Super God

Chapter 1120: You have many attributes?

Shen Linfeng has been in Little God Realm for so long. He has investigated the falling God Realm and heard of God of War.

According to his investigation.

There are many strong gods, but the strongest representative of the younger generation is undoubtedly the **** of battle.

Now Yun Feiyang displays three changes in the soul of the God of War. This exclusive combat skill unique to the God of War makes Shen Linfeng suddenly understand.

"It turns out that Brother Yun was the God of War in the past, and it is not surprising that it has grown so fast."

Shen Linfeng smiled.


He groaned slightly: "Agent Little Divine Lord has been pursuing the remains of God Realm. He broke out such combat skills, and his identity is bound to be exposed."

"It seems that it is necessary to go again to let the guy remember, and made a hundred-year contract with my Shen family."

During the speech, Shen Linfeng disappeared.

And soon, appeared in the hanging palace in the main city of the little god.

no doubt.

When the acting goddess learned that Shen Linfeng was coming, it would definitely be more painful and angry.


"How did that guy's hair turn blonde?"

"It looks like it has become stronger, it should be a martial art that strengthens itself."

Many warriors stared at Yun Feiyang, full of controversy.

They didn't know that this was from God Realm, and only the God of War would play the exclusive combat skills.

Even if you know it, you won’t be too surprised, because they don’t understand much about God Realm.

"The punch punched by Tu Zhizun has a strength far exceeding one million, but this son can resist it." A warrior solemnly said: "Perhaps, this guy's martial arts are also Heavenly Rank!"


Everyone was shocked.

The world's strongest martial arts skills can master and successfully comprehend, even one kind is very bullish.

There are two types of this young God Warrior, which is really enviable.


Five elements locked inside the dragon array.

After Yun Feiyang blocked Tu De's punch, he smiled and said, "Come, let me see how you are invincible."

Very arrogant and crazy.


Tu De coldly said: "Don't think that if you use Heavenly Martial Skills, you are eligible to be arrogant in front of me."


He performed in a physical manner, appeared in front of Yun Feiyang at a very rapid speed, representing the sharp golden attributes, and erupted suddenly.

He is fast, Yun Feiyang is faster!


When the fist condensing the strength of the gold line came, his body flickered and appeared in another direction.

Todd was secretly startled.

This child exhibited another kind of martial arts skill, which was able to break free from the shackles of the Five Elements Locked Dragon Array and easily escape.


In thinking, Tu De's hands were joined together, the ground quickly split, and thick vine branches burst out, covered with thorns.

There are so many in number!



Yun Fei lifted his body to perform the method, and quickly walked between the vine branches that hit it. The speed was extremely fast, so that the outsiders could only see the light flashing.

"So fast!"

"Can't see clearly at all!"

Everyone opened their mouths.

The low-level martial arts can't catch Yun Feiyang's voice, the Tianzun realm can do it, but it is also extremely reluctant.

"This child's speed is no less than that of a Tianzun in the early days!" a late Tianzun strongman exclaimed.

The strength of the Supreme Realm is comparable to the speed of the Tianzun. This is really shocking for many strong people.

Slowly unable to rely on the decayed wood to restrain Yunfei from flying, Tude's eyes showed anger, and his hands spread out, screaming angrily: "Earth..."


At this moment, Yun Feiyang flew by, and the right fist swiftly came out, violent thunder system attribute, whistling eruption.


Tu De was beaten back dozens of feet with a punch, stayed steady, and stunned: "You are a Thunder Warrior!"

"This kid turned out to be a Thunder Warrior!" The Warriors from all walks of life also widened their eyes.

Among the many attributes, the thunder system is particularly superior and possesses extremely strong destructive power.

The Thunder Warriors are very rare, so Yun Feiyang exposed the Thunder System attributes, which makes many Warriors envious.

"Thunder Warrior?" Yun Feiyang smiled faintly, rushed over again, raised with one hand, and roared out with fiery heat.


A fire dragon appeared like a roar in the sky and rushed toward Tude ruthlessly.

"This is earth fire!"

"My God, he would have this kind of attribute!"

Tude was also surprised, but at the fastest time, he formed a layer of water-like defenses in front of him.

Fire with water.

The most correct choice!

However, the roaring fire dragon roared, collided with the counter-environmental defense enchantment, the temperature was hot, and it suddenly evaporated.

Water is a gram of fire, but if the fire is strong enough, it can also be grammed!

Under the blessing of the three changes of the God of War soul body, Yunfei's ground fire intensity is obviously better!

of course.

It just evaporates the backwater, because the fire dragon finally turns into a weak flame, and finally wiped out.


Yun Feiyang rushed to stand in front of Tude, patted with one hand, and said coldly: "Do you think you have more attributes?"


A gurgling ice-cold attribute broke out in the palm of his hand and instantly shrouded Tu De, his body was quickly frozen by the ice.

"Oh my God!"

"He still has ice attributes!"

Everyone's eyes almost glared out.

The thunder system first, and then the fire system broke out. Now, the ice system is displayed again, and the Yunfeiyang attribute explodes, completely shaking the hearts of the martial arts.

Multi-attribute warriors are not uncommon.

But what shocked the martial artists of all circles was that each time the guy exhibited one kind, the strength was not inferior to that of the integration of the five elements!

That is to say.

Every attribute of this guy has been condensed to a very strong level, which is the most terrible!

"So young, but condensed the three attributes of thunder, fire, and ice to the Earth Supreme not weaker than the fusion of the five elements. How did he do it?"

Many strong people are also shocked.

If they knew that Yun Feiyang still has a back earth in his body, and there are life attributes comparable to the space-time system, I don't know how they would feel.



Tu De's extremely embarrassed shattered ice layer, looking into Yun Fei's eyes, was amazed.

of course.

Now he finally realized that this young man should not be underestimated!

"It seems."

Tu De raised his hands in a sky-like manner and said coldly, "You can only use the trick."



Jinmu water, fire and earth, five kinds of attributes fly out of the body, condense together and keep spinning.

Gradually A spherical energy with five-element attributes is presented, showing great power.

"This is..." the warrior of Little God Realm exclaimed: "Five Elements Yu Ling Bo!"

The Five Elements Yu Ling Bang.

An extremely powerful celestial martial art, and the conditions for its use, must have a congenital body of five elements!

Thousand years ago.

Five Elements Supreme Five Elements fusion, has been exhibited, and bombarded several Supreme Masters on the spot!

Today, many warriors who witnessed that scene still have a fresh memory.


"Yun Feiyang is going to die out!"

The warriors of the Little God Realm cheered one after another. Although they have cheered many times and have been slapped many times by Yun Feiyang, they are never tired!

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