Super God

Chapter 1167: 5 Spirit Excalibur!

The Hall of Merit from the Zhenwu Divine Realm also has a hidden high-level Hall of Merit. Only when a certain number of merits are reached can you enter.

This number is 30,000.

Just right, Yun Fei Yang Gongxun had more than 30,000 on the waist card, so after he couldn't see the Heavenly Order weapons listed in the light curtain, the treasurer decided to take him into the higher merit room.

"Little friend, please come old."

Led by the shopkeeper, Yun Feiyang and Shen Xiaoyu came to a separate room.


As soon as the thoughts moved, the formation of communication and the streamer flashed, an antique door appeared.

Above the door, there are engraved five vigorous and powerful words of ‘Higher Merit Room’.

Yun Feiyang was shocked.

The five characters, dragon and phoenix dance, iron painting and silver hook, reveal a rather heroic atmosphere.


Flying seems to follow five characters and enter into a certain kind of comprehension, the soul is released, just like traveling through the universe.

When the shopkeeper saw it secretly, he said: "This child can spy on the words contained in the five characters, the future is inestimable!"

Shen Xiaoyu can also perceive some kind of incomprehensible breath between the lines, but the effect is minimal.

About a moment.

Yun Feiyang turned back from his wandering state.

His entire state of mind was baptized, very relaxed and cool.

The shopkeeper solemnly said: "Little friends, these five words are written by the Emperor Xiaoyao, which contains his understanding of the avenue. You can see its words and enter the realm of Dao.

"Xiaoyao Emperor?"

Yun Feiyang remembered the Xiaoyao Emperor of the World Continent.

In his understanding, those who can claim to be ‘Xiaoyao’ are certainly heroic and free-spirited. No wonder they will engrave such five characters.

"I am over-flattered."

Yun Feiyang said modestly.

The shopkeeper said earnestly: "Little friend, old decay has a word, want to inform, if one day, you can enter the real martial arts realm, or some help."

"Senior, please."

Yun Fei said.

The shopkeeper looked at the five words and said: "Zhenwu God Realm, the pursuit of the Wuzhi Avenue, every fairy emperor has an understanding of the Tao."

"You can spy on the morals of Xiaoyao Immortal Emperor, if you enter the real martial arts realm, you can go under his door and practice Xiaoyao Dao."

"Come under the door of Xiaoyao Immortal Emperor and cultivate Xiaoyao Road?"

Yun Feiyang murmured.

Shen Xiaoyu interjected and said: "Old man, is there any arrogant immortal emperor in Zhenwu God Territory, I think that is suitable for him."

Known as the'old man', the shopkeeper was not angry at all.

Because, after Shen Xiaoyu entered the Gongxun Pavilion, she felt a faint air of immortal emperor.

There is only one possibility that this woman's closest relative must have reached the level of fairy emperor!

This is a very background baby, and the treasurer can't afford it, and he is slightly embarrassed and said: "Among the nine immortal emperors of Zhenwu God Realm, there is no arrogant and proud emperor."

"What about the immortal emperor?"

Shen Xiaoyu asked again.

The corner of the shopkeeper's mouth twitched and said, "Neither... nor."


Shen Xiaoyu looked at Yunfeiyang and said, "Uncle Yun, it seems that the fairy emperor of Zhenwu God Territory does not match your personality."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "There is no better. When I get to the real martial arts realm, I will be the arrogant fairy emperor and death emperor."

The shopkeeper almost fell.

It is undeniable that this young man is very qualified. If he does not accidentally fall, it is completely ok to enter the real martial arts realm.

But wanting to condense the fairy body and become an immortal emperor is a bit of a fool's dream.

Shen Xiaoyu said wryly: "You can be a bragging fairy emperor."

Yun Feiyang laughed and said nothing.


At this moment, the shopkeeper pushed open the door, and the three entered accordingly.

Since the birth of the Hall of Merit, the High Hall of Merit has existed, and today, the first guests are officially welcomed.


The area of ​​the meritorious room is probably more than one square meter, which is not too big. The stone walls around it are shining with colorful lights, and they look beautiful.

Yun Feiyang walked with the shopkeeper, stopped at the central position, and said blankly: "Senior, there is nothing here?"

The shopkeeper smiled and clapped his hands gently.

"call out!"

"call out!"

In the colorful light, rows of shelves appeared, filling the entire room.

"Xiaoyou, the quality of things here is higher than outside. You can choose whatever you want, but you need to pay more credits."


Yun Feiyang nodded.

He took a step forward and began to browse the items on the shelf.

The first thing to show is the panacea.

According to the comment next to it, all of them are above mid-grade, and the required merit points are one, ten thousand!

"It's expensive."

Yun Feiyang was secretly startled.

For medicine, he has no need at the moment, so continue to browse other shelves.

Although the room of high merit is small, the things visited on the shelf are varied, with strange stones, treasures, weapons and armor, and the quality is all above the mid-level middle class.

Yun Feiyang now desperately needs a weapon, all eyes are always locked on the weapon.

Soon, he stopped in front of a sword, which was so cold and imposing, that it said that the high-grade heavenly rank, Xuanyuan Excalibur.

"Good sword!"

Yun Feiyang was thrilled.

But when he saw what was written later, it needed 50,000 merit points to redeem, but his mouth twitched slightly.

The shopkeeper said: "Little friends, heaven-level high-grade treasures and weapons, the required merit is 50,000."


Yun Feiyang was completely speechless.

I thought it would be great to earn more than 30,000 merits.

It turned out that when I entered the advanced meritorious service room, I couldn't even replace a high-level advanced weapon.


Yun Feiyang turned around reluctantly, and continued to look at other weapons, thinking: "It seems that you can only change the middle class middle class of 20,000 merits, use it first."

If such an idea is known to outsiders, it will definitely collapse collectively.

Tianji Middle Grade, use it first?

Brother, how do you look down on, the weapons of the middle-class middle class!

Yun Feiyang continued to browse the shelves and successively looked at a lot of weapons, either he didn't look at it, or he didn't have any merit to exchange it.

This is quite tragic.


Before approaching the end of the room, Yun Feiyang saw a nice weapon from the shelf.

Heavenly rank middle class, Wuling Excalibur.

This sword is made from the stone of the congenital five spirits. If there is the congenital five spirits, the congenital five elements, users, the power is doubled!

"Good Yun Fei was very happy and immediately decided: "Just it! "

Absorbed the Five Elements Supreme Congenital Five Spirits, condensed the innate Five Elements body, this Five Spirit Excalibur is absolutely tailor-made for him!

"Senior, can I try to feel it?"

Yun Fei said.

The shopkeeper smiled: "Yes."

Yun Feiyang stretched out his hand and gently grasped the brown hilt of the Wuling Excalibur. Just after touching it, he felt the sword tremble slightly, as if cheering.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper smiled and said, "Little friend, you have a high degree of fit with this sword. It is very wise to choose it."

Yun Feiyang smiled.


The right hand exerts a little force, and the sword comes out of the sheath. Under the five rays of light, it shows a sharp sword body.

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