Super God

Chapter 1142: Forcibly crack, 9 towers!

After Shen Xiaoyu went to sleep, Yun Feiyang breathed a sigh of relief, immediately lifted his foot and stepped **** Ouyang Marty.

He is going to kill the **** of the spirit martial world under the eyes of everyone!

Yun Feiyang, who was blessed by the second change, stepped on it with one foot, and the condensed power was as high as more than 10 million.

Ouyang Si, who was badly injured, his eyes shrank, and there was a strong breath of death.


"Do not!"

Ouyang Si broke his heart and roared, bursting out his final potential, and sacrificed the nine pagodas.

"call out!"

After the Heavenly Order Zhibao flew out, it instantly expanded indefinitely, and covered Ouyang Si in it.


It was at this time that Yun Feiyang kicked over and kicked on the Nine Zun Pagoda. The huge rebound force directly flew him out.


Whirling around in the air, Yun Feiyang held Shen Xiaoyu and fell outside Baizhang.

When he looked at the nine towers that protected Ouyang Marty, his eyes were hot.

Two Heavenly Venerables, fancy Yunfeiyang's Taixu platinum battle armor, want to take possession of themselves, Yunfeiyang also fancy the Nine Zun Towers, want to take possession of themselves!

"Do you think hiding in the tower, I can't kill you?"

Yun Feiyang gently lowered Shen Xiaoyu, sat down, and screamed out of his majestic soul, shrouded into a nine-story tower of several feet!

"What is he going to do?"

The warriors from all walks of life are puzzled.

When a strong man saw that the Jiuzun Pagoda suddenly shuddered slightly, he was suddenly shocked: "He is forcibly cracking, Heavenly Order is the treasure!"



Everyone was surprised.

Treasures of high rank must all acknowledge the signing of the contract. Unless the owner dies, the contract will not be valid.

Yun Feiyang broke through the Nine Towers so hard that he wanted to surrender it, it was a bit too fierce!

"The higher the Treasure level, the stronger the integration into the owner's soul brand, and he forcibly breaks through, and his soul will definitely be hit hard."

The treasure and the warrior made a contract, which was not cracked by outsiders unless they were too strong.

For example, if a warrior signs a contract with Treasure and incorporates the imprint of his soul, the warrior must have the strength of a martial artist or above to forcibly crack it.


Will suffer backlashes, souls frustrated, and serious may cause permanent irrecoverable.

In the eyes of everyone, Yun Feiyang's strength should be the early days of Tianzun, and Ouyang Si is also the early days of Tianzun.

The state of the two is the same, forcibly going to break the nine towers, no doubt asking for trouble!

Many people forget.

There is actually another way to forcibly crack the treasures of others, that is, the soul is stronger than the other!

Yun Feiyang's soul has reached Tianzun's later strength, even if his strength is equal to Ouyang's death, it can be cracked.

Nothing but waste time!

"As long as you grab this thing, you can fight the early days of Tianzun without using the three changes of the God of War soul." Yun Feiyang's eyes flashed over Jingmang.


The majestic soul power completely enveloped the Nine Respect Towers for the most violent penetration.


At this moment, in the distant sky, a stream of light flew at a rapid speed, revealing a strong breath!

Yun Feiyang frowned slightly.

He has discovered that all ten people flying towards him are Supreme Consummation.

The warriors from all walks of life also witnessed it.

They are very puzzled, because the Ten Supreme Consummation is not a warrior of Lingwu Realm, nor a warrior of Little God Realm.

"Is the strong man of Huaying Realm!"

"I'm going, how come they have come, and so many Supreme Consummation, can it be the same as the powerhouse of the lost world, and hatred of Yunfeiyang?"


Huaying Realm and Yun Feiyang have hatred.

Because in the dark area, among the Su Xiangshan and others who were killed by this guy, there are a lot of Huayingjie supreme.


Ten Supreme Sovereign entered the extraterritorial battlefield, not to find Yunfei to seek revenge, but to take the command of the realm master and capture it and bring it back to Huaying Realm.


Because, the seed of life!


When the master of the Huaying Realm witnessed the appearance of his ten Supreme Masters on the light curtain and rushed towards Yunfei, the expression on his face suddenly became wonderful.

Upon learning that Yun Feiyang had a living child, he immediately sent a strong man into the extraterritorial battlefield, trying to capture it.

Ten Supreme Sovereigns.

This amount made the masters of the Huaying Realm think that it is definitely more than enough, and that the flying clouds will certainly be difficult to escape.


After seeing Yun Feiyang slaying the Supreme Master of the Five Elements, he was shocked, but said lightly: "This kid is very strong, but unfortunately, he still can't contend before the Ten Great Masters are consummated."

With this thought, he continued to look.

Until Yun Feiyang killed Tianzun just now, causing his soul to explode, the master of Huaying Realm finally realized that the guy was not weaker than Tianzun!

Finished, finished.

Ten Supreme Sovereign Consummation, to send points!

to be frank.

The master of Huaying Realm is now very collapsed and would like to shout loudly towards the light curtain: "You must leave quickly, don't provoke Yunfeiyang!"


Even if it is the Boundary Lord, it can't pass the voice to the extraterritorial battlefield. It can only be watched and watched. The Ten Supreme Masters are fully consummated, rushing towards Yun Fei step by step, and stepping towards death!


"call out!"

"call out!"

The ten Supreme Masters of the Huaying Realm came to a great consummation and flew at a rapid speed, and finally stopped over the sky above Yun Feiyang, forming a trap.


An old man headed, said indifferently: "Just wait for me to return to Huaying Realm to save your life."

The warriors from all walks of life heard the words and immediately affirmed that the suddenly emerged Huaying Realm Powerful came to Yunfei!

It's just that ten Supreme Masters were sent out, sure to come to catch him, not to send points?

Yun Feiyang was still sitting on the ground.

At this moment, his soul is always covering the nine towers, and he is simply too lazy to ignore this group of people.

The ten strong men of the Huaying Realm saw nothing about this, and sat down with their own self-care, and suddenly caught fire.


A supreme concubine said in a cold voice: "A young man who is so despised of me is so abominable!"


During the speech, a big hand waved, and the power of more than 800,000 heavy dragons exploded.

Someone shook his head and said, "The warriors of the Huaying Realm are dying!"

"What a pity."

At this moment, the warriors of all circles collectively stood in front of Yun Feiyang. After all, he killed the early days of Tianzun!

Ten Supreme Consummation, if you want to pinch to death, it must be just a few fingers.


What surprised everyone is.

The strength of 800,000 true dragons condensed by the strong man was unbiasedly slammed into Yun Feiyang's back.

"Lying trough."

"Why didn't this guy hide?"

"Aren't injured?"

Everyone was stunned.

The master of Huaying Realm was happy, saying: "This son is forcibly cracking the Celestial Treasure, and he can't be distracted!"


Witnessing a blow from him, he was still immobile, and the strong shot made a slight startle.

This guy.

The flesh is so strong!

"I come."

The other Great Constellation condensed strong power and drove towards Yunfei. Like the former, it hit him without any shock.

Suffering from two painless and itchy attacks, Yun Fei sitting cross-eyed looked cold and said, "After half an hour, you, wait for death."

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