Super God

Chapter 1226: Wine half fairy

After leaving the Yingbin Building, Yun Feiyang took Qiu Yishui to live in Junlai Inn, and quietly waited for the start of Danby a month later.

Taking advantage of this time, he merged into Feiyang Da 6 in the form of soul, while studying the Shennong Dandian, and practicing alchemy.


The flame enveloped the Baicao Dan furnace.

After a long refining process, the medicinal fragrance gradually radiated out, and eventually became a pill.

After taking out the Elixir and putting it into the Elixir, Yunfei Yang shook his head and said, "Still not."

He refined the second-grade Zhendan. Although he succeeded in eight of ten herbal medicines, he was still unsatisfied, because it relied on Baicao Dan furnace. If he changed to ordinary Dan furnace, the success rate would definitely decrease.

"If you want to enter the second rank of King Dan, it will take at least a long time to reach."

Yun Feiyang was anxious.

He wants to grow faster and break through faster. After all, he has a heavy responsibility and cannot stay in the pharmaceutical industry for too long.


After coming out of Feiyang Da 6, Yun Feiyang murmured: "If you're in a hurry, don't come, let's go step by step."

"What's the hurry, what to see?"

Suddenly, the sound of drunkenness sounded in his ears.

Yun Feiyang was shocked in his heart and hurriedly opened his eyes.

In the room, a shaggy old man, squinting at his smile, accompanied by a choking nose.

"who are you?"

Yun Feiyang warned.

Suddenly appeared in the room, without disturbing myself, this person must be very strong!

The old man Peng took off the wine gourd around his waist and poured a sigh of relief: "Your Master."

"My Master?"

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

When did I have one more master, I had no impression at all.


The old man Peng exclaimed angrily: "Why don't you worship when you see the master!"

"Old man, did you admit the wrong person? I don't remember having a master like you."


Suddenly, the old man's footsteps flickered, approaching instantaneously, with his dry hands flying, buckling directly on Yunfeiyang's wrist.

"not good!"

Yun Feiyang was shocked.

Suddenly, the old man's wrists were wrapped around it, which contained powerful power and directly fell Yunfei Yang to the ground.


Sitting on Yun Feiyang's back, he took a sip of wine and smiled, "I am now accepting you as a disciple, isn't it Master?"


Yun Feiyang was furious.

It was a shame and a shame that the God of War, the terrible **** of the world, was laid down on the ground by someone else once or twice.

Of course, what was even more shocking in my heart was that the strength of this old man was definitely above the men in black!

it is necessary.

The man in black is at most one and a half cents, and this sloppy old man is a third and a half cents. Although there is only a second rank in the middle, it is like the next day.

With Yun Feiyang's current strength, in the face of a strong man of this level, even a full-scale explosion can only be abused.


Old Peng waved his hand and hit Yun Feiyang's ass, saying, "Come on, worship me as a teacher."


Yun Feiyang collapsed.

Where is this crazy old man who is actually forcing himself to apprentice.

"Apprenticeship is okay, but you have to let me know, what skills do you have." Yun Fei said.


Senior Peng took a sip of his head and murmured, "Let me think about it."

Yun Fei said: "Can you sit on a chair and think."

Old Peng said: "It's more comfortable to sit on you than on a chair."

Yun Feiyang almost vomited blood, but his strength was not as good as humans, and he could only lie on the ground like this, unable to move.

Sitting on the back by others is probably the most tragic scene that Yun Feiyang has experienced since rebirth.

"I remembered."

Senior Peng patted Yun Feiyang's **** and said, "My skill is to drink!"

Drinking is also a skill?

Yun Feiyang suddenly cried and laughed.

However, after a brief exchange, he is also present. This old man's consciousness is a little confused, it should be drinking too much.


If I can't figure out a drunkard, why am I still flying?

"Senior, how many wines do I have here, do you want to taste them?"


The old man with bright eyes said, "Quickly, take it out and let me taste it."

"That..." Yun Feiyang said bitterly, "You stand up first and let me free my hand."


The old man Peng got up and sat on the chair staggeringly, looking forward in the muddy eyes.

Yun Fei stood up, rubbed his waist, then strode his long legs, and emerged from the window.

The old man is too weird to run first!


Since breaking through the Supreme, Yun Feiyang will fully explode for the first time, flying out of Shanggan City and into the mountains and forests for only a moment.

"If you want to be my master of Yunfeiyang, it depends on whether you can catch up with me."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.


Between speaking, the speed accelerated, like a meteor, shuttled through the dense forest.

A quarter of an hour later, Yun Fei galloped and landed on a boulder in a creek. As the degree soared to the extreme, he stabilized and began to gasp.

"There are such masters in Shanggan City. It seems that they cannot be too public."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

Suddenly, his body suddenly stiffened, because in the mountain forest, afterimages flickered.



The old man Peng stepped on the mysterious footwork, turned into a shadow, and stopped in front of Yun Feiyang in the blink of an eye.

When others arrived, the residual image that remained on the road had not dissipated, and maintained various running postures.

"I go."

Yun Fei said: "What a handsome body!"

Peng Lao is really handsome, but is it time to care about this issue?

Obviously, it is not!

Yun Feiyang turned around and fled.

But the old man was standing in front of him, laughing: Boy, did you deliberately choose such a secluded place, let me taste your wine? "


Yun Feiyang collapsed.

At this moment, he can already be sure that this old man spends a lot of time, and he can't run away at all.


Yun Feiyang laughed: "The environment here is good, suitable for chatting while drinking."

With a wave of one hand, a few jars of fine wine were placed on the boulder, revealing the mellow and sweet wine aroma.

This is the breeze wine in the breeze house in Tanglin city.

Why there is, it is very simple, the spirits of Wanshida 6 have long moved to Feiyang Da 6, and live a stable life, this kind of wine will naturally be there.

"Good wine!"

Peng old man's nose twitched, his eyes glowed with light, and then he raised his palm to pat the mud seal and hugged an alcoholic drink.

Goo! Goo!

Soon, a bottle of Qingfeng wine was consumed.

The old man Peng is still once again opened the altar, happily drinking.

After the second altar fell, he burped his wine, narrowed his eyes, looked at Yunfeiyang, and said with a smile: "Boy, your wine is very appetizing to me."

"Come on."

He jumped off the boulder, and stood on the grass with a sway, saying, "Today, I will pass on the drunk shadow to you."

Step of drunken shadow?

Could it be this old man, the style he just showed?

Yun Feiyang suddenly moved.


Suddenly, the old man Peng took a step, and a faint afterimage was condensed under his feet, and he changed quickly, and the people turned around on the grass.

"Boy, remember, this is my unique method of drinking half a fairy, and I have never passed on outsiders."

(End of this chapter)

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