Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 89 The Punisher Was Arrested?

I still remember the time when I escaped from the institute with Wade.

Just in time for the 2008 Olympics.

The original newspaper happened to be the New York Daily...

Before I knew it, almost half a year passed silently.

With Zou Jin's mentality, definitely he won't be full of emotions.

he's just curious

In other words, if we fish out Tony in advance, will it cause Mark One to have a difficult delivery?

Or, will this move lead to Tony not being able to understand what responsibility is, and thus leading the way as an arms boss?

This is undoubtedly a good question.

The former may lead to Iron Man not appearing, or appearing slowly, causing the upgrade progress of the Warframe to be unable to keep up.

The latter could lead to the birth of Blacken Iron Man...

No matter how you say it, it's worth Zou Jin to try it out. Such a huge change in the trajectory of fate is enough for Zou Jin to eat well.


It is not Zou Jin's style to do things one by one.

He hadn't forgotten that he had made an agreement with Blade to have a good night in Quanguo.

at night.

Sister Margaret's Bar.

Taking advantage of the promised time, Zou Jin took the black hole of space as his way, and came here to try to see if he could find another plot line.

As soon as 193 sat down, Zou Jin saw that in the bar, the weasel was holding a photo and nailing it to the photo wall.

"Another unlucky one?"

"Yes... That idiot took on the task of tracking down the cheating rich woman. The employer requested that he must obtain evidence of the rich woman's cheating. As a result..."

Shrugging, Weasel sat back in his exclusive seat and said in a word:

"I still can't understand that he actually got involved with that rich woman, and what's even more incomprehensible is that...he is still holding the bed photo of him and the rich woman, asking for a reward from his employer!"

Zou Jin linen was stunned.

I put a green hat on my employer, and I want to ask the employer for the shell fee. No wonder there is a copy of him on the wall of the photo... Definitely!

After thinking about it, Shin asked out of curiosity:

"So did he get the bounty in the end?"

The weasel raised a pair of dead fish eyes and said angrily:

"Is this the point of concern? He's dead, understand! When a person is dead, no amount of money is worth it."

All right.

Listening to this, the mercenary platform really recovered the price comparison money!?


Come to think of it, the employer asked for indecent photos, and didn't specify who the leading actor is!

With the urgency of capital, if the money is not recovered, the capital behind the scenes will not sleep well...

Skim over the topic.

Zou Jin asked:

"Any interesting assignments lately? Something that fits my style.

The weasel nodded slightly, indicating that it had been in contact for such a long time.

He still understands the style of this little brat.

"Yes, there are quite a few!"

"For example, to exterminate the Mexican drug gang, the mission location is definitely not in New York, it needs to travel far away, there is no logistical support, and the mission reward is 9,000 Fangli.

"For example, destroying the ninjas of the Holy Society, this meets your requirements, a head of 100,000 knives!"

"Another example is this, the mission just released by the Stark group, to find their boss, with a bounty of 100 million knives!"

Zou Jin frowned slightly.

In addition to Wade's favorite chicken wrap, Mexico is quite interesting to him, and drug dealer Zou Jin doesn't bother to care about it at all.

Anyway, those people were also sold to Mei Lijian, not to Donghuang.

If it weren't for the low price of going off in person, Zou Jin even wanted to give away hundreds of tons to the people of Meilijian for nothing.

As for the ninjas of the Holy Society...

I vaguely remember that it was the Hand's deadly enemy.

But never mind him.

Anyway, they are all ninjas who drive away benzene, so it's best to fight each other's brains.

"The last one, is there a time limit?"

"Nonsense, the time is too long, you plan to bring back the body of the playboy? The shorter the time, the higher the extra bounty, believe me, if you bring Tony Stark back tomorrow

You can earn at least 200 million knives!"

"That's no problem. The main reason is that I have some private commissions and I need to deal with them first. y

Weasels are very curious.

(cgeb) But I really didn't dare to ask more.

I was worried that if I was not careful, it would explode again

Maybe, the last time S.H.I.E.L.D checked the water meter, I have to do it again.

After a pause, the weasel reminded:

"Another piece of good news for you is that your reward has decreased, and it is currently one million knives.

Zou Jin expressed surprise:

"The gangsters were discovered by conscience?"

"No, the gangster's conscience has long been eaten by dogs!"

Weasel smiled strangely, as if mocking Zou Jin's naivety, and guessed:

"In the past, your bounty was so high, but no one cared about it, probably because no one recognized you. Now that the gang has lowered the reward, it's probably because your accomplice was caught by the gang!"

Zou Jin sat up straight with a look of incredulity: "Using... the punisher was caught!?"


That ruthless man unexpectedly got caught one day by mistake.

Weasel nodded and said:

"Yes, that guy is really unlucky with the gossip."

Having said that, the weasel warned:

"You have to be careful, being manipulated by the gangsters, life is worse than death! If your accomplice is really caught, it will be a matter of time before he confesses you."

"Believe me, I'd rather kill myself if I get caught by gangsters..."

After a pause, the weasel turned pale, as if thinking of something, and hurriedly explained:

"You're not stupid enough to reveal your current address with your accomplices, are you? I beg you, if you do that, please move out of that room as soon as possible! I think it would be a good idea to move in with Wade idea.

It can be seen that the weasel is really panicked.

Gangsters don't come here to make trouble.

But he was worried that his safe house had been stormed in by gangsters.

"Weasel, who are you moving into my house!?"

There was a cheap whizzing sound, and Wade sat next to Zou Jin in tights wearing that badly aesthetic headgear.

"Wade must warn you, don't even think about it! No one can stop Vanessa and her little milk dog from spending a warm two-person world! Neither can the IRS.......mmm...... ..I swear, I did not evade taxes!"

Hear Wade's proclamation.

The weasel didn't give face at all, and said with a strange air of yin and yang:

"Look who's here, Wade! He's a model husband, and he's willing to leave Vanessa's arms! It's amazing!"

Zou Jin also interjected with a smirk:

"Do you think there is such a possibility, for example: Weide Xinnai.......

The three looked at each other and laughed a lot.

In fact.

Zou Jin himself was shocked.

Kill Francis, hang him up to dry.

Wade accompanied Vanessa and lived a secluded two-person world.

In the words of the weasel, the two wished to stick together all day long and maintain negative distance contact at all times. .

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