Super God

Chapter 1103: 5 Supreme Masters in Solitary Battle!

The temptation of life elves is too great.

Su Xiangshan and others waited for more than nine months in the area where Yun Feiyang disappeared, but still did not leave.

Realms like them have thousands of thousands of dollars of life, not to mention nine months, even nine years, they just pass with a flick of a finger.

of course.

During this period, the crowd was very impatient and waiting for it also collapsed.

He even guessed whether the kid had already ran away.


Su Xiangshan said: "He must have used some secret method to hide in this area."

Being so sure comes from the intuition that half a foot stepped into the heavenly realm.

Everyone saw him so sure that he had to wait.

After all, I can’t find Yun Feiyang, even the fruits of life, so I just feel empty-handed.


At this moment, in the surrounding area, a man suddenly appeared, carrying terror killing.

It was Yun Feiyang they were waiting for!


Su Xiangshan said with a smile: "The old man said, he must be still in this area!"


"You have been surrounded by groups, surrendering life elves and fruit of life!"

A supreme consummate sneered.

The state of hundreds of warriors broke out, forming a terrorist momentum, trying to warn each other, not cooperating, only one death!

Yun Feiyang stood in the void, and the colorful lightsaber came out of the sheath and held it in his hand, exuding a dazzling light, and said coldly: "A bunch of garbage, die!"

"What an arrogant guy!"

Everyone sneered.

If it is just one or two warriors, facing Yun Feiyang, you may feel guilty. After all, the previous pictures of the late death of the Supreme are still vividly remembered.

But there were more than 400 people on the scene. There were dozens of them in the Supreme People alone. Are you afraid of him?

"You guys!"

Su Xiangshan shouted: "We have been here for nine months, wasting a lot of time, let alone the rules of the rivers and lakes, go together, capture him, and force him to surrender the treasures that hold the souls!"

"it is good!"

Everyone was in unison.


Su Xiangshan rushed over first.

The other four Supreme Masters followed closely, and it seemed that they were afraid to go late, and the space objects storing the life elves would be taken away by others first.


Su Xiangshan stepped forward quickly, and the power of 800,000 true dragons suddenly blasted, and a powerful force exploded, forming a circle of ripples.

Yun Fei's eyes flashed a bit of coldness, raised the colorful lightsaber, and cut out a sword qi, and this lightly described wave, the strength carried by the sword qi, has reached one million.

"not good!"

Feeling the sword spirit carrying the power of terror, Su Xiangshan's expression changed dramatically and he wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.


Sword Qi blasted on the fist that condensed the power of the real dragon, producing a deafening sound, and Su Xiangshan was directly flew out.

The four strong men rushed in, witnessing Yun Fei's sword, slashing Su Xiangshan a hundred feet away, and their eyes widened.

The five of them are the Supreme Consummation. Although their strengths are different from each other, it is extremely difficult to achieve a sword and fight back each other!

"Why is this guy so powerful that he doesn't display the kind of martial arts that inspires potential?"

When everyone was shocked, they stopped.

During the nine months of waiting, several Supreme Masters have successfully recalled and speculated about Yun Feiyang's previous battle.

The final conclusion is.

In the battle between Yangzi and Yang, the whole body turned golden, and he should have used the celestial martial arts to instantly improve the combat effectiveness.

Without this kind of martial arts blessing, the strength is in the late stage of the Supreme, so there is nothing to be afraid of.


Now it appears that there is no change in the body, and the sword is flying to the Supreme Consummation, completely overturning their previous guesses!


At this moment, Su Xiangshan, who was steady in his body, spouted blood, and in his turbid eyes, it was unbelievable: "You... Are you the Supreme Perfection?"

The sword just now, he instantly judged that the power has reached at least one million!

Only the Supreme Consummation can do this!


Still the kind of excellent talent!

Because it is not any supreme consummation that can condense the power of the true dragon to one million!

Yun Feiyang said nothing.

Holding a colorful rainbow lightsaber, quickly bypass several Supreme Consummation and use brutal killing to prove his strength!



The sword light flashed, more than a dozen gods of perfection, and the two supreme primitives were all flying out of their heads and died on the spot!

Yun Feiyang, who reached the ninth level of the reunification period, beheaded the supreme early, as easily as cutting grass.

"You guys!"

Su Xiangshan suppressed the injury and shouted: "This son has been hiding his strength before.


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang appeared in front of him, the sword light flashed, and the sword training burst into flames.

"Infinite amount of gas!"

Su Xiangshan exhibited defensive martial arts and quickly arranged an enchantment in front of him to resist the sword spirit!

It is worthy of the old qualification supreme consummation, in a very short time, to make correct defense.

It's just that after the formation of the infinite amount of qi, Yunfei raised his sword qi, and it was easily broken with a bang!


Su Xiangshan's blood spurted out, his body exploded backward like a stump, and his heart was shocked.

The "Infinite Gang Qi" he displayed was a quasi-day-level martial art, and the defensive strength condensed was enough to resist the power of a million real dragons!

Under this sword spirit, so vulnerable.

There is only one possibility, that is, his power has exceeded one million, reaching more than 1.1 million!

Think so far.

Su Xiangshan's heart jumped.

In his cognition, the Supreme Consummation level, comprehending the power of more than one million true dragons, at least 90% of the possibilities of entering the Heavenly Venerable!

That is to say.

This kid, who will become Tianzun in the future, is almost a hard thing!

Su Xiangshan regretted it.

Regret is dominated by greed and wants to **** the life elves. Regret has been here for nine months.

Because, if this guy runs away, he will surely have the scourge of killing himself in the future.

The Supreme Consummation.


Although it is only one step away, it is like the next day.

Even if Su Xiangshan is only half a step away from Tianzun, whether he can break through this bottleneck depends on God's will.

Can't break through.

In front of Tianzun, it is always only ants, slaughter them at will.

Su Xiangshan was very worried.

The Four Supreme Masters are also worried.

Someone shouted angrily: "Everyone, not a life elf, we must eradicate this son today to prevent future troubles!"

"Not bad!"

"Everyone put together a trick to kill him!"

Shouted another strong man.

Since he has enemies with this young man, he must be killed today, otherwise, once released, there will be endless troubles!


"The waves of the angry sea!"

"Feng magic finger!"

"Sky Fury!"

"One sword is cold and the bones are dry!"

The four supreme consummates, each offering the strongest cards, every martial art is quasi-celestial!

The terror wave broke out.

The intriguing light of the fingers flew.

Swords and swords and shadows swept over from the mountains and the sea.

that moment.

In the dark area, under the explosion of four quasi-day-level martial arts, it is rendered like daylight, and the powerful force stirs the universe and makes it extremely twisted!

Many gods of perfection and supreme martial arts have witnessed this all looks horrified, if these forces attack themselves, they will be wiped out in an instant!


Faced with four terrorist forces.

Yun Feiyang stood in the void, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, the eyes flashed golden light, and the black hair and skin quickly turned golden.

Behind the gold of the three changes of the God of War soul.

Yun Feiyang took a step and said coldly: "Break me!"


The colorful lightsaber draws a golden afterimage, forming a matchless sword spirit, and rushes towards the four forces.


Wherever Jian Qi swept, the space was broken!

PS: 5 more! 5 more!

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