Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 81 Blood Banquet Bar


Zou Jin is not in the mood to deal with ideological issues.

For him who is a nerd, no reason or idea can compare to his own fist.

Silently gesturing with his fist the size of a sandbag.

A little black with no eyes was punched until he covered his stomach, and rolled on the ground crazily.

He had just parked his motorcycle at the intersection, and in the shadows by the side of the street, a figure with a familiar smell caught Jin's attention.

Just as Zou Jin was looking for the past, he was asked by this little black...


Zou Jin once again confirmed that the concept is not important, and the right rule is not important, what is important is the power of his fists!

"Fack! You fucking know who I am... oh! Whoa! NONONO! Don't, dude, put this thing away from your hands! I give up!"

Xiao Hei, who had just been relieved by "603" from the severe pain.

He was about to lift his backstage and intimidate the weak Donghuang in front of him.


The kid in front of him, who seemed to be unbroken, fiercely took out an even more ferocious M500 revolver.

Seeing the persuasive power of the large caliber revolver, Xiao Hei immediately gave up!

He raised his hands above his head, lying on the ground like throwing himself to the ground.

The whole action………….

Just highlight the one who is sincere and obedient, whose proficiency, I am afraid I have practiced it no less than a hundred times in person!

As for why not use the big baby of the Warhammer series.

Believe me, with Lijian Xiaohei's general IQ, it is impossible to predict at a glance how powerful the Warhammer pistol is.

after all.

Wade and Weasel used to be dismissive of Warhammer pistols.

For efficiency considerations.

Zou Jin simply used a way they could understand.

"Remember that white man who passed by here just now? I think he looks like a dog in his clothes. You know where he went, right?"

Xiao Hei swears.

At this moment, his brain rotation speed is at the peak of his life.

Definitely, the degree of fright he received was also the peak moment of his life.

"I know! The place they went to should be called the Blood Banquet Bar...I heard that the business there has been very good recently, and the popularity is also very hot! Moreover, there are Mexican hot girls performing Deyi dancing! The kind of close-fitting version !"


"Yeah...well...probably, well, man, I'm not sure, but that's the biggest possibility. It's been rumored in the circle that you can still buy legal white goods there ......Forehead

You know, those white-skinned people love stuff. "

Zou Jin shrugged, but he didn't make things difficult for this blackie.

In fact, when he said the word blood feast, Zou Jin was sure that Xiao Hei did not make a mistake in his judgment.


Zou Jin rewarded him with a sincere, 25mm bullet fired from the muzzle of Warhammer 80...

Well, actually two shots.

The first shot is fatal, the second shot washes the floor........

Zou Jin believed that even the most advanced equipment could not collect any DNA residue from Xiao Hei.

In addition, the entire scene was covered by micro-wormhole clouds, so no sound was allowed to leak out.

I can't believe such a high-end scrubbing method.

Magnesium Lijian official, but also found any effective evidence.

Anyway, there is no surveillance here...

Stepping towards the direction pointed by Xiao Hei, Zou Jin was full of anticipation.

He had a hunch.

Tonight is likely to be a fruitful night!

I still remember.

In Sister Margaret's Bar, the first task I received was to help the bar owner deal with the troublesome vampires.

Although the process is a bit tortuous.

So much so that the boss and the bar were blown into ashes.

But... the task requirements, Linjin is 100% completed, although the scope of the impact is a bit large.

When counting afterwards, the deafness and tinnitus caused by the explosion sound waves are counted as upgrades.

Later, more than 50 individuals were killed by the high temperature and high pressure...  

But...... Taking a step back, don't tell me you vampires don't have a problem?

This is not punching

in process.

Zou Jin remembered the smell of vampires.

It's not accurate to say it's smell, it's more like a bad first sense.

In the eyes of outsiders or mortals, vampires usually appear in the image of a gentleman or a hot girl, and even that is their real appearance.

But in Zou Jin's eyes.

But any vampire must be covered with a layer of black aura...

And those black aura, captured by Zou Jin's sense of smell, tend to exhibit a bad taste similar to canned grilled fish......

If not.

Zou Jin probably wouldn't have dropped a cloud bomb on the scene.

At most, replace it with a thermite incendiary bomb...


Just a coincidence.

Let Zou Jin capture that familiar bad smell.

"Blood Banquet Bar... Tsk, are vampires so crazy? Or, the background of the boss behind the scenes is big enough..."

The Blood Feast Bar is located on a corner of the street, which is easily overlooked if you don't look carefully.

Say vampires are crazy, people dare to link the name of the bar directly with blood food

Even at the entrance of the bar, there are obviously a lot of vampire-themed decorations.

It seems reasonable to say that vampires are cautious...

At least they don't open bars in hot spots


A man and a woman were hugging and kissing each other as they walked into the Blood Banquet Bar.

After analysis, Nanren is a very ordinary mortal.

The man dressed as a gentleman was the rightful owner who had just met by chance. Zou Jin could smell the terrible smell of grilled canned herring from a long distance away.

Especially after the smell of cosmetics on the woman's body mixed with it, the smell was even weirder...

Silently shield the olfactory organs.

Just in case I spit out the overnight meal inappropriately.

At the entrance of the bar, a burly man glanced at the unsuspecting woman and joked:

"Joe, is this your woman?"

The vampire named Joe showed a decent 0.0 smile, and put his arms around the woman's waist:

"Yes, she's my favorite!"

Zou Jin, who heard the conversation from a distance, couldn't help but nodded frequently.

Vampire love? Tsk tsk...

"Sir, I'm his girlfriend. My dear, I heard that there is a private party here. Anyone can attend, right?"

The burly and strong man laughed strangely twice:

"Yes, beautiful lady, but before that, could you please hold out your hand?"

The woman didn't know why, but with Joe's encouragement, she stretched out her white arms.

The burly man took out a cartoon seal and pressed it lightly on the back of the woman's hand, leaving behind a pink fluorescent seal.

But the same action did not let Joe enjoy it...


The burly man opened the door of the bar and let the two of them enter. .

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