bit of the courage of the Donghuang Belt and Road Initiative. I will help you develop and give you knowledge, but if someone really resists, don’t blame the super gene underlying code in the Shenhe Star Network, which is suddenly missing trivial things. part of...

If there is a super soldier, so in a certain key battle, a sudden shutdown leads to defeat......

Please believe that it must not be the Super Seminary doing something!

Scratching his head, Zou Jin, who came to this conclusion, also felt quite speechless.

I have traveled through Marvel, but I never thought that I would have to personally experience a wave of ideological contests...and....

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