Super God

Chapter 1096: This life worthwhile

The life elves disappeared under the eyes, making many warriors dumbfounded.

of course.

Judging by their realm and experience, they were taken away by Yun Feiyang, and this guy must have a treasure of storage for living creatures!

Think so far.

Hundreds of warriors all had the urge to vomit blood, because, looking for the tree of life, and unintentionally found the life elves, it was so easily taken away by Yunfei Yang!


It's too easy.

If the powerful people of all realms learn that the life tree of Little God Realm has nurtured life elves, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

When the time comes, Heavenly Venerable, the strong man above Heavenly Venerable, comes to fight for the life elves, it will be an unimaginable super war.


However, Yun Feiyang was treated as a pet, and it was easily thrown off the mainland. It was easy to imagine!


This guy doesn't know yet, the "hateful!"

"You can't let this guy easily take away the life elves, you must **** it!" A Supreme Constituency sneered coldly and rushed past.

Su Xiangshan and several other powerful people think so, so he flew away.

As the life elves were taken to the mainland, the sound waves that eroded the soul disappeared, and their actions were not hindered.



Hundreds of martial arts rushed away, they did not care about the tree of life at all, but wanted to grab the life elves from Yunfeiyang!

This kind of creature that can be born into a world, Yun Feiyang can be easily obtained, but it is difficult to easily take away!

Even many warriors are afraid of Yunfei's strength, but they have to grab it.

In case it gets.

That would be an unprecedented creation!

In order to become stronger, these warriors have been controlled by greed.


Yun Feiyang didn't realize that he inadvertently got the life elf, making him a target.

At this moment, he found that everyone rushed in, thinking that he would grab the fruit of his life and flew to the ground floating in front.


The tree of life is getting clearer and clearer, and Yun Feiyang can be seen clearly. There are ten crystal clear fruits hanging on the intricate branches.

"This is the fruit of life?"

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

Not bad.

This is the fruit of life, as long as the soul is still intact and the body is not rotted, it can bring the soul back to life.


Yun Feiyang rushed past.

In spite of the raging fire ahead of him, in order to resurrect Paulie, he is going to break through!


"This guy is going in!"

"Hurry up!"

Many warriors speed up.


"call out!"

Yun Feiyang passed through the faint light that shrouded the tree of life and landed on the grassy ground.

After traveling in the universe for so long, stepping on the heavy land again made him feel more at ease.

"They're going to chase." Looking back at the hundreds of martial artists, Yun Feiyang immediately walked towards the tree of life.


He stood under the big tree.

Seen from a distance, I only felt that the tree of life is like an umbrella, standing underneath, like an unreachable mountain!

"The property of the wood system here is so strong."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

Time did not allow him to think too much, flew up immediately, and stopped in front of a large fruit.

"call out!"

Yuan Nian floated over and wrapped it.


At the moment of contact between the soul and the fruit of life, Yun Feiyang seemed to be struck by lightning, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

at the same time.

The branches and leaves of the tree of life emit a faint golden light, and form a barrier around its periphery, covering the entire ground in it.



Looking at the many strong men who were about to rush in, they hit the barrier one by one and were flicked out.

"What's going on!" The strong men who held their heads and stabilized themselves were dumbfounded.

"Damn it, it's sealed!" A supreme consummate, condensing the power of 800,000 real dragons, punched the barrier.

"Boom!" He was bounced badly, spitting out blood, and many meridians in his body were damaged!

Su Xiangshan frowned: "This defensive barrier should be arranged by the tree of life and must not be broken!"

As soon as this remark came out, the strong men who were ready to do it all suppressed that thought and looked at Yun Fei which was hanging before the fruit of life.



The life elf has been taken away by him, do we have to watch again and again, will he take away the ten fruits of life!


Su Xiangshan said coldly: "You guys, we are waiting here, this one will definitely come out, when the time comes, everyone will shoot together!"

Let him fight with Yun Fei alone, he has no idea, but if he joins others, he still has confidence.

"Not bad!"

The other four Supreme Masters fully agreed.

Su Xiangshan said: "The ten fruits of life, we each one, and the rest is obtained by the highest price."

"it is good."

The four strong men were in unison.

However, those who were in the late Supreme Age, and the low-ranking warriors were very unhappy. Why do you have to pay for each one?

Although it is uncomfortable, I dare not say it. After all, people are Supreme Consummation and powerful.

Buy it now.

At least, there are opportunities.

"of course."

Su Xiangshan said again: "The life elves, everyone robbed them by their skills, and whoever robbed them is who."

There is no way to distinguish this priceless treasure, only to see who can be more resistant.

The low-level warrior does not expect that in front of many supremes, he will grab the life elf and get a fruit of life.


"Why didn't this guy move?" A strong man looked at Yun Feiyang, his eyes flashing puzzled.


Besides Yunfeiyang, at this moment, his mind and soul are in a coma.

I don't know how long it took, he gradually opened his eyes and found himself in a world full of color.

"What is this place?"

Yun Feiyang was at a loss.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the space in front was gradually twisted, and a graceful woman with a beautiful appearance wearing a streamer dress showed her eyes.

This woman has long hair fluttering, perfect facial features, and skin like snow, which is not inferior to Lin Zhixi and Yanshan Snow.


The graceful woman smiled and said, "Please answer me, your understanding of life."

The sound is very gentle, giving Yun Fei a feeling of bathing in the spring breeze, the mind is washed, unprecedented tranquility.


Yun Feiyang was shocked.

Why did I hear her voice when she manifested three changes of the God of War soul body, causing side effects of deafness?

Could it be that the strong vitality around her helped me resolve the side effects?

Yun Fei said: "Who are you?"

The graceful woman smiled and said: "It doesn't matter who I important thing is that if you want to get the fruit of life, you must answer my question."

Yun Feiyang was silent.

He was thinking about the problem just now.

Understanding of life?

Yun Feiyang looked at her and said, "My understanding of life is to live up to this life."

"This life worthwhile?"

The graceful woman smiled and said: "This is an interesting answer, can you elaborate?"

Yun Fei said: "I am alive, I am life. In a limited life, no regrets, no regrets."

"No one else can say me, shame me, insult me, scold me, regret me, deceive me, deceive me, hurt me. Otherwise, kill them all!"

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