Super God

Chapter 1218: To the Great Yuan Danzong

If all people don’t want to avenge their revenge or do anything secretly, Yun Feiyang would be too lazy to ignore it.

After all, this level of small shrimp is not qualified to keep him in mind.

However, all the people in the world are going to die, and they are playing tricks, which makes Yun Feiyang very angry.

Therefore, taking a palm shot not only killed all lives, but also completely destroyed Wan Danzong.

The masters of the Hundan Dan Sect and the Pure Dan Sect saw the destruction of the Wan Dan Sect in an instant, and they were all frightened.

Wouldn’t it be within fingertips to destroy your own sect?

Fei Pangzheng was sullen. Unexpectedly, Banten Sect, who often suppressed his own sect, would perish so easily.

The disciples of Lingdanzong are very excited, looking at Yunfeiyang with crazy worship!

Brother, great!


Yun Fei Yang landed in front of the Great Yuan Danzong martial arts suppressed on the ground, said coldly: "You have no sincerity, then I can only go there in person."

The voice has just fallen, and the person has disappeared.

Fei Pangzheng and several elders immediately judged that what he said would definitely go to Dayuan Danzong.

"Zong... Sect Master, Fei Yang will he really want to destroy Great Yuan Dan Zong?" An elder shivered.

Fei Pangzhen twitched violently.

The Supreme Masters, who were suppressed by death, also changed their complexions, saying in secret: "It's over, it's over."

If a Tianzun level strong man wants to destroy his own sect, it must be a breeze.


Dayuan Danzong is located on a high mountain beyond 10,000 miles. No matter the scale or disciples, it is not comparable to Sanliuzong.

At this moment, Qin Shengtai, the patriarch in the hall, was stunned by his eyelids and restless.

"Strange, why is there such an ominous sign." Qin Shengtai murmured.


An elder sitting next to his head said, "Why don't you send the elder Dao to go to destroy a spirit princess?"


Another elder said: "So bullying a third-rate sect, if it is learned by other sects, I am afraid to gossip."


Qin Shengtai said coldly: "My great Yuan Danzong is also a second-rate sect, and is so threatened by an arrogant boy. If he doesn't return the color, it will only make others laugh."

An elder said: "Sovereign, in my opinion, when the elder Dao grabs the boy back, he picks up his bones, throws them into the dungeon, closes for three to five years, and kills the spirit."

Qin Shengtai said: "That's fine."


Suddenly, a breath of horror came from outside the hall, making him and the few elders present, his face suddenly changed.


"Dai Yuan Dan Sect Master." Suddenly, the outside came to drink coldly: "Get out for Lao Tzu."


Over the Yuanyuanzong, Yun Feiyang turned into a streamer, flying at a rapid speed, with a cold face on his face.

He exudes the coercion of the **** of war all over his body, filling the entire sect, making his disciples feel as if they are carrying heavy mountains.

The first time Dao Kongming and others arrived at Lingdanzong, they also released their coercion and suppressed Li Qifei and others.

Yun Feiyang returned to him with his own way, and the coercion that broke out was more terrifying than that.

that moment.

The disciples of Dayuan Danzong shrouded in coercion are pale and daunting, as if falling into the abyss.


Qin Shengtai flew out of the hall, hanging in the air, and said with sincerity: "Who is your Excellency?"

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "You want to pick out the bones and put them in the dungeon."

Qin Shengtai looked dull and then startled: "You... are you Yunfeiyang?"

As he said this, his spine rose cold, and his palms were cold with sweat. The elders standing outside the hall were horrified.


Suddenly, Yun Fei Yang fell outside the hall and stood in front of an elder. This man was the elder who had just proposed to pick his bones and throw them into the dungeon.


Jianguang emerged, and flashed away.


The elder-level elder screamed in pain, with sword marks on his hands and feet, blood flowing, and finally he fell to the ground with a bang.

Obviously, the bones were cut off.

The elders standing next to them looked scared pale, because they didn't even see how Yun Feiyang appeared and how he shot!


After the sword closed, Yun Feiyang turned to look around, whispering, "Since I don't pay for it, then Yun Feiyang can only come to destroy the sect."


After the words were finished, a big hand waved, and the horror attribute came over, instantly covering the Great Yuan Danzong.

Qin Shengtai hurried down and shivered: "Young Master Yun, don't! Don't! Have something to say!"


Suddenly, the surrounding buildings were crushed by terror forces and collapsed into powder.

Seeing this, Qin Shengtai was bleeding in his heart. After all, these are the foundations of Dayuan Danzong!

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "In front of absolute power, do you have something to say?"

He said, raising his hand, a powerful force formed a giant fist, and pressed hard to build the hall for thousands of years.

"Boom!" In the end, the Dan Palace representing Dayuan Danzong was crushed by a punch.

However, Qin Shengtai and several elders could only watch, because they couldn't stop it.

"Yun Feiyang!" an elder said angrily: "Don't bully people!"


Yun Feiyang appeared in front of him and said, "Send someone to my sect door and give the sect master two choices, either hand in or destroy the sect, and say, who is deceiving people too much!"

The elder was speechless.

If Yun Feiyang does not have a strong strength, in their view, it is a matter of course to destroy a third-rate sect.

Too deceiving?

I didn't think about it at all, or, in their opinion, it was a ridiculous word.

What now?

There are Tianzun level strong men in the Lingdan Sect, enough to destroy the Great Yuan Danzong, and then they began to agree that the word deceiving people is too much.

"My spiritual Danzong is very weak, your Great Yuan Danzong is very strong." Yun Feiyang leaned over and said coldly: "But it does not mean that it can be threatened by others at will."


He raised his hand, once again condensed the giant fist, suspended above the Great Yuan Danzong, revealing the power of destruction.

"I Yunfeiyang will give you two choices, either kneel or destroy the sect!"

Either kneel down or destroy the sect.

Eight words, revealing an irreversible breath, forcing the elder to bend his knees.


He knelt down on the looked horrified.



Several other elders also knelt down on the ground, and their hearts were shrouded in fear.

Under the powerful pressure of Yun Feiyang, the elders of the supreme rank only succumbed, not to mention the disciples of Dayuan Danzong.



Tens of thousands of Da Yuan Danzong disciples knelt on the ground and shivered violently.

Yun Feiyang turned and looked coldly at Qin Shengtai hanging in the air, saying: "Your choice."

Qin Shengtai looked terrible. After a hard inner struggle, he finally fell to the ground and bent his noble knees.

In front of absolute power, Dayuan Danzong went up and down, unanimously chose, and knelt down.

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