Super God

Chapter 1119: Identity of previous life, exposed today!

Huo De's four people integrated the five elements into Tude's body, so that a terrible aura burst out around him instantly, sweeping thousands of miles.

This is the Five Elements Lock Dragon Array!

The warrior in the aura will be suppressed by the five-element attribute, which makes it slow to move and difficult to get out of the aura.

Spirit martial arts martial artists witnessed the aura visible to the naked eye, shrouded in the entire light curtain, one by one excited!

Five Elements Supreme, Five Elements Fusion.

In the aura of the aura, the strength is supreme invincible!

"Yun Feiyang is dead!"

Many warriors laughed.

Although, Yun Feiyang's various performances shocked them.

But Tude condenses the five-element attribute of four people, which means that the outcome has been finalized.


That guy must be maddened under the eyes of all eyes, and eventually killed the Five Elements Supreme Hand.

Powerhouses in other circles think so.

After all, it is terrifying to congenitally combine the five elements to achieve one person.

Even if a few Supreme Masters are consummated and trapped in the Five Elements Locked Dragon Array, there must be only the abused.


A strong man shook his head and said: "At this young age, there will be a sign of Heavenly Respect, but it will fall today."


Some people sighed: "In the future, a Tianzun will die like this. For Little God Realm, it is really a big loss."

They guessed wrong.

Because the acting little **** master who is in charge of little **** realm is laughing now.

Even if Yun Feiyang died, he would not think that this was a big loss for Little God Realm.

in contrast.

If it is not limited to having a hundred-year contract with the Shen family.

He must have shot it himself, killing this guy who has great potential and suspects the remnants of God Realm.


Acting the little **** Lord smiled and said: "In front of the Supreme Invincible Earth Supreme, you can only die."


Besides, Yun Feiyang.

When the aura containing the five-element attribute diffused, it completely enveloped itself and suddenly frowned.

He clearly felt that his body was harassed by the power of the five elements, and his speed and responsiveness dropped sharply.


Tu De raised his hand gently, and proudly said like a king: "In this thousand-mile region, I, the Supreme Realm is invincible."

"The Supreme Realm is invincible?"

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "The more confident you are, the more arrogant you will say."

"Don't believe it?"

Tu De said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, his figure flashed and appeared in front of Yun Feiyang, as fast as lightning!


The fist sounded.

Everyone saw Yun Feiyang being hit in the chest, his body exploded backwards, and fell heavily on the ground.

"It's fast!"

Many powerful people were shocked.

You know, they are always looking at the light curtain, and they don't capture how Tude appeared and how to shoot!

"I have heard for a long time that the Five Elements Supreme, after the integration of the Five Elements, the power has skyrocketed, and even the existence of the Supreme Realm is invincible. Seeing today, it really deserves its reputation!"


Someone wondered: "That boy stood up?"

In the eyes of the warriors of various circles, Yun Feiyang got up from the ground, and he rubbed his chest and smiled, "The speed is quite fast, but the strength is weak."

"is it?"

Tu De's eyes were cold.

Appeared in front of him again, punched him, and flew it out.


The body moved again, before waiting for Yun Feiyang to fall, he punched it down and hit it **** the ground.

The whole process is still going to the extreme, and it is difficult for warriors from all circles to see clearly.


The warriors of the Lingwu world witnessed Yun Feiyang crashing to the ground again, one by one.

Boy, aren't you very bullish?

Today, he is not abused by the Five Elements Supreme, and he has no power to fight back!

When everyone was overjoyed, Yun Feiyang stood up again, still smiling owed to his face.

"Lying trough!"

"How can he stand up and laugh?"

"Does the Five Elements Supreme tease him without real power?"

"It must be so!"

The martial arts of Lingwu world discusses.

But I do not know, before the shot, Tude has used 80% of the power.

"Unexpectedly, your body is so powerful."

Tu De's eyes flashed with surprise.


Yun Feiyang laughed.


Tu De suddenly appeared in front of him, condensing ten successful forces, bursting 1.5 million in strength, and said coldly: "The strongest body is still vulnerable to me in front of me!"


The wind and waves generated by the 1.5 million heavy forces caused clouds to fly and hair to fly around.

However, at this moment.

His eyes flashed golden light, and his fluttering black hair instantly turned golden.

In a very short time, Yun Feiyang casts the first change of the three changes of the God of War soul body, turning into a golden body!


He raised his fist violently, welcoming the strength of 1.5 million from the German.


It collided with it and heard a deafening roar.


The two retreated.


Yun Feiyang stepped back 50 feet, his right foot stepped on the ground to stabilize himself.

Tude retreated forty feet.

From a distance perspective, Yun Fei, who transforms the divine power into the golden body, is weaker than the downwind.


Tu De, who had stabilized himself, was dull.

He didn't expect that this child would catch his shot, would resist a punch, and only took a few dozen feet!

Looking at the blonde hair, his fists turned into golden clouds flying, Tu De calmed down quickly and said in a deep voice: "Is this Tianji martial art?"

"Not a martial art of heaven."

Acting as the **** of the gods, his eyes revealed a strong murderous anger, and he said in disgust: "This is a magical skill of God Realm!"

He has radiated from the golden light of Yun Feiyang around him, judging that this must be divine power.


Zuo En surprised: "This is the first change of the golden body of the three changes of the God of War soul!"


Acting as the **** of the gods, he made a fist, and the killing opportunities that appeared in his eyes were even stronger.

When I first noticed Yun Feiyang.

He once said that this son and Yun Fei, the **** of battle, had the same name.


Yun Feiyang only has a real dragon period.

Acting Xiaoshenzhu has never been sure, and even disdain that this child is too good, maybe it is really just the same name.

And today.

Yun Feiyang exhibited the exclusive fighting skills of the God of Fighting before he was completely affirmed.

He is the **** of battle!

He is Yunfei who once wanted to fight one, or the son of an immortal emperor of Zhenwu God Realm!

"Shen Linfeng!"

The acting little **** Lord said angrily: "You must know his So you will make a hundred-year contract with the Lord!"

There is an agreement.

Even though he knew that Yun Feiyang was the **** of battle, he couldn't kill him.

And this is undoubtedly very resentful.


Acting Xiaoshenzhu wronged Shen Linfeng.

Because, he has been flying the cloud for a hundred years, and he doesn’t even know that the kid is God of War.

"this is……"

Looking at Yun Fei, whose breath was soaring, Shen Linfeng murmured: "Three changes in the God of War soul?"


"He was the leader of God of War once in God Realm, no wonder he will grow so fast."

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