Super God

Chapter 1095: Life Wizard

The weird and sharp voice, like a scream of a ghost, has the ability to capture people's minds.

The five Supreme Great Constellations were eroded by their voices, screaming in pain while covering their ears.

That feeling.

It's as if the soul has suffered endless suffering.

Even if the hearing is closed, the infiltration of sound cannot be blocked!


A stream of light flew away from five people, Hao Ran was Yun Feiyang!

Su Xiangshan, who suffered from the turbulence of the sound waves, waited for the Supreme Constituency to see him, and he was shocked.

This son, why not be disturbed by sound waves, can still rush through normally.

They don't know.

After the first change of the three changes of the God of War spirits, Yun Feiyang fell into the side effects of deafness.

And this kind of deafness is not only physical but also spiritual.

simply say.

I can't hear any sound at all, even if someone hears the sound, I can't hear it.

If it is the second change, and your eyes are blind, Lian Yuannian will be sealed, so that you can’t really see it or hear it.


It is the side effect of the first change that makes it difficult for Yun Feiyang to hear the sharp voice and cannot penetrate the soul.

Can continue to move forward without interference.


A sharp voice rang again, infiltrating Su Xiangshan and others, causing them to spit out blood.

Those newcomers, who heard the sound, struggled with the same pain, and their speed slowed down greatly.

Since so.

Hundreds of martial artists, while enduring the disturbing pain of the sound waves, watched, Yunfei flying alone, toward the ground, the tree of life.

"Damn it!"

" did this guy do it!"

Someone shouted.

After searching for so long, and waiting for so long, it is really difficult to accept that some people are closer to the tree of life than they are.

of course.

They have no time to think about it, because the sonic disturbance is getting stronger and stronger, so that they can only choose to retreat.

Retreat from the sonic disturbance.

Don't say it.

When the crowd retreated from Baizhang, they were immediately relieved of pain and the sound wave disappeared.


Many warriors breathed a sigh of relief.

Some warriors, after a little rectification, still rushed past in disbelief. As a result, they were harassed by sound waves and could only retreat in pain.

Suffocating, helpless.

Appeared in the minds of many warriors, you can only look at Yun Feiyang, who is gradually coming away from the distance, with envy and jealousy.



"Why didn't they come in?"

The flying clouds are moving closer and closer to the ground carrying the big trees, but my heart is very confused.

Why did the group of people behind look so painful, but didn't do anything at all?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Yun Feiyang slowed down and remained absolutely vigilant.

When he stopped like this, the warriors who suffered from the sound waves were almost vomiting blood.

Because, in their opinion, this guy deliberately slowed down and teased the big guy.


Very wronged.

Yun Feiyang was absolutely sealed because of his hearing. He didn't know at all. A sharp voice came from inside the tree.

At this moment, he is slowing down, but also worried that there may be dangers near the ground.



At this time, a blue light flew out of the lush canopy, stopped in the void, the light scattered, and a small thing with a big fist appeared.

It has only a small head, and its lower body is flaming, floating in the void, and looks very cute.

"What is this?" Yun Feiyang saw for the first time, such a miniature, such a weird little thing.

Su Xiangshan's expression changed and was startled: "Life Elf!"


Everyone looked dull.

Every birth, there will be a tree of life, and every tree of life grows to the extreme, and a life elf can be born.

There are many functions of life elves, the most powerful is to open up a world and turn into a tree of life!

simply say.

The fruit of life bred by the tree of life is not the seed, the life spirit is the seed of the tree of life.

With it, it can open up a whole new plane in the unknown universe, form a world, and breed many continents.

It is said.

The birth of the world.

From the mother tree of life in the real martial arts domain, after the endless years, the life elves created by the illusion, and after the life elves are transformed into the tree of life, the life elves are once again bred to make more circles form.

This is a cycle.

It is also the origin of the mainland and the world!


After seeing the life spirit.

Su Xiangshan et al. set off turbulent waves in their hearts. If there were sound waves, they would surely rush past regardless of everything!


Obtain a life elf, sign a contract with it, and place it in an unknown universe to form a tree of life and create a whole new world.

Myself, will be the realm!

And will get the blessing of the origin of a realm, so that its strength has skyrocketed, and it has the strength of the realm master who is not weaker than other realms!

Think so far.

Su Xiangshan waited for the Supreme Consummation, his eyes flashed with madness, and finally his heart rushed past.

this moment.

They no longer care about the tree of life and the fruit of life, but put their minds on the elves of life.

If there is a Heavenly Sovereign, or a Realm Lord, it will certainly be crazy. After all, the life elves are too rare, and they may not be able to conceive for hundreds of thousands of years!



The five Supreme Masters successfully rushed into the sound wave area, endured the kind of turbulence from the depths of the soul, and rushed over crazy.

No matter how fast or fast, Yun Feiyang.

He is only a hundred feet away from the life elves. However, the tragedy is that at this moment, he does not know that the little guy in front of him can open up a world!


Suddenly, the life elf opened its small mouth and made a sharp voice towards Yunfeiyang.



Su Xiangshan and others suffered the turbulence of the sound wave and were hit hard again. Finally, reason finally defeated greed, and immediately retreated backward.

The life elf is good.

However, your own life is more important!

Yun Feiyang could not hear the voice and said, "Are you talking to me?"


Everyone's mouth twitched.

It's not talking, it's attacking with sound waves, can't you see it?

The life elf stared at his round eyes, as if angry, and then made a sharp voice again.


Yun Feiyang is still nothing.

The life elf bulged in mouth, fluttering angrily in the void, thinking to myself, why is this human being not afraid of my sonic attack!

The little guy did not believe in evil spirits, stabilized his body, took a long sigh of relief, and immediately made a harsh and sharp voice again.



Yun Feiyang suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbed it in the palm of his hand, and smiled: "Little fellow, are you welcoming me?"


The life elf struggled.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Relax, I'm not a bad guy."


Life Elves can't break attack again, but it's hard to hurt Yun Feiyang.

"Such a cute little guy, it's not bad to raise in the flying continent."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

With that, Yuan Nian shrouded the life elf and said, "Little fellow, relax, I will take you to a beautiful place."

The life elf will definitely not cooperate, but when it feels, the terrifying soul power, the eyes glowing with blue light, the fear appears.

"call out!"

Seizing the opportunity, Yun Feiyang's thoughts moved directly, and the life elves were directly included in the flying continent.

The eyes widened and they stammered: "Will... disappear?"

PS, today I will try to change at 0:3, to be honest, 0:2, and then make up 2 more. I can’t stand it anymore. It’s still 3 chapters.

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