Super God

Chapter 1143: Go die!

Why is it half an hour?

Because, according to Yun Feiyang's estimation, it takes so long to crack this top-level treasure.

During this time.

He must go all out without any distraction, otherwise, it will take longer to lose continuity.

If the martial arts world knows.

Yun Feiyang can break the Heavenly Rank Treasure in half an hour, and it will definitely collapse.


This is too fast!

The two shot one after another, slamming on this child, actually safe and sound, and the Supreme Perfection of Huayingjie was surprised.

After half an hour, we all have to die?

Hearing such arrogant words, they sneered.

"I come!"

The supreme great circle led by the one-handed waved with one hand, and a high-level sword with a high level emerged in the void.

"Buto knife!"

The nine Supreme Masters were fully consummated, and their eyes appeared deeply envious.

"It seems to be a terrace."

"Yun Feiyang's hard resistance against Tianzun's soul burst in the early stage, safe and sound, how can he hurt him on every level?"

The warriors of all circles sneered.

Understanding Yun Feiyang's intrepidity gave them a feeling of watching the martial arts warriors, such as watching clowns performing.

It's really a clown.

If Yun Feiyang wholeheartedly broke through the Heavenly Rank Treasure, a slap shot would solve them.


Headed by Tianzun, the Great Consummation, with two hands holding a knife, cut a million pieces of knife gas from the sky!


The knife was filled with anger and swept through.


Yun Feiyang's body was bombarded by millions again, but it was as steady as Mount Tai, with no movement at all, nor even disturbed. He was cracking the state of mind of Jiu Zun Tower.


The strong man who sacrificed the sword saw his eyes still sitting cross-legged.

Several others also appeared unbelievable.

How strong is this guy's flesh, will he be attacked three times in a row, without moving for half a minute!

"Flash off!"

The old man with a knife shouted angrily: "Old, you must use the trick!"



The nine strong men of Huaying Realm pushed away immediately to make room for him.


The strong man holding the sword suddenly lifted the treasure sword, and the power of the real dragon poured into the body of the sword to make its light flash.

At the same time, a phantom of a terrifying beast appeared behind him, showing a roar of beasts!

This is the celestial sword technique. The more beasts rush, the more condensed beasts, the stronger the power.

The strong swordsman's knife technique is used to transform into a hundred-headed beast, which shows that he has realized it deeply.

"Lao Li, get angry!"

"I'm afraid the power of this knife will reach the power of two million real dragons."

The nine strong men in Huaying Realm are envious of death.

They are in the same state, and their strength is weaker than that of Li Lao, just because there is no high-grade treasures and martial arts skills!


Suddenly, the warrior who called Li Lao shouted angrily, and the Futu knife chopped off violently.

This momentum is very strong.

But witnessing the initial battle between Yun Feiyang and Tianzun, the kind of explosion that took place at every tens of thousands, the warriors of all circles agreed that it was too weak!


In the end, under the sprint of the beasts, carrying a two-million-dollar knife, he slashed heavily on Yunfeiyang.


The knife was scattered, and a gust of wind rolled up.

However, the strongest in Huaying Realm, their eyes widened, because the guy was still sitting cross-legged, not moving at all!

"How... how possible?!"

Lao Li's eyes were cloudy and unbelievable.

Using the treasure that is second only to the heavenly ranks, he exhibited the heavenly swords immersed for thousands of years, but did not hurt him!


critical hit!

"Lao Li!"

A strong man calmed down and said solemnly: "This son is a bit evil, I will wait for a shot together, wound it and bring it back to Huaying Realm!"

"it is good!"

Old Li agreed.

At this time, it is not about winning or losing.

Instead, he completed the order given by the realm master as soon as possible, brought the child back to Huaying Realm, and pressed the seeds of life.



The ten Supreme Masters of the Huaying Realm are consummated, condensing the power of the true dragon and flying to the cloud.




The explosion of colorful energy flashes on the light curtain.

Many warriors frowned.

"This guy is still cracking the Tianzun Pagoda, can he bear it in the face of the bombardment of the Ten Supreme Masters?"

"It's hard to say."

Everyone watched like this.

Out of Yun Feiyang's previous performance, they hope that this guy can bear it.

Because only in this way will a more splendid battle take place, otherwise, the battle between the two realms will be meaningless!

Did not let them down.

In the face of the mad bombing of the Ten Supreme Masters, Yun Fei, who was wearing the Taixu platinum battle armor, remained still.

At this moment, his soul is still being released madly, forcibly penetrating the interior of the Nine Respected Pagodas, and he is completely inattentive to the Great Completion of the Ten Supreme Masters.

" is it possible..."

Ouyang Si, who was hiding in the Jiuzun Pagoda, changed his heart abruptly. He had felt that the Jiuzun Pagoda was gradually infiltrated by the soul of terror.

The imprint of his own soul is in an absolutely passive state. If it is broken, it means that he will lose the control of Heavenly Treasure!


"His soul power will be so strong!"

Ouyang Si roared in his heart.

I thought that relying on the final potential to inspire the Heavenly Treasure Treasure to cover yourself can resolve the crisis, and thus waiting for the strong support of the Lingwu world.

Now it seems.

It's impossible!

Despair, collapse, and a variety of complex emotions enveloped Ouyang's heart.

Unlike the fifth chase, he has no courage to explode his soul!


I haven't reached this point yet.




The explosion is endless.

The area was hit once again by the bombing of the Ten Supreme Supreme Constituents, dusty and the ground sinking.

time flies.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Until half an hour later.

The ten Supreme Masters stopped before the Great Consummation, and their foreheads all oozed with sweat, which showed that the bombing for a long time was also very tiring.


When the dust ended.

Yun Feiyang was still sitting in the same place, his body radiating a faint white awn, without moving, and almost spitting blood.


At this moment, the tall tower standing in front suddenly shivered violently and disappeared out of thin air, and Ouyang Si appeared in view.

Those who are strong in Heavenly Realm, even if they are seriously injured, will also reveal a breath different from the Supreme.

Therefore, the Ten Supreme Masters congratulated Ouyang Marty with great consternation and exclaimed, "Tianzun!"

Why is such a powerful warrior seriously injured?

Was the tower just protecting him?

This guy named Yun Feiyang is always sitting cross-legged, is it cracking?

Think so far.

The Ten Great Consummates all took a breath.

They guessed that since Yun Feiyang was cracking the tower, he must have hurt Tianzun!

Oh my God!

This guy is so strong?

Suddenly remembered that for half an hour when he waited for someone to bomb, the guy was still The mind suddenly trembled and his eyes appeared horrified.

"I gave you half an hour to escape."

"Unfortunately, you don't know how to cherish, but you bombard me with ridiculous laughter.


Yun Feiyang stood up.

He turned around and stared at the Ten Great Masters in a conscientious manner, his big hand waved violently, and said coldly, "Go to death!"


Under the blessing of the second change, Yun Feiyang's waved power reached 13 million, and the terror waves formed screamed out.

that moment.

The earth shook and the space shattered.

The ten Supreme Masters of Huaying Realm felt great and felt that breath, and a strong breath of death rose in their hearts, and finally, they were swallowed up in terror and despair by the waves of terror!

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