Super God

Chapter 1168: Equivalent exchange

After the Wuling Excalibur emerged, the rich five-element attribute erupted suddenly and enveloped the entire room.

This kind of breath comes from the innate Five Spirit Stone, so it is more pure than any five elements attribute!


It was just distributed by the sword itself.

If he recognized the Lord with Yun Feiyang, he would certainly be able to radiate a stronger and more pure breath under the inspiration of his five spirits!

"Good sword, good sword."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Wuling Excalibur is very suitable for him.

And I am also convinced that once the Lord is fully recognized, the five spirits in the fusion body will definitely exceed all mid-level weapons.

In theory.

The higher the quality of the weapon, the stronger the power, but the more emphasis is on not matching it with yourself.

For example, if a fire warrior is equipped with a high-grade ice weapon, it is definitely a tragedy.

Yun Feiyang possesses five spirit attributes, has a congenital five-element body, and is absolutely perfect fit with the five spirit swords, and can really inspire the greatest potential!

Shen Xiaoyu pouted his lips and said, "Uncle Yun, you smile, your expression is quite cheap."

Yunfei Yang was speechless.

He looked at the shopkeeper and said with a smile: "Senior, I want this five spirit sword."

The shopkeeper said with a smile: "Children have more than 30,000 merit points, deducting 20,000 and remaining 10,000, you can choose other things."


Yun Feiyang nodded.

With the handy weapons of the Heavenly Order, the next thing he considered was the Heavenly Order Treasure. After all, the nine pagodas that were acquired not long ago were damaged by the power of Heavenly Condemnation.


Yun Feiyang moved his heart and communicated with Zhongtianzun, who was adjusting interest and healing in the Nine Zun Pagoda, saying, "What material was the Nine Zun Pagoda created?"

Zhongtian Zun said: "Master, these nine pagodas are made from the star-falling stone."

Yun Feiyang remembered in his heart and asked, "Senior, can there be a star-falling stone in the room of merit?"

"Star Meteorite?"

The shopkeeper groaned slightly, then shook his head and said, "This kind of garbage ore is not confiscated by the Gongxun Pavilion."

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

Jiu Zun Pagoda, an attackable and defensive treasure of heavenly rank, the refined material was described by him as garbage ore.

Yun Feiyang did not know.

Star Meteor Stone is not too high, it is calculated according to the grade, but it is between the heaven and the earth.

The Nine Respect Towers are strong not because of the tower body, but because of the nine Heavenly Venerable Spirits.

"It seems that you can only choose to defend the treasure of about 10,000 merits."

Yun Feiyang temporarily ran aground on the idea of ​​repairing the nine towers.


In the room of higher merit, there are many middle-class and high-grade treasures, but the price is 20,000 and 50,000 respectively.

Yun Feiyang, with only 10,000 merit points left, will certainly not be able to afford it, and he can only search for the first-class first-class treasures worth 10,000 points.

to be frank.

He fancyd a lot of good treasures and wanted to steal it, but the shopkeeper was afraid to start.

In Dongling Academy, in the Lin's Wuji Pavilion, Yun Feiyang likes to lead the sheep, but in the Gongxue Pavilion, even if the shopkeeper is not there, he can't steal it.

Because everything in the Hall of Merit is covered by immortal emperor's knowledge, without permission, no items can be taken or taken away.

Look, look.

Finding the end, Yun Feiyang set his eyes on a two-fisted purple gourd, his eyes flashing with light.

This is a treasure of heaven and high quality, named Ziyu Xianhu.

According to the introduction, this thing comes from the real martial arts domain, not only has excellent defense, but also a flying treasure, can cross the universe!

more importantly.

Within the fairy gourd, there is the ability to refine everything. The enemy is included in it. After seven, seventy-nine days, it becomes a pure energy source for human absorption.

Yun Feiyang took a fancy, eyes hot.

But the eye-catching ‘requires 50,000 merit points to exchange’ words let the hot eyes cool down quickly, and then a bitter smile emerges.

Things are good things.

Unfortunately, I have no merit to buy.


At this moment, Shen Xiaoyu leaned over, tilting his head and grinning: "Uncle Yun, do you like this Ziyu Xianhu?"

Yun Feiyang laughed at himself: "I don't like it, I have no merit to buy."

"I have."

Shen Xiaoyu smiled.

"you have?"

Yun Feiyang stunned.

Shen Xiaoyu looked at the shopkeeper and said, "Hey, old man, can you, this meritorious pavilion, be exchanged for an equivalent price?"

"Equivalent exchange?"

The shopkeeper groaned slightly, saying: "Although there is no such rule, if the girl can get it, it can be the same treasure as the purple jade fairy gourd, but it can also be changed."


Shen Xiaoyu waved a small hand, a heavy stone fell at the foot of the shopkeeper, said: "Look at this thing, can you change the purple jade fairy gourd."

The stone weighs about fifty pounds and is formed in nine different colors, flashing nine colors of light, revealing a thick and thick breath.

Although Yun Feiyang doesn't know this thing, he can tell from the breath that it is not a secular thing!

Not only is it not secular.

It is extremely rare even in all realms!

The best proof is that the shopkeeper's face changed suddenly after witnessing, and exclaimed: "Nine color fairy stones!"


Shen Xiaoyu said with a smile: "Old man, you know the goods."

The shopkeeper's hands were slightly trembling, and his eyes were stunned with turbid eyes. Obviously, I didn't expect to see such a large piece of nine-color fairy stone used to build a fairy!


Shen Xiaoyu said impatiently: "Don't be surprised, just ask you if you can change it."

"Can, can, can!"

The shopkeeper hurriedly said.

Shen Xiaoyu said lightly: "You should know that this is a necessary thing to build a fairy weapon, can you only change a world-class heavenly rank high quality treasure?"

"That can't."

The shopkeeper calmed down and said seriously: "The girl's nine-color fairy stone can be exchanged for 100,000 merit points."

One hundred thousand?

Yun Feiyang stunned.

A few tens of kilograms of stones can be directly exchanged for two high-level high-level treasures, which is a bit tough.

"One hundred thousand?" Shen Xiaoyu said a little dissatisfiedly: "A little less."

The corner of the shopkeeper's mouth slightly drawn: "Girl, there are already a lot."

The price he said was very fair, and he dared not go to pit the baby girl who was covered with immortal spirit.


Shen Xiaoyu pointed to the purple jade immortal gourd on the shelf and the Xuanyuan Excalibur on the other side, and said, "Just replace these two."

When Yun Feiyang was picking up treasures, Shen Xiaoyu kept silent, but always paid attention to his eyes.

So I know that he has taken a fancy to the Xuanyuan Excalibur, but he has no merits to buy it.


Yun Fei said: "Your nine-color fairy stone should be very precious, or keep it yourself."

The thing is his own, he may exchange it, but the thing is Shen Xiaoyu, and he must be embarrassed to exchange it.

"I don't know how to practice, I just keep it for display."

Shen Xiaoyu said with a smile: "It's better to give Uncle Yun two pieces of heavenly treasures."

Yun Feiyang was very moved.

Just about to speak, but listen to the shopkeeper said: "Girl, Yun Xiaoyou has a congenital five-element body, holding the five spirits sword, can maximize the effect, and buying a Xuanyuan Excalibur is a bit not superfluous ."

Shen Xiaoyu said: "With the Wuling Excalibur on the left and the Xuanyuan Excalibur on the right, it's just right."

The corner of the shopkeeper's mouth twitched violently.

As she said, holding a heaven-level weapon in each hand, you can absolutely envy the warriors of the dead realms.


The shopkeeper said: "Old decay means that you can spend 50,000 merits on more valuable weapons."

"What other weapons are stronger than the Xuanyuan Excalibur here?"

Shen Xiaoyu said.


"What is it?"

The shopkeeper's look condensed and said: "The Hunyuan Qiankun sword from the Falling God Realm, condensed by the Hunyuan Qi!"

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