Super God

Chapter 1163: Eye of Immortal Emperor, the power of condemnation!

When hundreds of thousands of martial arts warriors in the city were killed by the spirit clan soldiers, Yun Feiyang said that he did it and blood washed the Tianxiong City.

of course.

The moment when the city was broken, it also represented the end of the battle between the two realms, and the final result was the victory of Little God Realm!

This result caused the warriors of all realms to collapse.

Because, without Yunfei flying, without his horror strength, and without a strong army of aliens, it is impossible to win because of the situation that the Little God Realm was completely suppressed before.


Some people said with emotion: "Little God Realm really lays down to win this battle between the two realms."

Strength lies and wins.

What an ironic description.

The warriors of the Little God Realm, who watched the battle hundreds of miles away from the Tianxiong City, witnessed Yun Feiyang's army break through the gates, and the Tianxiong City was blood-washed.

Little God Realm is victorious.

But they all feel ashamed.

After all, Yun Feiyang and his men did all the help from the start.


Within Tianxiong City.

Yun Feiyang stood on a high platform in the middle of the city, looked up at the image formation method, and raised a corner of his mouth with a faint smile.

This is provocation.

In provocation, Lingwu Realm Master!


Lingwu Realm Master, who is in the distant Lingwu Realm, could not suppress the impulse, and the last blood spurted out.


He fists in anger, smashing the light curtain that connects the battlefield outside the territory, almost hoarsely said: "Yun Feiyang, one day, this will mainly let you smash tens of thousands of corpses!"


With the destruction of the Celestial City, the battle between the two realms came to an end.

But the warriors of all circles are more concerned about Yun Feiyang's current meritorious service?

how many?

Many, many!

To know.

In the Lingwu world, there are at least 500,000 warriors in the three million martial arts, reaching the level above the opening period of the Nether Realm.

Even if a person is a little, it will get 500,000 merits!

In fact.

It’s not just one person.


Looking at the merit card on the waist card, more than two million merit points, Yun Feiyang eyes shine.

Not bad.

It is more than two million merits!

This amount is enough to exchange all the treasures, weapons, and martial arts in the Pavilion of Merit, so that one will not be left!


This excitement did not last long.

When he assembled Luo Mu and others, as well as millions of troops, and the income was flying to the mainland, the sky suddenly heard a voice.

"Yun Fei, the warrior of the Little God Realm, brought the warriors who had not been verified by the formation method and distributed meritorious waist cards into the extraterritorial battlefield, which violated the rules of boundary war, so some of the merits were canceled."

The voice was thick, carrying terror and coercion, rippling in the battlefield outside the territory, passing in the ears of the warriors of all circles, making their hearts tremble.

Yun Feiyang's complexion changed greatly.

The person who speaks contains the kind of powerful momentum that gives him the feeling that he is much stronger than Emperor Tiantian at that time!

"Could it be that the real martial arts domain is strong?"

Yun Feiyang secretly said.


Suddenly, the integral waist card hanging around the waist flashed slightly, and originally had a few million merit points, and again turned into more than 30,000.

that is.

The siege of Tianxiong City, the killing of millions of warriors, all the points earned have been erased!

Yun Feiyang said angrily: "Damn it!"


At this moment, above the sky, the space shattered, and a pair of huge eyes gradually emerged, revealing majestic momentum and locking on him.

"Oh my God!"

"Great eyes!"

The warriors of all circles looked horrified.

The pair of giant eyes occupies half of the sky, and the deep eyes seem to be all-encompassing, as if to contain the supreme mystery!

"this is……"

In the palace, the acting little **** Lord stood up suddenly, and looked horrified: "Eye of Immortal Emperor!"

Other realm owners are also wide-eyed.


"Yun Feiyang is dying!"

Acting little **** Lord laughed wildly.

The appearance of the Eye of the Immortal Emperor means that Yun Feiyang must be condemned to exterminate his soul!

"not good."

Shen Linfeng and Shen Linyuan startled: "Brother Yun is in trouble!"

The two wanted to enter the extraterritorial battlefield.

However, somehow, the communication between Shen Family World and Little God Realm was cut off by some kind of force.

"what happened?"

Shen Linfeng and Shen Linyuan were shocked.

At this moment, the voice of nothingness came: "You two don't need to help each other."


Shen Linfeng and Shen Linyuan startled.

Shen Hao's voice continued to come: "This son wants to be a strong man, he will only take more roads and encounter more dangers, and he needs to face it alone."

Shen Linfeng and Shen Linyuan were silent.

They heard it very well, and his father did not want to let himself go. He was testing Yun Feiyang, but how could he resist the face of the eyes of the fairy emperor!


Extraterrestrial battlefield.

When the Eye of Immortal Emperor appeared, Yun Feiyang also realized that it was not good.

His heart moved, and the Taixu platinum battle armor draped over him. The nine towers flew out and hung in front of him, forming the strongest form of defense.


The voice came: "You are free to accommodate the artifacts and bring the unidentified soldiers into the extraterritorial battlefield. According to the regulations, they should be condemned."

"Bendi reads that you are using one person's power to frustrate the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, so you open the net and punish you only with the power of Heaven's consummation!"

Shen Linfeng and Shen Linyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it is not an absolute power of condemnation, Yun Feiyang should have the possibility to carry it through.

Acting the little **** Lord was quite annoyed, but sneered: "The power of the condemnation of Tianzun Great Consummation is also terrifying, and the kid will die!"

"The power of condemnation, punish me?"

Yun Feiyang sneered: "How old are you?"

As soon as this remark came out, the realm of the worlds widened their eyes.

This guy, cow, dare to talk to the eyes of the fairy emperor condensed.

The giant eye blinked slightly, as if a little angry, but said lightly: "Accept the punishment of the emperor."


His eyes widened and his light flashed.

"call out!"

The two dazzling lights, like a meteor, rushed down from the sky, carrying a power not weaker than Tianzun's Great Consummation!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The space shattered and the earth shook.

When that so-called "power of condemnation" blasted down, the entire battlefield outside the territory seemed to be experiencing the end of the world.

"Oh my God!"

"This force is terrible!"

The martial warriors of all circles are ecstatic Although the light that erupts is only the power of Tianzun Great Consummation, but it comes from the eyes of the Immortal Emperor, so it is definitely stronger than the Heavenly Sovereign Great Consummation Warrior!


Facing this force, Yun Feiyang was not afraid.

He took a step, clenched his fists, and screamed angrily: "In this world, no one is qualified to punish me Yunfeiyang!"

In the roar, the black hair instantly turned into purple gold, to be precise, purple mixed with gold.


Divine power exploded, golden on one side and purple on the other, instantly blessing the whole body.

at the same time.

The nine dazzling towers flashed nine dazzling lights, and all nine spirits were stimulated, turning into a few feet high, completely covering the clouds and flying, forming the strongest state of the nine spirits defense!

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