Super God

Chapter 1148: Don't you go to aid yet?

The warriors of all circles would not think of it.

Little God Realm and Lingwu Realm, after almost a year, will suddenly explode on a large scale today.


They are not optimistic at all, there are only more than 100,000 spiritual martial arts warriors, after all, alien warriors are too powerful!

Unless there is absolute power to suppress, otherwise, the consequence of breaking out of the city gate is tragic death!

If it is a small **** realm warrior, in the face of the killing of 300,000 spirit martial warriors, he must choose to shrink.

Because they are in an absolutely weak position and they are completely incapable of countering.

The warriors in the Lingwu world are different.

They have been at an absolute advantage since the two wars started.

Therefore, I have arrogance in my heart, and I will not be afraid of sudden alien forces!

The warriors of the Lingwu world are not afraid, and the masters of the Lingwu world are not afraid.

At this moment, he passed on the sky of Lingwu Realm with the voice of soul: "Every big family, enter the battlefield outside the territory to join the battle!"



The major families and forces of the Lingwu world have gathered their forces and poured into the formation that leads to the extraterritorial battlefield.


Suspended on warships outside the Lingwu Realm, the light curtain flashed.

The voice of the chief elder of the alliance passed on: "All predators, entering the battlefield outside the territory, must kill Yun Feiyang!"



On the battlefield of different levels, a predator led his men to fly into the Lingwu Realm and went straight to the formation leading to the extraterritorial battlefield.

In an instant.

In the Lingwu world, there are at least half a million martial artists who are rushing to the battlefield outside the territory at the same time.

"call out!"

"call out!"

On the sky of Lingwu Realm, three streamers flickered extremely fast.

And that is the three Heavenly Venerables, one of whom has reached the middle of the Heavenly Venerable, they entered the extraterritorial battlefield in the name of the Realm Master, and took the first level of Yunfei Yang!


In the spirit martial arts world, many martial arts acted to give people the feeling that a real decisive battle has begun.

In the Little God Realm, the big family warriors witnessed Yun Feiyang leading 300,000 alien warriors who wanted to besieged the Tianxiong City, and they were all blood-sprayed!


They had opinions and insults on Yun Feiyang, but they even hated Lingwu Realm more!

After all, the battle for several months, on my own side, has been suppressed, and it is difficult to breathe.

Now Yun Feiyang does what they dare not do and dare not think about.

Do you still watch yourself?

"Can not watch!"

The head of a first-class family shouted angrily: "Start, go to the battlefield outside the territory, to help Yun Feiyang!"



Hundreds of martial artists flew out and flew towards the formation method. Although the number was small, it also brought more families.

"Oh shit!"

"Being crushed for so long, and dying so many compatriots, you must let the spirit martial world, **** blood and **** payment!"



More warriors flew.


The entire Little God Realm, representing the streamer of martial arts, resembles a star, spreading over the sky.

They may not be for Yun Feiyang, but at least prove that they are as strong as the spirit martial arts warriors!

"call out!"

"call out!"

Groups of warriors stepping on flying swords, punctured the void, and rushed to the battlefield outside the territory with extremely rapid formation.

"Sword Sect!"

Many warriors exclaimed.

Sword Sect.

Little God Realm is a first-class sect.

The overall strength is not weaker than that of a super-class family like Ye and Xu.

The leader of the Sword Sect is an old robe with a fairy bone, and his strength has reached heaven!

He stepped on the seven-foot green sword and shouted with a long voice: "Yun Xiaoyou, do what we dare not do, the muscular little God Realm Warrior, don't you go to help!"

The sound penetrated the sky and resounded through the Little God Realm, making many warriors hear clearly.


More families, more forces, driven by the Heavenly Sovereign of the Sword Sect Sect, sent warriors to rush away.

this moment.

The warrior of the Little God Realm also has the arrogance of not wanting to lose the battle of the two realms!

A black-robed man emerged from the void, and said coldly: "That Lingwu Realm, pressing my little God Realm for a few months, this bad breath, how old can you swallow!"

Another Tianzun!


A bald-headed monk wearing a cassock and a sturdy body, stepped on the Buddha's light and flew at a very fast speed: "Don't like Yun, I like it very much.

"He has the determination to wash the heavenly city with blood, and even if he fights to save his family, he must wish him a hand!"

"It's wine and meat monk!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Tian Jianzong's Tianzun stunned slightly, and immediately smiled and said: "Wine flesh and bald donkey, unexpectedly, you also stood up."


The monk of wine and meat vomited and said: "A group of hypocritical forces, hiding in the dark, watching the warriors of our world killed, afraid to stand up, really a group of incompetent waste!"

Hidden in the dark, since the war between the two realms, the super-first-class family and forces that have been immobilized have heard swearing and ugly faces.


The old man in black robe laughed: "Good scolding!"

The monk of wine and meat continued: "The Sajia family no matter who caused the battle between the two realms, the Sajia only knew that as a warrior of the Little God Realm, you can't counsel!"

Three Tianzun fell on the edge of the formation.

When preparing to enter the extraterrestrial battlefield, a force erupted, ejected them, and then heard the undoubted voice from the sky: "No one can enter the extraterritorial battlefield!"

"Yes, Lord God!"

Many warriors exclaimed.

The three Tianzun who stabilized their bodies also looked stunned, and the monk of wine and flesh shouted angrily: "Little God Lord, what do you mean!"

What do you mean?

I understand.

Acting the little **** Lord blocked the formation and prevented them from entering the extraterritorial battlefield, just to watch Yun Fei Yang die!

for exchange.

It doesn't matter if the battle between the two realms is defeated!


"Why not let us enter the extraterritorial battlefield!"

The Sword Sect Sovereign who respected the Heavenly Master and fisted in anger, but could only be angry in his heart. After all, the little Divine Lord personally ordered that he had no courage to rebelliously.

The wine and meat monk and the old man in black robe are scattered martial arts trainers. One person is full, and the whole family is not hungry. Naturally, they will not look forward.

However, he was unable to break the enchantment blockade of the Little God Lord and could only stomp his feet outside the edge.


The obstruction of the acting little **** made all the family warriors who wanted to enter the extraterritorial battlefield and help Yun Fei help, were blocked from the array.

The number of people is four or five hundred thousand.


Acting the little god, standing in the palace, he hated and said: "If you don't die, how can I comfortably lead the little **** realm."

Just a performance.

It has brought hundreds of thousands of warriors, as well as a super-class sect and two Sanxian Tianzun.

Acting little **** Lord deeply smells bad, if that guy grows and develops again, maybe he has the strength to challenge his authority!

"Brother Feng."

Shen Linyuan smiled and said: "Agent Xiao Shenzhu seems to be afraid of Brother Yun, and then he will stop the entry of the Xiaoshen Realm Warrior."

Shen Linfeng said: "To tell the truth, Brother Yun's expression is too shocking, and it is a matter of course that the world's masters are afraid."

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