Super God

Chapter 1104: The second change, the purple gas comes from east

The cloud behind the gold flew, and it was terrifying.

Even in the face of the Four Great Sovereigns, the display of quasi-day-level martial arts still showed no fear.

"Break me!"

With a cold drink, the colorful lightsaber draws golden afterimages, forming a matchless sword spirit!


Sword Qi was turbulent, and the space was completely broken wherever it passed!

Many warriors standing in the distance witnessed this sword, and were all appalled.

Because the strength of that sword qi is stronger than any martial art of the Four Supreme Masters!

If not four people are performing martial arts at the same time, instead of being single, in the face of this horrible sword spirit, they will all look very small!

This predator from the Lingwu world.

too strong!

Too strong, it is difficult for them to have the courage to compete with it!



The wind is roaring, the sword is filled!

In the end, under the terrifying sight of everyone, the matchless sword energy collided with the energy condensed by the four quasi-level martial skills!





Deafening explosions sounded one after another.

Irritable energy, like the eruption of ocean waves, disturbs the range of thousands of miles!

At that moment, under the erosion of this force, the meteorite floating in the universe instantly turned into powder.



The warriors who were far enough away from the explosion were harassed by Yu Wei, and their blood spewed out!

This is still far enough away.

If you get closer, you will definitely die!

"too frightening!"

"It's not a battle I can wait for!"

Everyone was horrified.

Yun Feiyang's contending with the Four Supreme Masters in the Great Consummation is something that these divine realms are difficult to participate in in the early and middle stages of the Supreme.

No one would think.

He will be so strong that he can stand alone and contend with the four Supreme Consummation!


Yu Wei swept through thousands of miles, and eventually disappeared.

In that void, Yun Feiyang held his sword and fought proudly, shrouded in divine power, revealing a disgusting atmosphere.

The quasi-day-level martial arts were all destroyed by Jian Qi!

"how is this possible!"

The four supreme courtyards were horrified.

They really can't believe that a young man can actually frustrate his own tricks!


At this moment, Su Xiangshan flew, screaming at the injury: "Everyone, five of us shot together, we must kill this son!"

He no longer cares about life elves.

Because, since this offended this child, no matter now or in the future, it must be cut off to prevent future troubles!

"it is good!"

Everyone drank in unison.



The five Great Constellations exploded in momentum, and once again exhibited their respective quasi-day martial skills!

Yun Fei's eyes were cold, and then his big hand waved, rolling black clouds, condensing in the universe, and his hands were suddenly pressed down!



The giant palm carries a whimsical atmosphere and suppresses everything!

"One sword is cold and the bones are dry!"

"Sky Fury!"

The two supreme concubines circled to the back, each exhibiting a strong quasi-day martial art!



Jian Qi and Dao Qi slammed into Yun Feiyang's back, but there was no movement.

The warriors who witnessed this scene were shocked in their hearts, thinking to what extent this child's flesh was so strong that they could resist the bombardment behind the two Supreme Consummations!

Yun Feiyang, who has broken through to the nineth level of the ancestral period, exhibited the three-folded incarnation of the God of War soul, and his defense power really increased.

If it wasn't too fictitious platinum battle armor, it was damaged after being subjected to Ye Minghui's attack, and it has not recovered so far. Otherwise, if it is put on the body, the defense formed will be more powerful!


Yun Feiyang turned around, afraid of one hand, and screamed angrily: "Death to Lao Tzu!"


In the dark clouds, the hands turned down again!

This is the first time it has been shown in a row, but its power has not diminished!

"not good!"


The two supreme great circles changed dramatically and immediately retreated to the rear, but it was still a step behind and was directly suppressed by the palm of the hand!

When Yu Wei dissipated, the two supreme consummates were **** and their meridians were seriously damaged.

"The waves of the angry sea!"

"Feng magic finger!"

The other two Supreme Masters successfully seized the opportunity and once again exhibited quasi-day-level martial arts, and relentlessly bombarded Yun Feiyang!



The strength of the powerful real dragon hit Yunfeiyang.

But he was finally unbearable, and he retreated to the rear, his blood tumbling, and a spit of blood spurted out.

Although, reaching the reunification period nine times.

Although, you can fight the Supreme Perfection.

However, at the same time facing five strong men of this level, it is still not enough.

Already good.

It is already terrifying.

In today's world, with such cultivation, who else can do it, with one person, fighting five Supreme Masters alone!

As Yun Feiyang spurted blood, Su Xiangshan and others were overjoyed and rushed together, condensing a quasi-day-level martial arts bombardment!



The three quasi-celestial martial arts, once again condensed, came crashing like a row of mountains.




Yun Feiyang once again withstood three kinds of martial arts bombardment, retreating endlessly, waiting to hold his body, his eyes filled with anger!


Suddenly, a powerful gurgling power broke out again.

Yun Fei's pupils gradually changed from golden to dark purple, and this is the second change of the three changes of the God of War soul, purple air coming from the east!



Divine power transforms into purple qi quickly.

Yun Fei Yang hair, also changed from golden to purple!

With his current strength and divine power, he couldn't completely inspire the second change, but when he exhibited it, his breath showed a trembling heart to everyone present!

"This son is performing some kind of martial arts skills!" Su Xiangshan shouted: "Come on, stop him!"


Yun Feiyang has changed the second change to the extent that he can control it.

The purple light penetrated his pupils, sweeping across the crowd, making many warriors feel cold, as if they were stuck in hell.

that moment.

They all felt that death was coming!


Yun Fei moved.

His speed, as fast as lightning, instantly approached Su Xiangshan, and the colorful red light sword burst into a hot purple light in his hand.


Drinking with anger, the purple sword erupted suddenly!

Su Xiangshan was appalled.

He immediately exhibited immense amount of qi, but it has not been completed yet. The powerful sword qi has been cut down with terrorist Puff! "

The blood was flying, and with a scream, Su Xiangshan's body was cut with a long sword mark!

His eyes widened, his thoughts gradually disappeared, and finally fell!


Yun Fei lifted his body and performed the law, and appeared again before another Supreme Perfection.


The purple sword light flashed over, and the Supreme Great Consummation ended exactly like Su Xiangshan. He was chopped with a bleeding wound on his chest and fell on the spot!

Sword twice.

Succeeded two Supreme Masters in succession!

This is Yun Feiyang.

This is the second change of the three changes of the God of War soul body.

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