Super God

Chapter 1227: Wonderful apprenticeship

No one knows the name of the old Pengfa, but the nickname ‘Jiu Banxian’ is very famous in the first-class sect.

He is the elder of the Shanggan Dan Palace. He not only possesses the strength of three and a half cents, but also a king of twelve ranks.

It is said that when this person was young, both Budo and Dandao were very good, but they were only obsessed with Budo.

In particular, he likes to drink alcohol and has created a lot of martial arts related to wine. The step of drunken shadow is one of them.

Calculated according to the external level, the step of drunken shadow is definitely a high-level.

"If he devotes his energy to Dan Dao, I am afraid that he has already broken through the level of Dan Emperor."

Due to the obsession with martial arts, the medicine world lost a Dandi-level Dandao strongman, but also an extremely rare half-central-level strongman.

Although the Shanggan Dan Palace is only a first-class sect, as long as the wine is half a fairy, even the super-class sect will not dare to offend.

If the strong guys of all the roads know that this strange old man is forcing Yun Fei Yang to apprentice, and because of several bottles of wine, the drunken shadow will be passed out, and he will definitely be shocked.


The bright moon hangs in the air, and the breeze blows.

Yun Fei was standing on the grass, his eyes closed, and there appeared a series of crisscross patterns in the sea, which looked very messy.


Suddenly, his right foot staggered, a faint phantom appeared, but it soon disappeared.


Yun Feiyang opened his eyes and murmured: "It doesn't feel right."

Two hours ago, he showed every step and every action of the drunken shadow step from the show of Jiu Banxian.

But when I realized it, I never made any progress, or I almost felt.


The wine half fairy lying on the boulder, waved it casually, and the breeze wine flew: "Drink, practice again."

Yun Feiyang caught it, shot the mud seal, drank the wine and drank it, and quickly drank a dip, confusing his thoughts with alcohol, and began to stumble.

"I feel it!"


Yun Feiyang took a step and the afterimages condensed. Obviously, it was more artistic than just now.



The footsteps move frequently, the afterimages continue to change, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Jiu Banxian grinned: "Sure enough, he didn't look away."


From night to dawn.

Yun Feiyang is always in a state of drunkenness. Although the exhibitor's drunken steps are not as proficient as alcoholic half-cents, so elegant, but it is also a feeling.


In the end, Yun Feiyang stopped, and in this mountain forest, there were dense shadows everywhere.

"This step is amazing." Yun Feiyang secretly startled.

After his rebirth, he practiced chowder and stewed the steps, and he was mainly on the galloping step. Compared with the step of drunken shadow, the two kinds of footwork were too far apart.

After all, the step of drunken shadow not only has a faster speed, but the residual image that condenses can also disturb the vision.


Jiu Banxian squatted on the boulder, tossed her hair and grinned: "You give me wine, I give you the step of drunkenness, don't you lose?"

"Not losing money."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Jiu Banxian smiled ‘haha’ and said, “I’ll give you the step of being drunk, and you should worship me as a teacher, don’t suffer.”

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.


Jiu Banxian said: "Do you want to play?"

Please, I gave you the wine, and you gave me the step of drunkenness. Can this be confused with worshipping you as a teacher?


Jiu Banxian jumped off the boulder and smiled: "Boy, since I have learned the steps of drunken shadow of my wine Banxian, it's just my apprentice of the wine Banxian, and I can't run away."


Yun Feiyang realized that he seemed to be getting stuck.

"Senior, it's okay to be your disciple, but it's too shabby to teach a body style, right?"

Since this old man routines himself, then he will take the countermeasures into consideration, and set out a strong martial art from him.

Jiu Banxian took a sip of wine and said, "What do you want to learn, teach you for the teacher."

"This old man should be a strong man in the pharmaceutical world. If Wu Dao is so powerful, Dan Dao is certainly not bad." Yun Feiyang said: "I want to learn Dan Dao, can you teach?"

"of course can."

Jiu Banxian patted his breast and vowed.

Yun Feiyang asked weakly: "What level is the senior Dan Dao?"


Suddenly, something fell from the cuff of Jiu Banxian. Yun Feiyang looked down and immediately took a breath.

Because the falling thing is a golden medal with the inscription ‘twelve’.

"You... you are Emperor Twelve Pinnacles?"

Yun Feiyang's eyes widened.

Jiu Banxian picked up the medal and grinned: "I accidentally let you find it."

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

He can be sure that the old man definitely left the medal on purpose, which is too obvious to pretend to be!

However, the thought of this guy having the Order of the Twelfth Rank Dan Emperor was a bit messy.

According to Qiu Yishui, there are fewer than ten people in the medicine world who have reached the twelfth rank of Emperor Dan!

This sloppy old man, will it be the Twelve Pindan Emperor?

Yun Feiyang didn't quite believe it.

"Being a teacher has always been low-key, about my realm of Dan Dao, Mo Yao has to pass it out." Jiu Banxian pressed his voice.

Looking at what he said so seriously, Yun Feiyang couldn't help but believe a bit, saying: "Senior, do you have a surname?"

Jiu Banxian said: "As long as you remember, I am your master."


Yun Feiyang was speechless.

The old man is quite mysterious. Is it really a master of the hidden world?

If so, worship him as a teacher, it seems that he did not suffer at all, it seems like a great chance.

Jiu Banxian Road: "Tu'er, since you want to learn Dan Dao, assure the teacher that you can break through to the level of Dan Emperor in a very short time."

Yun Feiyang's eyes lit up.

"Come on."

Jiu Banxian said: "Hurry to the teacher's salute." He said, puffing and kneeling on the ground.

Yun Fei Yang Yubi.

Didn’t the apprentice kneel down to give respect to the teacher during the worship ceremony? Which one did the old man sing?

"What are you waiting for, kneel down quickly." Jiu Banxian dragged Yun Feiyang.


Yun Feiyang also knelt down.

But the heart is very messy, and I thought, both ‘Master and Apprentice’ knelt down. What do you mean?


Jiu Banxian raised an altar of wine and said to the sky: "My Jiu Jianxian, today... what's your name?"

"Yun Oh."

Looking at the sky, Jiu Banxian said, "I am Banxian, and today I became a mentor and apprentice at Yunfeiyang, and I am a life and death trust.

Yun Feiyang almost fainted.

Is this definitely a teacher apprenticeship?

"Tuer, it's your turn."

Jiu Banxian pushed Yun Feiyang, but he secretly collapsed, what should he say?

Never mind.

Just follow his way.

Yun Feiyang took an empty wine altar, held it high, and said seriously: "I Yun Feiyang became a master and disciple with the wine half fairy, sharing one heart and one mind, sharing troubles, emperor's homeland, and really appreciating this heart!"

Jiu Banxian raised the wine jar and smiled: "Good student, come, do it!"

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