Super God

Chapter 1243: Soul confrontation!



Two loud sounds passed through the palace.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Yun Feiyang, who was subjected to two bombardments of light, continued to retreat, and finally retreated dozens of steps before he stabilized.

His face was ugly, and he blocked the two elaborate arms, and there was also hot pain.

Obviously, the power condensed by the two essences is much stronger than the power condensed by Xiang Wentian!


Suddenly, the armored man stood up, his eyes flickered and walked down slowly.

"not dead?"

Yun Feiyang was secretly startled.

There was a voice from Jianhun: "He is dead, he can move, he is controlled by others."


Yun Feiyang immediately looked at Xuan Jiuzhong, and he saw that in this strange breath exuded by this person, a ray of light was integrated into the body of the armored man.

It turns out so.

Yun Feiyang understood, but also frowned, because, the armored man, the breath was very strong!

It was difficult to get him.


At this moment, under the control of Xuan Jiuzhong, the armored man raised his fist and yelled towards Yunfei.

A seemingly simple wave, but carrying a force of terror, suddenly twisted the space.

"So fast!"

Yun Feiyang was startled.


The fist of the armored man came from across the air, and Yun Fei hardened and then retreated again, and the blood in the body was tumbling violently.

The voice came from the spirit of the sword: "Boy, this armored man's strength may have surpassed Heavenly Venerable."

Beyond Tianzun.

That is, half a fairy!

Yun Feiyang's gaze rose, after all, with his current strength, he could not compete with Banxian.


At this moment, the armored man came again, and Yun Fei, who was already vigilant, immediately stepped on the step of drunk shadow.




Under the control of Xuan Jiuzhong, the armored man has completely locked Yun Feiyang, shot again and again, and blasted his powerful fists again and again.

There is no denying that the power is strong.

However, Yun Feiyang is not a vegetarian, relying on the drunken shadow step learned from Jiu Banxian, and working with it.

"This man in armor is strong, but after all it is controlled, and the action is still a bit slow."

Seizing this defect, Yun Feiyang kept changing his position, avoiding the bombardment of the armored man, while paying close attention to Xuan Jiuzhong.

At this moment.

The guy was still sitting cross-legged, and the breath from his whole body grew stronger.

The shattered halberd began to tremble slightly, and it seemed to be broken soon.

Yun Fei was anxious.

He could think that the battle halberd is absolutely extraordinary. If it is controlled by Xuan Jiuzhong, it will be very troublesome.

And what he has to do now is to stop it and not allow him to recognize the Lord smoothly!

Yun Feiyang wanted to rush over, but the half-celestial-level armored man, protected by Xuan Jiuzhong, was difficult to get close to.

"Boy, let me control the body and help you get rid of this armor man." Jianhun said.

This is probably the best way.

But Yun Feiyang refused.

After avoiding the bombardment of the armored men, his soul exploded and rushed towards the record. Since he could not hurt Xuan Jiuzhong, what he could do was to grab it!


The soul force, which is hard to see with the naked eye, swept over, but the moment of contact with the battle halberd, a powerful repulsive force burst out.

Obviously, this repulsive force comes from the soul of Xuan Jiuzhong. After all, now he is recognizing the Lord with War Halberd.

"This person's soul is so strong?" Yun Feiyang secretly surprised, he could instantly judge that Xuan Jiuzhong's soul power is not weaker than himself!

This is scary.

You should know that Yun Feiyang can have a strong soul, one is to rely on the forging soul code, and the other is to learn from many opportunities.

In the world, it cannot be copied.

Xuan Jiuzhong, however, also has a soul strength that is not weaker than him. This is really awesome. The strongest Dan Wu genius in the pharmaceutical world is also well deserved.

It is rare to encounter opponents with similar strengths of soul power, which makes Yun Fei Yang's will to climb, and then he blesses his soul power and resolves the huge repulsive force.


The confrontation in the soul is not as splendid as fighting with real swords, but this kind of resistance is also quite powerful.

The most direct performance is.

Yun Feiyang's and Xuan Jiuzhong's souls collided with each other, creating a special atmosphere that permeated the entire palace.

Xiang Wentian, who was in it, was short of breath under the disturbance of his breath, and his face paled suddenly.

At this moment, under the erosion of terrible breath, he is like being in **** and suffering the torture of the soul.

"That kid, was he contending with his son?" Xiang Wentian was shocked.

The strength of Xuan Jiuzhong's soul is extremely rare in the entire pharmaceutical world. Many elders of Shendan League are ashamed of themselves.

did not expect.

There will be someone today who will confront him with soul power and will not fall out of the way!

Who is this guy?

When Xiang Wentian thinks, it is finally difficult to resist the erosion of the soul and go out to the cave.

Tian Zun's great consummation can't bear it. It can be seen how powerful the confrontation between the two souls is!


Inside the palace.

The armor man was temporarily frozen in place because the master was contending with the foreign soul.

A soul gas field, which is difficult to be observed by the naked eye, permeates the surroundings, making the atmosphere extremely depressed.

At this time, any warrior from the Heavenly Realm entering the palace will be eroded by the soul instantly, and it will be painful.


Suddenly, the halberd standing in front of the throne shook a little, and immediately emitted a faint light.

Seeing this, Yun Feiyang immediately increased the strength of his soul and infiltrated frantically.

Xuan Jiuzhong's soul is still dead, making it difficult for him to break through effectively.

However, because of the impediment of Yun Feiyang's soul, Xuan Jiuzhong wanted to recognize the main battle halberd, it was also very difficult.

Now the two of them can't control the battle halberd, and are in a relatively balanced state of confrontation.

time flies.

Soon, a few hours passed.

Yun Feiyang and Xuan Jiuzhong's forehead gradually oozed out sweat beads. Obviously, this kind of soul contend was very sad.

Of course, no matter what kind of competition, in the end will still be the winner.

Just ten hours after contending, Xuan Jiuzhong's soul power appeared inexhaustible.

Yun Feiyang seized the opportunity, and the soul force poured into it.



The flood-like soul force completely shattered Xuan Jiuzhong's defensive dam and penetrated the war halberd smoothly.


The soul is defeated in a large Jiuzhong with closed eyes spurted blood.

brush! brush!

Yun Feiyang once again seized the opportunity, charged in a rush, and instantly expelled all the souls in the war halberd.

Xuan Jiuzhong, who lost control of the battle halberd, suddenly opened his eyes and said angrily: "Boy, die!"


During the speech, the broken soul power turned into the armored man's body, and his eyes opened, carrying terror force!


A loud noise came from the palace.

Unfortunately, under full control, although the armored man broke out with stronger strength, he did not hit the cloud.


After hiding, Yun Feiyang stabilized his body, holding a war halberd, and smiled, "This thing is mine."

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