Super God

Chapter 1147: The war is on!

A 300,000 spirit clan soldiers erupted into a strong atmosphere, and they flew away with the clouds in the sky beyond the battlefield until the area captured by the image formation method suddenly appeared on the light curtain.

"what is that!"

Everyone looked shocked.

Three hundred thousand Ling clan soldiers suddenly appeared on the light curtain, and when they looked at them, they were all black and pressed, giving a very strong visual shock!

"What a big body!"

"They are not humans!"

See clearly the spirit soldiers that are taller and stronger than human beings. The warriors in all circles are suddenly certain that they are not my race!


In the extraterritorial battlefield, why do so many aliens suddenly appear, and how did they come in?

As everyone thought about it, they saw that Yun Fei was in front of the densely packed alien warriors!

"Why is he in front?"

Everyone was stunned.

At this time, no one thought that Yun Feiyang was chased by hundreds of thousands of alien warriors.

Judging from their separation and breath, they seemed to be their followers, right behind!

"These aliens are his men!?"

Everyone's eyes widened.

"From their momentum, it seems that they are all in the void!"

"With such a burly physique, the strength of these alien warriors is probably very strong!"

Everyone marveled.

of course.

Apart from the shock, they raised a question in their hearts. What did these people do with Yunfei?

Some warriors startled: "They will not go to Tianxiong City!"

As soon as this remark came out, many warriors opened their mouths one after another.

At the same time, I think of Yun Feiyang's words from Mad City.

Bloodbath Tianxiong City!

At that time, although they raised a feeling that he could do it, they still rationally believed that it was impossible.


Witnessing 300,000 powerful alien warriors, the feeling is even stronger!

"It must be!"

"Yun Feiyang will take this group of alien warriors to encircle the Tianxiong City!"

"too crazy!"

Looking at the light curtain, the group of imposing martial arts warriors, the martial warriors from all walks of life were shocked!

They dare not think about it.

If these alien warriors are stuck outside the city of Tianxiong, what kind of fierce battle will be launched!

"Although the alien warrior looks terrible, but in the face of the stronger warrior, I am afraid that it will be vulnerable."

Someone said calmly.

Not bad.

Although the 300,000 Spirit Clan soldiers are very powerful and have absolute tacit understanding, in the face of stronger soldiers, such as the Supreme, such as the Heavenly Lord, they are definitely dead!

The warriors from all walks of life didn't even think about it. The 300,000 spirit warriors were commanded by Yun Feiyang.

And he certainly wouldn't just watch, the Spirit clan soldiers he cultivated painstakingly were brutally bombarded by the powerful in the Lingwu world.



Three hundred thousand spirit clan warriors, flying vastly from the sky dome, only a thousand miles away from the Tianxiong City!


"what is that!"

The warriors of the Lingwu world around the city, seeing the distant sky, suddenly pressed over the black cloud.


Only the martial arts of the Lingwu world discovered.

It wasn't the black cloud that swept through, but the black warrior.

They are different from humans, they are tall, their eyes glow red, and they have a strange breath.

"Kill them!"

Yun Feiyang said coldly.

"Kill! Kill!"

The 300,000 Spirit Clan soldiers roared angrily, screaming in the wild, and immediately resembled a crazy beast, killing them with a condensed weapon.

"not good!"

"Go back to town!"

The warriors of the Lingwu world were frightened one by one.

However, before taking action, he was completely besieged by 300,000 spirit soldiers.



Under the roar of terror, hundreds of thousands of spirit clan soldiers, with the declining trend of Cui Gula, beheaded all the thousands of spirit martial warriors under siege, one is not left!


Yun Fei raised his hand, and the scattered merits were included in the waist card.

"They are not human!"

"Quick! Quick! Quick back to town!"

The warriors of the Lingwu world in the distance, one by one, flee.

Although there are many powerful gods, but in the face of the terrifying and large number of alien warriors, they have no guts to fight!






Thousands of miles outside the city of Tianxiong, there are tens of thousands of warriors from the Lingwu world, and 300,000 warriors from the Ling nationality swept like floods.

Aware of the danger, the warriors who fled into Tianxiong City in time were only about a thousand people, and the rest were slaughtered!

On the red ground, a corpse was scattered, and the blood condensed together, rendering it even more crimson.

The warriors from all walks of life were shocked.

During the massacre, they clearly saw that 300,000 alien warriors were not headlessly rushing up and suppressing with numbers.

Instead, they are divided into groups of ten, and they go to fight regularly and tactically. What they target is easily beheaded.

Even more shocking.

Many of the Nether Realm Great Consummation, and even the powerful ones who glanced into the realm of glory, also died in the hands of alien warriors who cooperated with the tacit understanding.

The crowd is not terrible.

What is scary is that he knows how to use tactics and is very tacit. Since then, the outbreak of combat power has completely exceeded his own realm!

"This group of aliens must have received very professional military training, which is simply a killing weapon on the battlefield!" a warrior who was good at leading the army exclaimed.

"What kind of race are they, why haven't they ever heard it, nor seen it!"

The warriors of all circles were deeply shocked.

I am asking myself, if a sharp force in my own world meets this force and starts a fierce battle, the result is a fiasco!

In the Little God Realm, many super-class families and powerful people have a dignified look.

The average warrior led by Yun Feiyang is not high on average, but with a perfect fit, he must not be underestimated!


Acting little **** Lord said angrily: "This group of alien warriors, how did this guy solicit!"

His anger is very weak compared to the Lingwu Realm Master.

After all, tens of thousands of warriors from the realm, in the blink of an eye, were slaughtered and wiped out, which is a huge loss!



Suddenly, a supreme man in Tianxiong City flew out, the number is as high as 100!

At the same time, within the gate of the city, more than one hundred thousand spirit martial arts martial arts soldiers were killed in anger.

Was hit home.

The brave spirit martial arts warrior will not endure, and will definitely rush out and fight with the alien warrior to defend his dignity!



Hundreds of Supreme Powers flew out, rallying the power of a powerful true dragon, and roaring the group of alien warriors from a distance!



Terror forces swept through, causing the surrounding space to suddenly break apart, and a hundred supreme shots together, the power is comparable to the early days of Tianzun!

Faced with this power, the eyes of the 300,000 Spirit Clan warriors did not show any fear, and they rushed forward without any warning!

This is the spirit family.

On the battlefield will only charge, will not flinch!

"Turn my hand, suppress me!" The condensed air waves of the 100 Supreme Masters roared, and Yun Fei stood on the The big hand waved violently.


The ancient desolate big hands roared down from the black cloud, and beat the force of the true dragon attacking the spirit soldiers fiercely, smashing it up and down!



The energy formed was broken by overbearing, one hundred supremes vomited blood, and their faces were weak!


Yunfei Yangjian pointed to more than one hundred thousand martial arts warriors who rushed out of the city pool and shouted coldly: "All kill!"

"Kill! Kill!"

Three hundred thousand spirit martial arts warriors roared angrily, and immediately killed towards the spirit martial arts rushed out.

that moment.

When the momentum erupted, the earth shivered, and the suppressed breath instantly filled the surroundings!

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