Super God

Chapter 1164: Aurora Holy Land, Aurora Fairy Emperor

The power of heavenly condemnation condensed by the eyes of the fairy emperor exploded down, and the power contained was terrifying.

The warriors from all walks of life deeply felt that if they were to become themselves, they would be locked in by that force and hit, and the result would only be broken bones!

Some of the Tianzun Dzogchen class strong men also have a dignified complexion and have no confidence to resist. Such a powerful force bombs.


under these circumstances.

As the bombed, Yun Feiyang, but fearless, summoned the Taixu platinum armor to make his defense fully open.

When the armor flashes dazzling white mans, the body's divine power bursts out, and the three changes of the God of War soul body are instantly displayed!

And this is at the same time, inspiring the first change to the golden body, and the second change to the purple air, making the hair and skin appear golden and purple!

no doubt.

Yun Feiyang excited by the superposition of the first change and the second change, its own defense strength, will have a higher level of improvement!

But not yet.

He could feel that he couldn't contend before the blasting power, so he immediately summoned the nine towers.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the Jiuzun Pagoda flew out of the body, turned into a few feet high, and enveloped Yun Fei.

"Nine Spirit Defense, give me full open!"

The roar sounded inside the tower.

It seems to realize that when the master is in crisis, the nine organ spirits have no hesitation and have inspired their own power.


Nine Zun Pagoda flashes nine rays of light, forming the strongest Nine Soul Defense!

After all kinds of defenses were fully opened, Yunfei stood in the tower, looked up at the power of the condemnation, and his eyes were cold!

Now he can escape.

However, he possesses the proud of God of War, but he is standing upright, without retreating half a step!


Acting the little **** Lord sneered: "Even if there is a Celestial Supreme Treasure Body, I still think about the power of the condemnation!"

"Brother Yun..."

Shen Linyuan and Shen Linfeng's eyes flashed worried.



The power of the horror condemned from the sky, the space was completely shattered, and under the witness of the martial artists of all circles, that force finally collided with the Nine Respect Tower.




The light curtains hanging from all walks of life shattered and turned into nothingness, which made everyone feel terrified.

What a terrifying force it must be to shatter all the image formations in the battlefield outside the territory!

"My god, it's terrible!"

"This kind of power is simply not something that I can wait to contend with!"

"Can Yunfeiyang stand up!"

"Faced with the intensity of the Great Constellation of Heavenly Lord, even if he has a hundred lives, he is not enough to die!"

Everyone has no hope for Yun Feiyang.


Back to the battlefield outside the territory, back to the moment when the power of Heavenly Condemnation touched the Nine Zun Tower.


A loud noise burst like spring thunder.

With a range of several thousand miles centered on the explosion, the space shattered instantly, the void turbulent, and mad roared.

Grass, mountains and rocks.

Everything is turned into nothingness!

In the crazy city, after the explosion, the warrior in it, even the venerable monk of wine and meat, is boiling blood and uneasy.



The ground shook violently, guarding the defensive borders of the city, and wrinkles appeared, as if they were about to collapse.

"too frightening!"

The face of the wine and meat monk changed dramatically.

Above the sky.

The huge eyes still exist, but there is a strange look, and the sound is heard immediately: "I didn't expect that this child is still alive."


The monk of wine and flesh who just calmed his mind and said dullly, "Don't you, Yun... still alive?"

The old black robe and the Sword Sovereign Heaven Sovereign have also emerged unbelievable. After all, the kind of bombing just now was terrifying. Yun Feiyang can survive, it is a miracle!


Explosion center area.

The Nine Zun Pagoda still stands, and its whole body is covered with purple and golden divine light.


Suddenly, the crackling sounded.

A crack appeared on the Nine Zun Tower and quickly spread downward.

However, it spread to the bottom and the crack stopped and did not continue to expand.


The Jiuzun Pagoda shivered slightly, and immediately appeared a gloomy light, regaining its slap.

This object was severely damaged after being bombarded by the Heavenly Sovereign Great Constellation.

After the Nine Zun Pagoda became smaller, Yun Feiyang's body appeared in the outside world. The too-empty platinum battle armor was still put on his body, but his light was bleak.

Obviously, the divine power has been exhausted!


Yun Feiyang spurted blood, his face pale and extreme, but he looked up, through the scattered hair, to the sky and the eyes of the fairy emperor!

In his eyes, anger and unyielding revealed.


A thick voice came: "Since you have resisted the power of the emperor's condemnation, then you can do it yourself."

The sound became weaker and weaker, and the giant eyes floating on the sky slowly closed, as if they were about to disappear.

Enduring the damaged meridians, Yun Feiyang shouted angrily: "Slow down!"


The giant eyes opened again.

Yun Feiyang clenched his fists tightly and said coldly, "Who are you!"

The voice came: "With your current strength, you are not qualified to know."


Yun Feiyang clenched his fists fiercely, pinched his nails into the meat, and blood oozed out.

The voice spread again: "Are you asking about Bendi's name, are you looking for Bendi's revenge?"

"Not bad!"

Yun Feiyang said with hate: "Today bear the power of your condemnation. When he ascends to the True Martial God Territory, he will definitely give back twice!"

"very good!"

A thick voice came: "Yun Feiyang, remember, I am the Aurora Immortal Emperor of the Aurora Holy Land of the True Martial God Realm."

After the sound ended.

The eyes of the fairy emperor hanging in the sky disappeared completely, and the originally fragmented space quickly recovered as before.

As if nothing happened.

"Aurora Holy Land, Aurora Fairy Emperor..."

Yun Feiyang remembered it deeply, and secretly said, "I Yunfei Yang, I must report the revenge of today's condemnation!"


He fell to the ground.

In stimulating the strongest defensive form and resisting the apocalyptic emperor's power of condemnation, Yunfei Yang's meridians were seriously damaged.

It was just standing, supported by the arrogance of God of War, did not let him fall!

"I am too weak."

Yun Fei lying on the ground, while mobilizing the attributes of life to repair the damaged meridians, he was reluctant to conceal.

Not that he is weak.

The Aurora Fairy Emperor is too strong.

This kind of immortal emperor from the real martial arts domain has already surpassed the former **** realm emperor Juntian, and surpassed many ancient great gods.

Even the world realm is just a poor ant in front of such a strong man.




On the heavens of the world, the damaged light curtain was quickly repaired, and the picture of the battlefield outside the territory was quickly passed on.

When the light curtain was intact, the warriors of all circles, the first time, looked at Yunfeiyang's previous area.

"Lying trough!"

"He is still alive!"


When everyone saw through the light curtain, Yun Fei, who was falling on the ground and was healing himself, widened his eyes one by one.

Acting the little **** Lord was even more shocked, and it was difficult to accept: "He... why is he alive!"

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