Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 90 Hanging Man Squad Assembled

Wade let out a long sigh.

"I don't want to say goodbye, kid, you haven't experienced that kind of hand feeling...Really, if I can, I'd rather die in Vanessa's arms..."

Sighing again, Wade said sadly:

"But there is one thing, BIR~5's visit is more scary!"


"Wade has no money!"

Zou Jin expressed sympathy, and Mr. Wade once again used his own experience to prove one thing: in modern society, there is no money, and even having fun with his girlfriend has no confidence!

Obviously, Mr. Wade came here just to boost his confidence.

Thinking of the bills getting longer and longer after living with Vanessa, Wade can't wait:

"Introduce me to some commissions, the best scope of activities is in New York, so that I can work in the morning and find Vanessa to work in the evening.

hear this.

Zou Jin suddenly had a new idea.

"Wade, I have an event here. The reward depends on what you can find. How about it? Do you want to participate.

"Dude, don't tell me your activity is called a burglary."

Zou Jin frowned in thought, pondered for a while and said:

"It seems that you are right, but the advantage is that no one will care, no matter how much money we found! Including the IRS!"

Unless there are vampires in the IRS too.

As for why no one cares, sorry, countries in the world do not have the tradition of issuing ID cards to vampires.

In addition, after the death of the vampire, Tian Jing looked nothing like a murder scene.

Wade thought for a moment, then shook his head:

"No, it's a waste of time, mainly because I have to work with Vanessa at night!"

Zou Jin immediately upped the stakes:

"After finishing the activity, I have a simple task here, and the bounty is one million knives!"

Wade is interested:

"What is the commission?"

"Catch a person and bring him to his employer... Then the reward of one million dollars will be ours."

"There is still such a fool!"

Wade couldn't wait to continue asking questions:

"Who is the subject and where is it in New York? Let me tell you first. If the time is too long or the distance is too far, I'm not interested. Vanessa is still waiting for me to go home, so it's not convenient to travel far.

"Don't worry, there is no difficulty in this commission, and you also know the target person, and the distance is very close."

"I know? Who?"


After drinking the last sip of fat house water, Zou Jin pointed at himself and announced proudly.

After thinking about it, he added:

"The premise is that our midnight event is successfully concluded, and then you can take me to receive the reward, and we will split the commission fifty-fifty!"

That night!

Queens, New York.

Zou Jin and Wade stepped out of the space black hole and landed one after another.

Wade marvels:

"Brother, this trick of yours has broken my understanding, your Ability can actually increase!?"

"Emmm...Maybe, this is the price of growing up..."

"Please do tell me what the secret to growth is, I will gladly take the price!!"

Shrugging, I can't say that I and Wade are two species.

You can't imagine how difficult it is to break apart super genes, mutant genes, and even cancerous hybrid genes with a civilization.

"Come on, Wade, tonight's event is about to start, if I were you, I would prepare the sack in advance!"

Wade's hood gave a coy smile.

"Don't worry, brother, I know this job well!"

Just at the moment.

A familiar voice came from the shadow of the alleyway:

"You're late again, and you're wearing a pervert in tights!"


Wade was startled and looked around hastily.

In the dark street, there was no one to speak, so that Wade began to wonder if the ghosts of the native Indians were here to seek their lives...

"...I'm right in front of you!"

Blade stepped out of the darkness, cursing wildly in his heart: There is no end, right?

Wade is also cursing inwardly: You are black and you are wearing dark glasses!? You can be a person

"Sorry dude, I admit it was my fault for not seeing you, but... what is a leotard pervert? Am I a fashion lover!?"

Ignoring the emotion conveyed by Blade's gaze when he gazed at him.

Zou Jin leisurely introduced each other to the two:

"As you can see, tights pervert Wade, you can also call him Deadpool!"

"Also as you can see, the black windbreaker pretends to be a criminal Blade, a vampire hunter!"


It's actually easy to deal with two idiots who are competing with each other.

As long as they stabilized their hatred, in the end, it was the kind-hearted self who took care of everything.

……… Ask for flowers…

Seeing Zou Jin fall into self-satisfaction and unable to extricate himself.

Blade silently withdrew his murderous gaze.

But Wade jumped up like a rabbit:

"Vampire hunter!? You serious brother! I would rather believe that your target tonight is the group of stupid college students who are idle and have nowhere to rest..."

After a pause, Wade looked melancholy:

"Although those college students are so indifferent to participate in the gathering of vampire culture, I really won't let you go out and scare the group of cuties into a group of quails!"

In response to Wade's.

It was two indifferent gazes.


The second rule of resolving conflicts among teammates!

Lead the topic in a direction that is likely to cause conflicts, so far.


The team atmosphere is pretty good.

After being frozen for a few seconds, Wade asked with some doubts about life:

"Brother, and this Brother Blade who is pretending to be a criminal, you are not serious, are you!?"

Blade ignored Wade who was in doubt about his life.

After exchanging just a few words, Blade already understood what a bland person Wade is.

Cut to the chase right away:

"Tonight, our targets are four vampire strongholds in Queens, two bars, one underground casino, and ten underground blood banks disguised as material transfer centers!"

After a pause, Blade continued to explain the details:

"There are a lot of vampires in the four places. The intelligence shows...because of the killings in the past two days, the vampires are more serious! I suspect that they have prepared enough firearms!"

Zou Jin's eyes lit up.

Eager to make a statement:

"Wouldn't that be better! Lead the way!"

Blade was speechless, feeling that this man was more passionate about hunting vampires than he was a professional vampire hunter.

Blade leads the way.

Zou Jin and Wade followed closely behind.

Even though Sanguan was greatly impacted, Wade was worthy of his name as Deadpool, and quickly came to his senses.

ask questions.

When a broken mouth master whose three views are impacted by new things, recovers from the ignorance, what will he do?

That's right.

Zou Jin is taking it all now!

A chatter, like a fanatic of vampire culture, endless curious question pills!.

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