Super God

Chapter 1244: Lingtian Battle Halberd

After ten hours of soul competition, Yun Feiyang successfully expelled Xuan Jiuzhong's soul and took control of the War Halberd.

of course.

It’s just control.

It takes a little time to recognize the Lord.

Xuan Jiuzhong is furious, after all, if this son does not appear, now he has already recognized the battle halberd!


He shouted angrily.


The armored man who was completely controlled suddenly blasted, carrying a force several times stronger than before!

Yun Feiyang knew that he was invincible, and when he was about to earn the war halberd, he flew to the mainland, showed his way, and fled out of the cave.

"Boy, relax your mind, I will take control of your body and help you solve this armored man." Jianhun said.

He desperately hopes to help Yun Feiyang accomplish one thing, so that he is debt-free.

"How can this small thing bother you, I can get it myself." Yun Feiyang refused.

The sword spirit comparable to the landlord can only help him once and deal with the half-central puppet, which is too wasteful.

Sword Soul said: "Boy, you can't beat this armored man."

Yun Fei Yang said: "If you can't beat it, you can run."

When Xuan Jiuzhong saw it, he said angrily: "Xiang Wentian, stop him!"

The battle halberd was taken away, so that the Shendan League disciple tear the disguised gentleman mask.

The mysterious cave mansion was found in Xuan Jiuzhong's ancient books. Among them, there is a strong man who fell half a cent, and a war halberd that is above the heavens.

In order to get these two treasures, he came many times and arranged a formation in the hole to hide it.

Later, relying on some kind of lost martial arts, he successfully controlled the half-celestial corpse. As for the halberd, it began to infiltrate and recognize the Lord three months ago.

Seeing is about to succeed.

But halfway through, he killed one person, broke his own soul, got ahead first, and snatched the battle halberd. This is undoubtedly a blow to people!

of course.

After failing to recognize the Lord, Xuan Jiuzhong opened his eyes and was surprised to see the guy who provoked himself in Shanggan Dan Palace.

Surprised, why is he still alive?

Surprised, why would he avoid the formation and break here?

Surprised why he has such a strong soul power, and even pressured himself in the competition!

Xuan Jiuzhong has many questions, but it is no longer important. The important thing is that he wants to grab Yun Feiyang and grab back the halberd!

After all, the treasure that is above the heavenly rank is far more valuable than a half-celestial body.


Xiang Wentian, who was outside the palace, heard the son's roar, and was immediately blocked at the entrance of the tunnel. He flew to the flying cloud!

In the back, the half-central armored man has also caught up, and if there are any delays, it must be difficult to get out.

"Die to me!"

Yun Feiyang shouted angrily, his black hair instantly turned into gold, and the powerful divine power burst out suddenly, forming a terrorist power.

Xiang Wentian saw this, his face changed greatly, and his heart rose strongly.


Under the blessing of the three changes of the God of War soul body, the powerful force formed directly bombarded Xiang Wentian and flew it away.


Yun Feiyang didn't stay at all. With the blessing of divine power, he instantly sprinted to the sixth stone cave.

brush! brush! brush!

Soon, it appeared in the fifth stone cave, the fourth stone cave... until it appeared outside and got up and flew away.

The speed is really fast.

The half-celestial armor rushed out, and Yun Feiyang had disappeared.


Xuan Jiuzhong chased out, looking at the destroyed formation, his eyes flashing with anger!

The most valuable war halberd was stolen away, spitting blood out of breath, it was already very good.




Above the sky, Yun Feiyang turned into a streamer, flying at speed, but with a smile on his face.

"The quality of the War Halberd is extraordinary. I snatched it away, and the guy will definitely collapse."

At this point, Yun Feiyang's smile was stronger, but it was a pity that he did not kill the other party.

"The kid is protected by a half-celestial armor. It's a little difficult to kill him." Yun Feiyang secretly said.


Flying over the mainland.

Yun Feiyang blended in with his soul and stood in front of the War Halberd.

It took a lot of soul power to get this thing from Xuan Jiuzhong, and I must recognize the Lord quickly.

"call out!"

Yun Fei Yang Pan sat down, and the soul force poured in wildly, and began to communicate the internal spirits.

Soon, the soul power penetrated into the interior and met with the ethereal spirit.

Qi Ling looks like a human being. He sees Yun Feiyang and stunned, "How did you change people?"

After three months of hard work, Xuan Jiuzhong had already communicated with Qi Ling. He was about to recognize the Lord and was interrupted.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "That man is not worthy of controlling these magic weapons."

Qi Lingdao: "I have promised him, so I will not recognize the Lord with others."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "You have to think clearly."

Qi Lingdao: "I am a principled spirit, you go out and let the guy recognize the Lord."


Yun Feiyang shrugged and said, "Since you insist so much, I can only use means."


During the speech, the coercion from the master suddenly exploded and completely shrouded the halberd spirit.

"You..." Qi Ling said in shock: "Are you the master of a world?"


The powerful pressure pressed down, causing the device spirit to suffer, and it quickly compromised: "Don't... don't... recognize the Lord! recognize the Lord..."

No compromises.

This coercion from the Lord of the One Realm can make you vanish nothingness in an instant.

As for the principle.

I am not a person, what principles are I talking about!


A few days later, Yun Feiyang smoothly and Qi Ling recognized the Lord, completely in control, at the same time, also learned that this treasure is called Ling Tian Zhan Ji.

The owner of War Halberd, the armor man who died for tens of thousands of years, his name is Jun Lingtian.

"What was your former master, what strength did you have during your lifetime?" Yun Fei said. Ji Lingzhan tremblingly said: "The former master's strength is five ranks and five cents."

"Five grades and half cents?"

Yun Feiyang exclaimed: "So strong?"

Qi Lingdao: "Unfortunately, it still fell."

"How did you die?"

Yun Fei said.

Qi Lingdao: "The soul is frustrated."

Yun Fei Yang surprised, said: "The soul is frustrated?"

Qi Lingdao: "The host came to the medicine world a year ago, and he fought with a Dan Emperor. He was attacked by the soul and was difficult to heal himself.

Yun Feiyang was silent.

A fifth-fifth-and-a-half was killed by a Dan Emperor.

Qi Ling again said: "When attacked by the soul, the former master condensed the power of his life and slapped the Emperor Dan, and he was also dead."

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

A Fifth Grade Banxian and a Dan Emperor both died, and it is conceivable that the battle between them is definitely extremely explosive!

"Wait!" Suddenly, Yun Fei said: "You said, Emperor Dan is also dead?"

Qi Lingdao: "Nadi Emperor is only strong in soul and very fragile. He will definitely die when he takes the palm of his former master."

"Where did you die?"

Yun Fei said.

Qi Ling groaned slightly and said, "It's been too long, I don't remember clearly, it seems to be shot down in a valley."

Yun Fei Yang said: "It seems that the rumors are true, there is really a falling Dan Emperor in the Emperor Valley!"

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