Super God

Chapter 1162: Break through Tianxiong City!

The spirit martial master wanted to rely on the advantage of many people, at all costs, kill Yun Feiyang, and directly send three million martial arts soldiers into the extraterritorial battlefield.

This number is not small.

It also made the warriors of all circles and the monks of wine and meat realize that under the tactics of the sea, the group of warriors of different races will be slowly consumed.


They are too small to see Yunfei flying.

After all, there are 700,000 Ling clan soldiers who have been rigorously trained in the flying continent, and they have summoned them thoroughly.



Seven hundred thousand spirit soldiers appeared in the barracks, neatly arranged, exuding the atmosphere of the broken realm, which shocked the warriors of all circles!

"Lying trough!"

"So many aliens!"

"My God, judging from their arrangement, obviously, they have also received strict military training!"

"No wonder this guy dared to besiege Tianxiong City, there were so many powerful alien warriors!"

After witnessing the emergence of more alien warriors, those wine and meat monks and others who were eager to help them suddenly lost their laughs.

Myself, it really came in vain.

"The number of these alien warriors is almost one million, and it will definitely win easily against three million warriors from the Lingwu world."

"Lingwu Realm Master, if you want to kill Yun Feiyang and destroy these alien warriors, you have to pay at least 10 million!"

Someone solemnly said: "I don't know, Yun Feiyang has more alien warriors."

Yes, many!

Nearly eight million spiritual warriors flying on the mainland, although they have not undergone rigorous military training, all of them are magic weapons and double cultivation, and their strength is higher than those of the same realm!

of course.

Yun Feiyang won't use it.

In his view, it is enough to deal with the Lingwu world army and one million Ling clan soldiers, no matter how much the other party comes, they are all meritorious!


Lingwu Realm Lord said angrily: "How could he have so many alien warriors!"

Quite tragic.

If Yun Feiyang summoned 700,000 spirit clan warriors from the beginning, he would definitely not be stupid and send three million warriors into the extraterritorial battlefield.

Because, this is to die.

But now, everyone has entered, can't get out, and can't always shrink in the Tianxiong City, waiting for the defense to break, so it is only on the scalp.


Within Tianxiong City.

When the two Tianzun received the attack order from the realm master, the expression on their faces suddenly became more exciting.

As for Yun Feiyang, there are so many alien warriors again. This is going to be killed, and the result is definitely death.

no way.

The order of the realm shall not be rebellious.

After a little rectification, the two Tianzun immediately issued orders to attack, and three million soldiers could only rush out of Tianxiong City with mortal determination.


This time.

Zhuge Jinke did not fight as he did before, and when the enemy rushed out, he first bombed with blasting cannons and ordered the soldiers to block the city gate.

Since so.

The three million martial arts in the Lingwu world can only be suppressed in a very narrow range, breaking through at the cost of falling.


The third round of fighting was not as fierce as the previous two. After all, it was limited to the gate of the city, one siege and one charge.

But the death of the warrior is extremely high.

One day later, in the Lingwu world, three million troops fell to one million!

Even more tragic.

Confined to a small combat area, and sacrificed so many martial arts, stunned did not rush out of the city gate.

"Not at all a level."

"If you go on like this, the three million martial arts in the Lingwu world will definitely be consumed by Yunfeiyang's alien warriors."

The crowd shook their heads one after another.

The next day.

The two Tianzun attacked again.

However, after a day of sprinting, after sacrificing hundreds of thousands of people, it was still blocked at the gate of the city, making it difficult to cross the Leichi half a step.

In the face of nearly one million Ling clan soldiers, the martial artists of the Lingwu world have lost the qualification to break through.

Even more tragic.

After two consecutive days of confrontation, the number of Ling clan soldiers fell less than 50,000!

Moreover, after undergoing the baptism of blood, the spirit soldiers are more powerful and their fighting power is constantly improving!

On the third day.

There are 700,000 warriors who annihilate the spirit martial arts, and the number of casualties is less than 10,000!

"This group of alien warriors can gradually grow and become stronger in battle!"

"If you go on like this, even if all the martial artists of the Lingwu world are dispatched, it is impossible to rush out of the city gate!"

The warriors from all walks of life shocked.


Three days.

Three million warriors in the Lingwu world were killed by nearly 2.5 million, and the remaining 500,000 warriors could only cower in the city and dared not come out.


The Lingwu Realm Master in the palace spit out another blood.

After all, the successive losses of Heavenly Sovereign and Supreme Sovereign, and now they have damaged so many martial artists, are definitely difficult to accept.


An old man solemnly said: "We have too many warriors falling down and can't fight anymore!"


The master of Lingwu Realm clenched his fists, eyes closed, and hemorrhage appeared.

He was very reluctant, but he also knew that in the face of well-trained millions of alien warriors, attacking with a sea of ​​people tactics is how much to go and how many to die.

How to do?

At this time, the most sensible choice is to give up reinforcements and give up Tianxiong City.


Lingwu Realm Lord's unwilling roar.


Since the soldiers in Tianxiong City stopped attacking, the brutal engagement came to an end.

A few days later, many warriors were enough to be sure. The spirit martial arts have admitted!

They can understand.

After all, in the face of a group of horrible war weapons, without admitting counsel, one can only come to admit death.

Yun Feiyang, who was in the military barracks, realized that the Lingwu Realm Lord had abandoned Tianxiong City and immediately shook his head and said, "True disappointment."

This guy hasn't killed enough yet and wants to get more merit points.


The Lingwu world no longer sends reinforcements, and the hundreds of thousands of warriors who are cowering in the Tianxiong City are also fearful.

that's it.

Half a year soon.


The defensive enchantment that shrouded the Tianxiong City shivered slightly, and immediately collapsed under the eyes of everyone.


Yun Feiyang flew out, his sword pointed at Tianxiong City, and sneered, "Fire!"



Thousands of skyrockets were launched together, and shells fell like rain, blasting on the city gate.



In an instant, the ancient gate of Tianxiong City, which stood for a long time in the battlefield outside the territory, was blown up and smashed!

Many warriors twitched their mouths. After all, the extraterritorial battlefield appeared for the first time since its birth. Someone broke the enemy's city defense and smashed the city gate!

This will undoubtedly set a precedent and enter the history book!



Million Spirit shouted angrily and killed towards the Tianxiong City, the breath of terror spread out instantly.


The earth shook it, causing its already fragmented walls to collapse.

Those half a million martial arts soldiers shrunk in the city of Tianxiong, the fear was even more visible in their eyes, and those waiting for them, the city was broken and people died.


After more than a year of battle between the two realms.

Today, the alien warrior headed by Yun Feiyang shattered the main city gate of Lingwu Realm, and jumped into the city of Tianxiong with the sword.

This battle was called the Battle of Tianxiong City by later generations.

Also known as Lingwu Realm, the shame of Tianxiong City!

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