Super God

Chapter 1131: Taixu Shenshi

When the old man saw Yun Fei Yang Gongxun points on the waist card, he was deeply shocked.

In such a short time, the achievement of three thousand merit points is still a mess since he served as the treasurer of the merit hall!

"good job!"

The old man said earnestly: "You can get three thousand merits in such a fast time, and the future is boundless."

Yun Feiyang replied politely: "Please redeem Taixu Shenshi for me."


The old man placed the merit card on a small formation. After ingesting 3,000 points, he waved his long sleeves, and a large crystal watermelon ore appeared on the counter.

This is the Taixu God Stone.

Yun Feiyang said his income and said: "Farewell."

The old man watched him leave and murmured: "According to my judgment for so many years, this child has a very high chance of entering the real martial arts domain in the future."

This sentence, if it reaches the ears of the martial arts of all circles, it will surely set off an uproar.

Because the old man comes from the real martial arts domain.

Every time the boundary war starts, it will control the Hall of Merit.

The warrior who has praised him, as long as he does not fall, he will enter the real martial arts domain!

True Martial Art Realm.

The most sacred plane in the hearts of warriors in all circles.

In your lifetime, you can enter this highest martial art palace, even if you stand on it and feel the air.

No regrets even if you die!

Yun Feiyang is also very yearning.

But longing for a higher martial realm and stronger opponents, it is not to breathe in a breath of fresh air.


Out of the Hall of Merit.

Yun Feiyang's subtle atmosphere disappeared into the light curtain, and he found an uninhabited area and merged into the Feiyang mainland.

Just after entering.

The side effects of the three changes of the Soul of the God of War appear.

Yun Feiyang, who was deaf in both ears and blind in his eyes, said secretly: "The duration of the exhibition is not long, it should be recoverable in one year."

As he guessed.

Seven days outside, flying the mainland for a year, the side effects of the three changes in the God of War soul body completely disappeared.

After the recovery, Yun Feiyang came to Liu Rou's courtyard and smiled and said, "Rouer, look, what is this."

Liu Rou, who is studying ancient books in the small pavilion, looked up and was surprised: "Too Void God Stone!"

Yun Feiyang placed Taixu Shenshi on the table and smiled: "It weighs five catties."

Liu Rou said: "Where did you come from?"

Taixu Shenshi is the first opening of the heavens and the earth. It is formed by the illusion of Taixu, which is second only to Hunyuan.

There is only one piece of God Realm, which was refined into the Taixu Platinum Warframe.

Yun Feiyang was about to speak out.

Liu Rou fell into silence, and said a little: "Even the extremely rare Taixu God Stone has it. The True Martial God Realm is really very powerful."

Yun Feiyang agreed.

He said earnestly: "Sooner or later, I will be on this plane to meet the strong inside."

Liu Rou gently held his hand and smiled Yan Yan: "You will definitely do it."

Yun Feiyang said: "Rouer, I want to use this Taixu God Stone to repair the Taixu Platinum Battlegear."

"I help you." Liu Judao said.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "I know, you must know how to repair the platinum virtual armor."

Liu Judao: "If there is no ground fire, even if I know how to repair it, there is no way to help you repair it."

The ground fire is not as powerful as the purple lotus industry fire and real fire.

But in refining armor, it is the strongest, repairing too fragile platinum armor, you have to rely on this attribute.


Bamboo forest.

The severely damaged, dull Taixu platinum armor hung in midair, beside it, the Taixu Shenshi was suspended, and was now shrouded in hot fire.

Liu Judao: "This kind of **** stone that was born at the beginning of the world will need to be refined by fire in 998 days before it can be melted."


Yun Feiyang nodded, stabilized his mind, and continuously released the ground fire.

After entering the Nirvana period, the energy in the true dragon's nucleus is even greater.

Such uninterrupted releases, not to mention refining 1989, even if it has been in the past three to five years, will not be a problem.


Liang Yinfei came over and sat next to Yun Feiyang. He wondered: "Yin'er, why are you here?"

"Can't it?"

Liang Yin pouted.

Liu Rou said with a smile: "I called Yin'er, and she will help you to refine the Taixu Platinum Warframe."

Yun Feiyang said blankly: "What do you mean?"

In his view, it was enough to own a ground fire. Liang Yin came to help and would only waste her time.

Liu Judao: "You melted the Taixu God Stone from the ground fire, and Yin'er used the heart fire to temper the Taixu Platinum Warframe to make it stronger in defense after repair."

"So it turns out."

Yun Feiyang understood.

"Forget it."

Liang Yin stood up and said, "Since someone can't reach me, I'll go back first."


Yun Feiyang shook his smile in a hurry and said, "Don't leave with a good voice, help your husband to refine the armor."

The word "fujun" made Liang Yin's face flush, and she glared at him, and sat down.

What I just said is just for fun, how can it really go.



A scorching heart emerged, and the surrounding temperature rose instantaneously, quickly overshadowing the platinum virtual armor.

Yun Fei Yang said: "Yin'er, you now have more control over your fire!"

"That is."

Liang Yin proudly said: "I have broken through to the great consummation of the Nether Realm, and God has awakened 53!"

Yun Feiyang exclaimed: "It's amazing."

"True and false performance!"

Liang Yin gave him a white look.

Yun Feiyang recovered the pretended surprise and smiled: "No kidding, Yin'er, you are growing fast."

"Not comparable to you."

Liang Yindao.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Who is your husband, the head of the three gods of war, the first beautiful man, must be very powerful!"


Liang Yin said: "Shameless."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "If I want a face, how can I chase a woman like you."

hard to imagine.

This humorous and shameless guy.

Just before, there will be a beauties who show no mercy and look no worse than Liang Yin.


Liang Yin said: "I heard Sister Liu said that in the realms controlled by Zhenwu God Realm, there is a fire called Yanyan Realm."


Yun Feiyang looked at her.

Liang Yin remained silent for a while, and then said: "If you have time, can you send me over? I want to go there and experience it."

"Is it not good to practice in the flying mainland?"

Yun Fei said.

Liang Yin shook his head and said: "Although the attributes here are very strong, but I am a congenital fire martial artist. Only by practicing in the rich fire department area can I break through faster."


Yun Feiyang nodded.

He knows that the fire system area mentioned by Liang Yin does not simply have a rich fire system attribute, but has a fire system origin.

Huo Yanyan.

Judging from the name alone, there must be a strong fire source.

Innate fire martial arts like Liang Yin practice in it, certainly faster than the flying continent that accelerates fifty times.

"No need to be so troublesome."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "I will take you to Huoyanyan Realm, grab the source of the fire there, and place it in Feiyang Mainland for you to practice alone."

"call out!"

The heart that enveloped the Taixu Platinum Warframe suddenly extinguished, and Liang Yin stared at him with wide eyes.

Grab a source of origin for your own cultivation.

Such words can also be said, he should be more and more arrogant.


Slightly lagging behind.

Liang Yin's tears rolled down, this is happy tears, happy tears.

I would like to ask, which girl can not be touched by a man to grab a source for himself.

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