Super God

Chapter 1217: You are Tianzun!

As the only second-rate sect in the world, Dayuan Danzong is definitely intolerable and Yunfei's behavior.

Therefore, five Supreme Masters and more than 20 transcendent gods were sent to Lingdanzong.


Certainly impossible.

The command of the Great Yuan Dan Sect Master is very simple, destroy the Ling Dan Sect, and bring back Yun Fei Yang.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The Five Supreme Masters and dozens of transcendent gods were consummated, flying across the four veins of the Tianshan Mountains, leaving a beam of light.

"My mother, so many supremes?" The disciples of Chundanzong and Hundandanzong's eyes widened one by one.

Yesterday, passing a supreme has shocked them, and now, after coming so much, it must be even more shocking.

"Strange, why did the great Yuan Danzong come with so many strong men, it seems that he is going to Ling Danzong."

Sect Master of Pure Dan Sect, with a dazed expression

The elder next to him said: "Sect Master, Dayuan Danzong, these masters, revealed a very strong killing opportunity, and Ling Danzong is afraid that it will be unlucky."

If they knew that Yun Feiyang started to beat Da Yuan Danzong’s elders and put down the words, they must think that they would be destroyed soon!


All the world witnessed so many powerful men, flying to Ling Danzong murderously, with a strong smile on their faces.

Dayuan Danzong knew Yun Feiyang's existence, obviously, this guy deliberately spread out.


The people of the world did not expect that Yun Feiyang was even more crazy than he had imagined, and he directly refused and shot him.

"Dai Yuan Danzong's strong man seems to be very angry, Ling Danzong must be unable to bear the anger." The people of the world smile even more.


"call out!"

"call out!"

A stream of streamers flew extremely fast, and finally stopped over the Lingdanzong, and the powerful supreme coercion swept through.

Cultivated as a low disciple, under this coercive pressure, his expressions were horrified, and his legs were shaking.

"Fei Pangzheng!"

Hanging in the air, the late Supreme Master Dao Mingming, said coldly, "Get out."

The sound was so strong that it shook the four veins of the entire Tianshan, shaking it.

"too strong!"

Although the Sect Master of the Pure Dan Sect was far away from the strong man, he could really feel his weakness.

"How did the Lingdan Sect offend the Great Yuan Danzong?"

"call out!"

Suddenly, a stream of light flew from under the Lingdanzong, and when the light dissipated, a man carrying a sword was revealed.

"Can it be that this person is Yun Feiyang?" The two suzerains secretly said.


The people of the world sneered: "So many supremes are present, and the kid dare to fly up."

Yun Feiyang stood in the air, with a smile on his face, and a gurgling breath pervaded. The disciples of the Lingdan Sect eroded by the supreme coercion suddenly relaxed.

"Everyone." Yun Feiyang laughed: "Since you have come to make a guilt, you should show sincerity, making a lot of noise and making me angry."


The Three Sect Masters are at a loss.

And that emptiness was a sneer: "You are Yunfeiyang?"

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Dao Kongming said indifferently: "Refused to join Dayuan Danzong and hurt my elder Zong, boy, you are arrogant."


All people and others, with wide eyes. This guy, refused to join Dayuan Danzong? Also... hurt the elder?

Unless they say it out of words, they will definitely not believe it.

"This son can injure Elder Danzong Elder, could it be that the martial arts strength has reached the supreme?"

All the people took a breath.

In his cognition, Yun Feiyang's strength is higher than his own, at most it will turn into a god, and he has no thought of supreme.

The other two suzerains were also surprised.

However, they shook their heads one after another and said: "Not only did they have the guts to refuse to join the Great Yuan Danzong, but they also beat their parents and parents. This kid is over, and the Ling Danzong is over."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Are you the Sovereign of Great Yuandan Sect?"

"Feiyang, he is the great elder of the Great Yuan Danzong!" said Fei Pangzheng outside the Dan Palace.


Yun Feiyang appeared in front of Dao Kongming and raised his palm to pat: "Lao Tzu said, what do you mean by letting the suzerain come to indemnify you and send a big elder!"

This palm is very slow.

Dao Kongming has captured it, but his complexion has changed abruptly, because he can't avoid it!


A crisp and bright slap sounded.

The Great Elder of the Great Yuan Danzong stood in the air, and a bright red fingerprint appeared on the old face.

The four Supreme Masters standing next to them were dumbfounded, and the people who looked at them from afar were also dumbfounded.

It can be said.

The four veins of the entire Tianshan are silent.

No one would think that Yun Feiyang said that he would do it, and no one would think that a supreme consummation was just slapped!


Dao Kongming stunned, his face hot.


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang waved his big hand, grabbed his collar, and slammed it down.


Dao Kongming fell heavily on the Lingdanzong Yanwu field, his body's meridians were broken, and the person completely fainted.

"Goodu." The other four Supreme Seekers swallowed their saliva and their eyes were horrified.

With a slight wave, the Supreme Great Constellation and the Elders were stunned. This boy's strength may have reached...

One Supreme exclaimed: "You are God!"


The three patriarchs heard the words, their eyes widened, and their eyes appeared unbelievable.

Fei Pangzheng and the four elders also had their eyes wide open, and there were storms and waves in their hearts. Qiu Yishui concealed his secretly and said, "He... is he Tianzun?"


Suddenly, Yun Fei spread his arms, powerful coercion, and screamed out, instantly covering the warriors of Dayuan Danzong.

"Get out of here!"

With a cold drink, the four Supreme Masters, dozens of God-like realms were consummated, and each one fell rapidly, crashing to the ground.

Witnessing so many strong men, they were immediately crushed, and the patriarch Patriarch and the pure patriarch patriarch were frightened and their hearts thumped.

Especially all people.

His scared heart almost jumped out.

"Fortunately, I didn't go to revenge, but found Dayuan Danzong." The world secretly rejoiced.


Yun Feiyang stood in the air, but looked at it and said coldly: "Just now, you are the most blissful, and the news about me must have been revealed by you."

All the world's faces were horrified.

Yun Fei Yang said: "Danby are willing to gamble and lose, kneeling on the mountain gate for three days, I was going to spare you, but I was secretly playing tricks."

"I Yunfeiyang, I hate the most, this villain, so today you will definitely die!"


During the speech, a powerful force erupted, turning into a big hand, from the sky above the Lingdanzong, directly roaring the Wandanzong.

Carrying terror and coercion in the big hand made the people in the world ecstatic, and a strong breath of death rose in their hearts.

"Do not……"


The big hands cracked down and photographed him directly as meat sauce. The surrounding buildings collapsed one after another, and the whole mountain trembles slightly.

Just a palm.

All the people of the world died, and all the buildings of the Wandan Sect collapsed in the wave. Although the disciples were still alive, the foundation of the Wandan Sect was destroyed, just like the sect!

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