Super God

Chapter 1132: Fully remodeled, too empty platinum armor!

Liang Yin, who was moved, hurriedly summoned his heart, once again shrouded the Taixu Platinum Warframe, and then asked, "Is that what you said just now true?"

Yun Feiyang laughed: "I'm kidding."


Liang Yin gave him a harsh look.

"of course."

Yun Feiyang seriously said: "If you really want to practice, it's no problem to grab a source."

"forget it."

Liang Yin said: "I don't want you to cause more trouble because of me."

Yun Feiyang went to grab Yan Yanyan's origin, she would not agree.

After all, it amounts to offending a world.


Yun Fei said: "For you, it doesn't matter if you offend everyone."

As long as you make your women happy, you will surely grab a source for no reason.

The key is.

Yun Feiyang's current strength is simply impossible to grab the source of a world.

Liang Yindao: "Let's focus on refining the Taixu God Stone."


Yun Feiyang answered.

But he also silently remembered'Fire Flame Yanjie' in his heart.

Although he has no strength to grab, he can accompany her and practice together.



The ground fire kept burning.

Taixu Shenshi was still stubborn at first, but gradually melted over time.

In the end, after ninety-nine-eighty-one days, the Taixu Shenshi was completely melted and turned into a gurgling slurry.

at the same time.

After a long period of hardening, the Taixu Platinum Warframe has become extremely red.

Liu Rou reckoned about the same time and said, "Put the armor into the mold."

On the boulder below, a mold similar to the Taixu Platinum Warframe has been portrayed.


Yun Feiyang's thoughts moved, and the steamed and blushed armor was perfectly embedded in the mold.

"Incorporate the slurry into the mold."

Liu Judo.

Yun Feiyang manipulated the wrapped Taixu God stone slurry, dragged it to the mold, and began to dump.


The boiling juice flows down and walks along the groove of the mold to completely cover the Taixu platinum battle armor.

Liu Judao: "Use your soul and divine power to urge the slurry to completely wrap the armor and carry out a comprehensive remodeling."


Yun Feiyang stunned.

What he wanted to do was to repair the Taixu Platinum Warframe, where it was broken, and where to make it up.

But what Liu Rou said was that it was to be completely remodeled, which is a bit more cattle.

"Still stunned." Liu Rou urged: "Hurry up."

Yun Feiyang hurriedly mobilized his soul and merged into the mold. With a big wave of his hand, the eruption of his power burst forth.


Enveloped by soul and divine power, the slurry of Taixu Shenshi was squeezed and eventually covered a layer on the surface of the armor.

Liu Judao: "Refine for seven, seven, forty-nine days, and then recover the soul and divine power."

This is a long process.

Because, Yun Feiyang must always use powerful soul and divine power to cultivate.

Since so.

Only then can the Taixu Platinum Warframe be completely reshaped, and its defense strength will not be reduced.

Even stronger!

After all, in the ninety-nine-eighty-one days, the ruined Taixu platinum battle armor was tempered by heart.


Forty-nine days later.

The Taixu God Stone slurry on the surface of the Taixu Platinum Battlegear is thoroughly incorporated into it, like layers of lime.


Liu Judo.

"call out!"

Yun Feiyang took his soul and divine power into it and stumbled back a few steps.

First, it was refined in eighty-one days, and it was forty-nine days to control the soul and divine power, which consumed the mind very much.

Yun Feiyang eased away, waved with one hand, the Taixu Platinum Warframe in the mold flew out, and trembling gently in the air.


The layer of lime on the surface of the armor suddenly shattered, and a dazzling white awn burst out of the crack.

"Kaka Kaka"

The fissures are getting bigger and bigger, and the dazzling white awn is also expanding.

In the end, the lime layer was completely shed, and one was enveloped by the white mans, and the brand-new Taixu platinum armor appeared.

"You're done."

Liu Rou laughed.

Yun Feiyang also smiled.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the Taixu Platinum Warframe disintegrated.

A stream of light flew towards Yunfei Yang and flew at his speed.

Wait for the streamer to dissipate.

Brand new white breastplate is attached to the chest!

"call out!"

Two streamers flew over and landed on Yun Feiyang's shoulders, showing a pair of shoulder pads.



Bracers, leggings, belts, boots, gloves, and so on.

Very short time.

Yun Feiyang put on a completely remodeled Taixu platinum armor.

He stood upright, his black hair fluttered with the wind, and his whole body was full of heroism.


Ten fingers clenched together, a voice came, Yun Fei narrow and long eyes, revealing a sharp breath.

Looking at the man wearing the armor, Liang Yin looked slightly dull.

Yun Fei's diaphanous breath, and the strength of her hair, made her feel like a person!


Yun Feiyang changed.

Before wearing the armor, he was just a mortal with imperfect personality. After wearing the armor, he was God Realm, God of War!

Liu Rou looked at Yun Feiyang, flashing memories in her beautiful eyes.

After the demon war.

Emperor Tian Tian's merit award, she once saw Yun Feiyang, wearing a war armor, and boarded the altar under the public attention.

That scene.

Liu Liu left an indelible impression.

Today, I saw this man again, wearing the same armor, but more imposing than before.


Because of the rebirth again, Yun Feiyang, who is once again moving towards a higher state of martial arts, is more confident than before!

Put on a fully remodeled armor, it will be stronger!

"The early days of Tianzun?"

Yun Feiyang coldly said: "Even if there are heaven-level martial arts and treasures, what can I do!"

Arrogant and arrogant!

it is necessary.

You know, the completely remodeled Taixu Platinum Warframe completely restored the artifact level of the year.

Under the heat of the heart, the defense strength is stronger than before.

Although Yun Feiyang has not yet reached the peak strength of the previous life, but has the invincible strength of the Supreme, controlling the armor, there will be no impact at all!

Heavenly Treasure is awesome?


The armor of the God of War is one of the artifacts of the God Realm, and it is also the top of the Heaven Rank in the world today!


The Taixu Platinum Warframe has been completely reshaped to restore the artifact level, providing Yun Feiyang with super defensive protection.

To prove tough.

He appeared in Kuangsha City and could not wait to find the first battle of Nizun.


When I was just about to leave the city, I saw an acquaintance walking in the street in front of me.

"How did he come to the extraterritorial battlefield?"

When Yun Fei Yang wondered~ Yao Wanzhen also found him, and hurriedly came over and said: "Young Master Yun."


Yun Feiyang was a little surprised.

He is Yun Feiyang now, not Zhen Deshuai. Sect Master Dan Zong is too polite to himself.

"Drug Sect Master, why do you want me?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Yao Wanzhen was startled, and said: "Yun Shaoxia knows old age?"

He has rarely left Danzong, and this is the first time he has met with this son. He should not know himself.

"Of course I know." Yun Feiyang laughed: "There have been many pleasant transactions between us."

Hear this sentence.

Yao Wanzhen seemed to be struck by lightning, and the whole person was numb on the spot, slightly, incredulously surprised: "You... you are Zhen Deshuai, Zhen Gongzi!?"

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